Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
So much homework, so much math, I've already sleep through two classes. and what in the worlds is the pdf of a derivative, i never knew of such a thing? ::(:
Ah well time for work now.


Well-known member
So much homework, so much math, I've already sleep through two classes. and what in the worlds is the pdf of a derivative, i never knew of such a thing? ::(:
Ah well time for work now.

hold in there! pdf is most likely probability density function, what sort of math are you taking? stats?


Well-known member
Probablility density function, Ok that makes sense ::p: I knew that. Yeah statistics. All 14 units of stats for the following three months

Oh boy! Good luck, just stay on top of it. I never had to take stats in school, I always avoided it at all costs but I've had to brush upon it while studying quantum mechanics and I've found it tough but that was on my own. But yeah, giver good! You can do it!


Well-known member
Just made a few small changes to my room. Took out my nightstand because I'm sick of looking at it and I've had it for years. Moved my bookshelf so it's next to my bed and then rearranged all my books again for the second time this month. Weird how little changes like this make me happy. :)


Well-known member
I've recently been watching quite a bit of dragon ball z, man that was a good show haha

It so was!!!!, i remember being a bit scared at first given that i always imagined myself in Goku's position, then as i grew up with it, i was just confused at the time lapses and seeming loopholes that somehow just appeared from one day to the next. Nevertheless,i have to say, other than Narnia, my most coveted destination to live in and visit would be King Kai's planet. i always wished there was an actual place like this :D.


Well-known member
Haha, king Kai's planet is the best! Oh man, I know goku is turning super Saiyan in one of these episodes coming up hahaha!

Also on a complete side note, I was looking at the weather in Canada and so far everyone seems to be having a mild winter but we just got a bunch of snow and it looks like everywhere else is gonna get hit hard. Yeah winter!!

Hahaha and this is my 300th post.... I think...


Well-known member
Cos without the drums, bands would lack any sense of rhythm or timing. The guitarists and singers may get all the girls and the fame and the money and the cars and the... Wait... Well anyway, we drummers have the moral victory of knowing we're important even when no-one else recognises it.
You're not making it any easier for me! :) But I was implying that went on them yesterday and I sucked. I feel like it's always two steps forward, one step back when I play.

Just made a few small changes to my room. Took out my nightstand because I'm sick of looking at it and I've had it for years. Moved my bookshelf so it's next to my bed and then rearranged all my books again for the second time this month. Weird how little changes like this make me happy. :)
A change is as good as a holiday. Good for you. :)


Well-known member
I get enthusiastic about new hobbies and stuff like that for a few weeks, and then I just seem to forget about them. The result is I have a bunch of half-finished projects lying around. I never finish what I start. I know it would be a confidence booster to actually finish something for once.


Staff member
I get enthusiastic about new hobbies and stuff like that for a few weeks, and then I just seem to forget about them. The result is I have a bunch of half-finished projects lying around. I never finish what I start. I know it would be a confidence booster to actually finish something for once.

I've been like that all my life....Bah!

The Lost

Well-known member
Why can't I stop obsessing over this? When somone randomly insults me, I can't let go of it. I know it's said by idiots with nothing better to do, but it plays in my mind over and over for days sometimes, analysing it, to the point where I feel sick. I don't know how to stop this.
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Well-known member
I feel like going out and trying to change things, so I'm thinking of walking around asking if anyone is hiring. Do you think someone might hire me if I simply ask? I think that's what I'm gonna try.


Active member
I feel like going out and trying to change things, so I'm thinking of walking around asking if anyone is hiring. Do you think someone might hire me if I simply ask? I think that's what I'm gonna try.

It can't hurt to put yourself out there. The worst they can do is say there are no openings and give you an application to fill out anyway. Good luck when you go! :)


Well-known member
I'm hesitating a bit, I think I'll go in a minute. Thanks for the support, Arise. By the way, I love your avatar, Emily Strange is awesome. ^.^

Good luck to you , Leonie, I'm sure everything will work out. I just hope you didn't rush into it. The pain that can fallow that kinda mistake isn't something that should be taken lightly.
If any of you want to talk or anything feel free.