Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I actually do find it funny (maybe for the wrong reasons) when the guy says that women should keep their dainty drinks (I'm assuming they mean diet sodas) while the big, tough men drink the 10 calorie sodas.

Haha! Yeah, I don't get that. I can't see how a 10 calorie soda is masculine.
I guess I'm missing something. I thought things with high calorie counts were considered manly. Like bacon, bacon's manly.:D


Well-known member
I have so much anger pent up inside of me (acumulated over my life) that sometimes it scares me. I wonder what will happen if I get to the point where I can't keep it suppressed anymore. Thats scary to think about :/
I think we all have pent-up anger, especially those who don't express it properly. I have the same thing and I hope you can release it in a healthy environment.

Yes, yes you are right the first week is definitely the most difficult and the biggest breakthrough. I hope so, too. I am not worried I will find someone to talk to, I know that will come in time. What I'm worried about is my conscience telling me I didn't do well enough, I'm more socially awkward than others, and anyone else would have adjusted so much better. I guess,what I'm saying is that I'm scared of that awful feeling: unfulfillment, letting myself down, loneliness. But not the outside loneliness... the inside loneliness. I'm scared of my own critique and how bad it will hurt. Hahaha I hope that makes sense :)
You are already doing well. You're going to school and you've adjusted more than you probably think. Changing countries won't make your issues disappear but hopefully they will lessen when you find some good friends. I wish you the best in this endeavour.

And I saw your post about saying "no" and I think that it's great progress! Assertiveness is a skill NEEDED in life, and in my opinion, it will make you happier, make you feel more confident, more in control. And those feelings are needed, they will help you to build up your self-esteem! You need to start worrying about yourself more! :) But I do understand where you are coming from: I'm EXACTLY the same. I was talked into TOO many things, including hosting a huge party at my house. Bad idea.
Thank you. It was such a small incident but I liked my insistence. My therapist wants me to say no more often and I think that's a good indication of what she's been saying. Whoa, I would never host a party at my house. I'm sorry you got talked into that!

I've had a pretty good day. I was more relaxed then usual and had a few laughs with the family. I helped my dad pick out some things for my mom for Valentine's day;She loved them. It was sweet. Also, my niece enjoyed getting chocolates and a stuffed animal. She was going around hugging everyone saying " Happy Valentine's Day" which was very cute. It's been a good day. It reminds me that I love my family. It's hard to remember sometimes. :)
I'm very glad you had a great Valentine's Day!


Well-known member
^ That picture is pretty funny. I think I like it mostly because of the Led Zeppelin song. :D

Random thoughts....

I wish I could come up with a interesting random thought to type.


Active member
Wondering whether I should be a slightly productive human being today, and take the car. I don't have anywhere that I need to be, or anything I need to buy... but maybe being out of the house for a few hours would do me some good.
I'm afraid that if I don't start leaving the house on a regular basis, I simply won't. Ever.


Well-known member
764 new posts since my last login? o.0

Brain is tired... that's why I made that thread, if anyone wants to tell me something, I'll be glad to, because I don't have to strengh to read so much atm >.<


Well-known member
akjahdsfpn. My post for my online class that I put a lot of thought into never get replies. Last night I bs'ed it, and I get owned by half the class.


Well-known member
My "friend" who just recently got his first girlfriend in his nearly 40 years.
Was making fun of me for not having a girlfriend yesterday. :p


Well-known member
My doctor's appointment that I was supposed to go to this Friday got postponed by about 3 weeks. I'm a little annoyed by it, but whatever. I'll survive.