Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


I will be meeting you one day, mate. One day. Just need the money.

If I ever become rich (pfff yeah right... my sister might though, I can sponge off her...) we will have a big global social phobia world party....and we can wear name tags that say...'hello my name is' with our usernames... it will be grand, and we can drink marguerittas and talk about how society has pushed us into the ground and so forth... and we could play our favourite music...

No but seriously... it would be cool... just imagine how less lonely and misunderstood we would all feel.

I am in a weird mood, I am sorry..


Well-known member
If I ever become rich (pfff yeah right... my sister might though, I can sponge off her...) we will have a big global social phobia world party....and we can wear name tags that say...'hello my name is' with our usernames... it will be grand, and we can drink marguerittas and talk about how society has pushed us into the ground and so forth... and we could play our favourite music...

No but seriously... it would be cool... just imagine how less lonely and misunderstood we would all feel.

I am in a weird mood, I am sorry..
That would be pretty awesome, actually! :) I'm keen for that, but for the sake of everyone's ears, we won't play my music. ;)


Well-known member
If I ever become rich (pfff yeah right... my sister might though, I can sponge off her...) we will have a big global social phobia world party....and we can wear name tags that say...'hello my name is' with our usernames... it will be grand, and we can drink marguerittas and talk about how society has pushed us into the ground and so forth... and we could play our favourite music...

No but seriously... it would be cool... just imagine how less lonely and misunderstood we would all feel.

I am in a weird mood, I am sorry..

Can it be on the moon??? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase!!!


Well-known member
Can it be on the moon??? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase!!!

Yes!!! on the moon, on the moon!! It would be to awesome to get to actually moon bounce to my favorite songs!! I have some pennies, I can chip in! It can't be that expensive to have a party on the moon!
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Well-known member
If I ever become rich (pfff yeah right... my sister might though, I can sponge off her...) we will have a big global social phobia world party....and we can wear name tags that say...'hello my name is' with our usernames... it will be grand, and we can drink marguerittas and talk about how society has pushed us into the ground and so forth... and we could play our favourite music...

No but seriously... it would be cool... just imagine how less lonely and misunderstood we would all feel.

I am in a weird mood, I am sorry..

Can it be on the moon??? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase!!!

Oooh! Let's do it! Let's do it!

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
About 20 minutes ago, a phrase popped into my head. It's a very specific phrase, and not one you would hear in everyday talk, especially not these days. So I'm browsing idly through threads on here...and that very phrase suddenly pops up! The chances of that happening must be astronomical!

So anyway, if any of you heard a loud popping sound just now, it was just my mind being blown. :D


Well-known member
Happy singles awareness day.

sqrt(cos(x))cos(300x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(6-x^2), -sqrt(6-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5

^ google that.
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Well-known member
So I've been thinking about this for a couple of days now. You don't have to read or reply but I feel good about this.

Anyway, I was at the mall a few days ago paying an $8 toll fine. As I was walking through I noticed a stall where there was a guy and a girl going up to random people trying to sell them something...I honestly don't even know what it was. Now, I hate these kinds of people; I'm aware that's just their job to be extroverted and put their nice, overbearing "selling" voice on, but they're akin to telemarketers who get in my personal space/time and try to force a product I don't need or want, and try to manipulate my thoughts into giving them my money. It's happened once before and I couldn't get out of it and I ended up being duped into paying $120 for some stupid creams.

Anyway! I tried to avoid eye contact with the girl but she must've seen I looked vulnerable or something and flagged me down. I had to make eye contact because she was walking towards me. "Hi!" she said, extending her hand. "I'm Michelle." Or maybe it was not Michelle. Whatever, haha. I shook her hand and I immediately thought, "no, I'm not having this. This is not on." She started to talk and I said, "can't stay, I'm in a rush," and started walking away. She extended her arms like she was about to shrug, and said, "what's the rush?" I pointed at the envelope I was carrying with the toll fine and said, "I have to pay a bill," and walked away, not looking back.

Now, this sort of behaviour is completely unlike me. I always wonder if I've offended the person or if I should've stayed because she's only trying to do her job and she probably doesn't want to do it as much as I don't want to stay there, blah blah blah. But this time I walked away and pretty much didn't give it a second thought. I have been thinking about this encounter for the last day or so and it's got me thinking: is this a progression in my life/way of thinking? If so, is it a good one? I used to always fret about the other person but I didn't here.

The way I'm viewing it is that I'm starting to stand up for myself and doing what I want to do, which is something I've never done before. Of course, it's baby steps and this is one incident, but I think it's a start. :)

Thanks for reading.


Well-known member
It is indeed a start Mikey! Don't be afraid to say no!

Well, as for my random thought:

You know it's a weird day when your English class starts talking about masturbation::eek::::p:!


Well-known member
It is indeed a start Mikey! Don't be afraid to say no!
It's funny because my therapist has been telling me to say no more often and stand up for myself, and while this was a small incident, I feel like it could be something to work from.

Well, as for my random thought:

You know it's a weird day when your English class starts talking about masturbation::eek::::p:!
Just...what? Haha.


Well-known member

...sometimes the simplest lyrics are the hardest to memorize.
Maybe because they don't actually mean anything?


Well-known member
I've come to realize that there are just certain things and people that always seem to bring out my anxiety, despite all my improvements and medication making me feel better about things. They're my "triggers," I guess you could say. Whenever one of my triggers is pulled, I get this instant shot of fear that only seems to (slowly) go away if I talk to people.

What's different about these triggers is that I don't think I'll ever be able to get past the fear they bring in me.