Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I've come to realize that there are just certain things and people that always seem to bring out my anxiety, despite all my improvements and medication making me feel better about things. They're my "triggers," I guess you could say. Whenever one of my triggers is pulled, I get this instant shot of fear that only seems to (slowly) go away if I talk to people.

What's different about these triggers is that I don't think I'll ever be able to get past the fear they bring in me.

I guess the important part is to not let your fear paralyze you. It's alright to be scared and have things that you're scared of. I have plenty of fears, some from childhood::eek::! But, we can't let those stop us from what we want to do.


Well-known member
You know it's a weird day when your English class starts talking about masturbation::eek::::p:!
^ We talked about that in Psychology just last week. No, it had nothing to do with psychology as it was my teacher making inappropriate jokes. :rolleyes: Yesterday he got on the topic of women wearing tight clothing and then got on the desk to demonstrate how the woman looked in an old Jordache ad he remembered. Yes, he's a complete nutter. Gotta admit though, he's funny! Definitely keeps your attention in class.


Well-known member
^ We talked about that in Psychology just last week. No, it had nothing to do with psychology as it was my teacher making inappropriate jokes. :rolleyes: Yesterday he got on the topic of women wearing tight clothing and then got on the desk to demonstrate how the woman looked in an old Jordache ad he remembered. Yes, he's a complete nutter. Gotta admit though, he's funny! Definitely keeps your attention in class.
Wow, that's incredible! Sounds like you need a broad sense of humour in that classroom. :)

I remember my year 8 history teacher always saying inappropriate jokes and goofing off all the time. Once he drew a teacher we all hated on the chalkboard with a speech bubble saying "you're all late!" I remember he looked at it and said, "uh, I should erase that just in case."

When you're doing such things with a bunch of 13-14 year olds you're bound to get laughs. Which he did!


Well-known member
Wow, that's incredible! Sounds like you need a broad sense of humour in that classroom. :)

I remember my year 8 history teacher always saying inappropriate jokes and goofing off all the time. Once he drew a teacher we all hated on the chalkboard with a speech bubble saying "you're all late!" I remember he looked at it and said, "uh, I should erase that just in case."

When you're doing such things with a bunch of 13-14 year olds you're bound to get laughs. Which he did!
^ Haha that's great! I LOVE teachers with a sense of humor. While I don't always agree with his inappropriateness, I still find myself laughing because he's so funny. He basically says it like it is, no censoring at all. I think he's more crude with our class though because over half my class consists of guys. Yeah, lots of jokes about women and bathroom behaviors are expected. ::p:


Well-known member
^ Haha that's great! I LOVE teachers with a sense of humor. While I don't always agree with his inappropriateness, I still find myself laughing because he's so funny. He basically says it like it is, no censoring at all. I think he's more crude with our class though because over half my class consists of guys. Yeah, lots of jokes about women and bathroom behaviors are expected. ::p:
As long as it doesn't offend you then that's okay. :) It'd make that class a lot more interesting and fun to go to.
Well I might be single but I still ended up spending 3 hours with each of my 2 favorite guys at the time on valentine's day. Mwhahaha!!!

^Way to go girl!:cool:

I have so much anger pent up inside of me (acumulated over my life) that sometimes it scares me. I wonder what will happen if I get to the point where I can't keep it suppressed anymore. Thats scary to think about :/


Well-known member
I have so much anger pent up inside of me (acumulated over my life) that sometimes it scares me. I wonder what will happen if I get to the point where I can't keep it suppressed anymore. Thats scary to think about :/

You're like me in that respect. So much anger within you, just waiting to get out. If you're anything like me, you'll have "episodes" where that fury becomes unbridled and you begin to seethe with hatred at everyone and everything. You and I need to do something to get that anger out because it will, one way or another, and it may come out in a form that we wouldn't expect...... or desire. Maybe you just need to talk to someone about it to get those feelings out or you can let that agression out through punching something like a pillow. Martial arts/self-defense can also help.


I am just wondering how many people tend to agree with points of view just because it confirms their own beliefs about the way things are - particularly about issues that are emotionally charged - rather than taking an objective stand toward them.

I was reading an article about humanisitic psychology today - and I tell you, I agreed with pretty much every word... I was so happy, that finally someone understood...

but immediately afterward... I had that thought.


Well-known member
I have so much anger pent up inside of me (acumulated over my life) that sometimes it scares me. I wonder what will happen if I get to the point where I can't keep it suppressed anymore. Thats scary to think about :/
^ I know how you feel, I have a lot of anger pent up too from over the years. I don't want to know what will happen if I can't suppress it anymore, especially if someone ends up pissing me off. I'm afraid I'm going to end up hurting someone. ::(:


Well-known member
Is it normal to already be worried about the upcoming summer? Expectations and stuff like that...

I soo want it to be better than summer of 2011. I was sitting inside pale like a ghost.


Well-known member
The first week is the one where you have to get used to your surroundings and what your life is going to be like. Now that all that's passed you can concentrate on just being who you are and hopefully you'll be accepted by a bunch of nice people at your school.

As you know, school is a difficult environment for making friends and keeping them. Not everyone is loyal to each other and it can be a real headache. At least it was for me, anyway, and I would hope you have no such troubles.

You're more than welcome. If you ever want to chat about anything, you know how to reach me.

Yes, yes you are right the first week is definitely the most difficult and the biggest breakthrough. I hope so, too. I am not worried I will find someone to talk to, I know that will come in time. What I'm worried about is my conscience telling me I didn't do well enough, I'm more socially awkward than others, and anyone else would have adjusted so much better. I guess,what I'm saying is that I'm scared of that awful feeling: unfulfillment, letting myself down, loneliness. But not the outside loneliness... the inside loneliness. I'm scared of my own critique and how bad it will hurt. Hahaha I hope that makes sense :)

Thank you for replying!

And I saw your post about saying "no" and I think that it's great progress! Assertiveness is a skill NEEDED in life, and in my opinion, it will make you happier, make you feel more confident, more in control. And those feelings are needed, they will help you to build up your self-esteem! You need to start worrying about yourself more! :) But I do understand where you are coming from: I'm EXACTLY the same. I was talked into TOO many things, including hosting a huge party at my house. Bad idea.

^ I know how you feel. Moving to a new school is always tough. I moved to NY when I was 10, and even though I didn't have SA then, it was still hard for me to fit in. I never fully fit in here either. Coming from the city to an extremely small rural town, people around here don't always accept you. While elementary school was fine for me, by high school everyone changed and I was teased quite a bit. I did have friends though in high school, even if some of those friends weren't exactly the best. I don't mean to dampen your spirits with my negative experiences, as it's different for everyone. I will say this though, the one place where I felt I truly belonged was in Yearbook club. When I joined, it was just something to do, I didn't think I'd stick with it. I was in it for 5 years, made co-editor in chief last year, was (and still am) friends with my advisor, and it was tons of fun. (Even though a couple of the people I worked with weren't the friendliest) My advice to you is to join a club or two, while also following Mikey's advice with being friendly. That's how you meet new people and make friends. Good luck!

Thank you for the advice! And I'm sorry to hear that High School wasn't/ isn't paradise for you, but as I've been told multiple times, who you are and what you do in High school never reflects what will happen in the future! I'm also glad you found something that you really enjoyed! However, are you still in high school? :)

I am on the swim team but I have been skipping out on practice lately because I had a lot of school work to do. However, I will start two-hour training everyday, starting from next week! Hoping to meet some nice people there :) And yes, starting in a new environment is always hard, I do understand that, it's just that I feel I have no excuse for being that unsociable. I'm here for almost four weeks! I should be fitting in just right by now and that's what gets me down: I did worst than I expected.

Ughhh, I hate limiting my smiley faces hahahah
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Well-known member
I've had a pretty good day. I was more relaxed then usual and had a few laughs with the family. I helped my dad pick out some things for my mom for Valentine's day;She loved them. It was sweet. Also, my niece enjoyed getting chocolates and a stuffed animal. She was going around hugging everyone saying " Happy Valentine's Day" which was very cute. It's been a good day. It reminds me that I love my family. It's hard to remember sometimes. :)


Well-known member
Thank you for the advice! And I'm sorry to hear that High School wasn't/ isn't paradise for you, but as I've been told multiple times, who you are and what you do in High school never reflects what will happen in the future! I'm also glad you found something that you really enjoyed! However, are you still in high school? :)

I am on the swim team but I have been skipping out on practice lately because I had a lot of school work to do. However, I will start two-hour training everyday, starting from next week! Hoping to meet some nice people there :) And yes, starting in a new environment is always hard, I do understand that, it's just that I feel I have no excuse for being that unsociable. I'm here for almost four weeks! I should be fitting in just right by now and that's what gets me down: I did worst than I expected.

Ughhh, I hate limiting my smiley faces hahahah
^ Not in high school anymore, I just graduated back in June. YES! :D

Glad you're in something. That sounds like a pretty good start! Hopefully you'll meet some nice new folks. Even after 4 weeks of not fitting in, try not to stress about it. As long as you're making the effort to put yourself out there, socialize, and trying to make friends, it should all fall in place. Good luck with everything! :)
Wow, I wonder who's brilliant idea this was?
I'm surprised somebody actually approved this advertisement.
I'm not easily offended, but this is offensive.

Kinda funny, though.

I actually do find it funny (maybe for the wrong reasons) when the guy says that women should keep their dainty drinks (I'm assuming they mean diet sodas) while the big, tough men drink the 10 calorie sodas.