LOL i wish i was also an alien then i would probably have an excuse for my wierdness, but the closest i get to an alien status is the fact that my parents were "illegal aliens" would that count? =P Im doing well working on a term paper (made it interesting by focusing on Harry Potter =)...How are you doing?
So cool! Do you speak French? :: I love the language, it's so fluently.
I visited france, and it is cool, i love the mountains and the rivers.
Free is a beautiful name! 21 degrees is lovely, it's not cold, it is nice! (celcius)
Life is good good, finally the weather is normal again, last night a lot of thunders and it's been 33 degrees here, lol. Today it is 21, it is perfect now ::
i'm going to the mall this afternoon, and i'll be doing homework for my group training.
are you from france btw? because of the .fr ? or what does it strand for?
When I am in darker moods (like these days) my writing shifts from pointless humor/sarcasm to a potentially magnificent, dread filled display of words. That could be described like a cup of rare wine. Not saying a tasty wine more dry and bitter.