Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Soooooo i think i might have an actual crush on someone, not a platonic one, not an online one, not a celebrity one, nor one in which i only see a guy in class and learn his name but look away when he looks back, also not one in which the guy happens to be my friend and never notices that i actually like him. Well i could go on like this forever, but point is i think this might actually lead just don't be so antisocial and text back, smile and be able to have a normal conversation. Now just don't get too hung up in case it really doesn't turn out well.


Well-known member
I unfortunately live in the place with the highest unemployment rate in my state. It's often twice the national average. I can't move because my parents live here and I would die without their support.
Sorry to hear that, BlueDays. ::(: If it makes you feel any better, I live in the highest youth unemployment area in my state. I hope you can find something, anything.


Well-known member
Soooooo i think i might have an actual crush on someone, not a platonic one, not an online one, not a celebrity one, nor one in which i only see a guy in class and learn his name but look away when he looks back, also not one in which the guy happens to be my friend and never notices that i actually like him. Well i could go on like this forever, but point is i think this might actually lead just don't be so antisocial and text back, smile and be able to have a normal conversation. Now just don't get too hung up in case it really doesn't turn out well.
Do you want to have this crush? If so, I think you should ask him on a date or something. :)


Well-known member
Okay, I am behind the 8-ball, so bear with me. Haha. Anyway, that's fantastic! Hopefully the date goes well and you have a nice boyfriend coming up. :D

Like i said, couple days ago and it did go well, second one is coming up. But the b-word scares me so i'll just avoid it for now haha. Thanks for the wishes though :D


Well-known member
So I'm sitting here, not feeling very cheery, and I get a call from my friend. He basically called me to tell me he's in a low mood regarding his lack of relationships, and he decided to confide in me. It's amazing how when someone calls about their problems, mine don't seem so important anymore.

Is that selfless or self-hating?
So I'm sitting here, not feeling very cheery, and I get a call from my friend. He basically called me to tell me he's in a low mood regarding his lack of relationships, and he decided to confide in me. It's amazing how when someone calls about their problems, mine don't seem so important anymore.

Is that selfless or self-hating?

I'd say that is pretty selfless. A fantastic quality, if you ask me.

There are SO MANY people that would brush off the phone call as ''no big deal'' when they have problems of their own. You however, put your friend above yourself when it was necessary. Not acting like you did to throw him some nice words, but you actually put him in front of yourself.

So, if I ever see you in real life, remind me to buy you a box of cookies for this. ;3 <3


Well-known member
I think one of the reasons I've failed with making friends since i finished school years ago, is because I always compare new people to the friends I had at school. Plus, I find myself not really caring about peoples lives when they talk about themselves, since I know that if I want to try and be friends with them, I'll have to learn about a whole new person, whereas the friends I used to have I already know, so it's much easier.
I shouldn't talk to anyone on YouTube. That place is extremely bad for my blood pressure.

Difference of opinion = Good.
Defending it with arguments = Good.
Having no manners doing so, and resorting to name calling, and attacking verbally in a very personal way = Lame.

And of course when they do the latter, I am compelled to teach them manners. In a literal sense. Which is difficult when you can only write 500 character per messages, unable to elaborate on anything. Ugh. It just always proves to be such a fruitless effort.
I shouldn't talk to anyone on YouTube. That place is extremely bad for my blood pressure.

Difference of opinion = Good.
Defending it with arguments = Good.
Having no manners doing so, and resorting to name calling, and attacking verbally in a very personal way = Lame.

And of course when they do the latter, I am compelled to teach them manners. In a literal sense. Which is difficult when you can only write 500 character per messages, unable to elaborate on anything. Ugh. It just always proves to be such a fruitless effort.

There are so many 'Flamers' out there. Don't let your ass get burned bro.

They always seem to not care and tend to send weird comments our way, just let them be evil and you know whose better if comes to being polite.

Different opinions on youtube smashing on your profile and comment box, oh well, it's your place and your fun, we're never good enough for anyone in this world.

Some think your cool and pretty, some think your awful and ugly and non sense. Even if 90 procent will tell you last with no blast, just count on the 10 % true people who are way beyond them!


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Facebook brings out the worst in people. Or so it would most certainly seem. In much the same way as a YouTube comment section does.


Active member
I am reading a book at the moment about anxiety and overcoming it.

My work has started getting stressful so decided to read up on ways to manage stress and anxiety.

One of the chapters is called Being has completely hit the nail on the head for me! I definitely need to be more assertive, in work, with friends and family, with everything!

So for 2012 this is an area I am going to work on:)


Well-known member
got a tremendous amount of laundry done today

went to the coin-op laundry - cost a little, but it was worth it to get it all done

i evidently have enough apparel to clothe a family of five

assuming they were all the same size


Well-known member
Not very good at consoling/comforting people. Mum's friend died this evening, and I don't really know what I'm supposed to do/say. So I suspect I'll just do what I do in every situation and ignore things and remain quiet.


Well-known member
Not very good at consoling/comforting people. Mum's friend died this evening, and I don't really know what I'm supposed to do/say. So I suspect I'll just do what I do in every situation and ignore things and remain quiet.

Aw, I am sorry to hear that this happened. I can definitely relate with not knowing what to say. I never know how to handle those situations.

I would try just asking her if there is anything you can do for her or just tell her that you wanted to let her know you were there for her for whatever she needed. Ask her if there's anything she needs/wants you to do for her.

You don't have to have some magic wand to make her pain go away, sometimes just letter her know you're there is enough.