Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Money turns people into such jerks.
You said it.

A woman just this morning told me how she bought a house, but then 2 hours later got a call saying someone offered $5,000 more, so she then couldn't get it. It's all greed.

My auntie made my grandmother change her will at her death bed so she could get all of her inheritance. How terrible is that!


Well-known member
That's absolutely awful that your auntie did that. It was her mother right? You'd think she'd have other things she'd want to talk about at that time.
I hate the concept of money and what it turns people into and I hate seeing the lengths people will go to just for a little more of it, and a lot of the time it's people who already have enough money to live on, but just want that little bit more!

If I had it my way everybody would have a cap on their personal bank accounts. Unrealistic I know but, might make people be less idiotic.
Yeah, it was her mother. I didn't really know that side of the family too much but now no-one talks to my auntie, for good reason. Another auntie of mine died recently and there was a storm of who gets her stuff. One relative has family through marriage in the Phillipines and he was trying to secure most of her possessions so he could send them over there! There were a few fights like that. I just have to shake my head and wonder how people I'm related to can stoop so low. It's a good thing I don't know them very well.

I'm with you, Twiggle. The concept of money and the desire for people to have as much as they can get their hands on turns people into snarling vultures at the drop of a hat. The more money you have, the more money you want. That's the way society has "progressed". I've started hating the ultra-need for money years ago and it has not abated any time soon.

My best friend and I are (slowly) writing a script for a TV show. It's something fun we decided to try and he had a good basis for an idea for it. I'm doing it because it'll be fun to write and to be creative. He's doing it because he wants money. He's also told me in a joking-yet-serious way that he will get more of the cut than I will because he's put more ideas into the script, but "don't worry, I'll make sure you'll never have to work again." Yeah, this is my best friend who's already made it clear he'll screw me over if the time comes.

I don't even care about the money - I was just doing it because it's a fun little project that's away from my usual boring routine. To know my best friend is willing to give himself a bigger percentage of whatever money it happens to make shows me how money-hungry he actually is.

Sorry for ranting, but that was good to finally get out.


Well-known member
Family feuds due to money are the worst. Blood is thicker than water. Money is apparently thicker than blood :rolleyes:

It turns people into absolute monsters and is essentially the basis of every advertisement and product there is out there. Businesses just want more money. Employees work hard every single day just to maximise profit. The greater the profit, the greater the venue for the Christmas party. That's why I prefer the not-for-profit sector ;)

But with money in general...everybody wants to have the best of everything. Remember when people were satisfied with phones that just made calls? We can't even buy those anymore. Maybe I'm being hypocritical - I do have a smartphone as I like features like Whatsapp. But I could easily live without it.

It's pretty sad that your friend has made a comment already (albeit a jokey one) about the money that will come from your project. There's no harm in wanting to make money out of a hobby but I think it should come secondary to the actual enjoyment of doing it. And I hope that your friend doesn't alter the way he expresses himself in this project to something that he thinks would appeal to the audience more.

Good for you anyway, for doing it just because you enjoy it :) That's how you really make something good, not by turning it into a money vehicle! It sounds like a lot of fun!

And never apologise for ranting. That's what this board is here for!:)
Money is thicker than everything when it comes to family feuds. My mother's side seem to be struck with the money bug - even my mother herself has had some money issues which I won't post here for the time being. It's been bad for them.

The not-for-rofit sector is a better alternative, but I'm always skeptical about things like that. Maybe I've become too desensitised these days, but I know that for everything to work, money has to be involved in one way or another. Even charities need to get money from somewhere. Maybe I'm simply too negative about the whole system, but I can't help it.

You make a good point with the phones, but I don't think you're being hypocritical. Smart phones will completely obliterate the older generation, if it hasn't basically done so already, so what choice do you have? You may as well enjoy what you have while you have it. I would like to make more of a rant about phones, but I'll save that for now.

If we make money from this pilot (which I really, really doubt), that will be a nice added extra for the "work" we've put into it. He doesn't see it that way, and believes the writing of the script needs to appeal to the widest possible audience so it can maximize profits in the long run. This is a means to an end he really wants to reach.

It's not just that, though. I'm in a band that's probably going to lose more money than what we'll earn. I've come to accept that, and I already accept the fact that I don't get paid when I play live. I'm in the band because I enjoy creating songs and I enjoy playing the drums. My friend has recently started a band with one of his friends for the sole purpose of making it go somewhere big and make lots of money. He believes they have the skills and the songwriting capabilities to stand out from the millions of other bands who have similar aspirations.

I was also involved in a YouTube video he wanted to create. I did it as a fun project, again. He wanted to get 100,000,000 views on it and become a YouTube sensation and get sponsors to make some money. I'm not even kidding about this one. As it is, he couldn't get a suitable female role in the video and it's been indefinitely shelved.

I should reiterate that yeah, he is my best friend, but his desire to have money and live rich seems to supersede his actual direction of his interests. He has asked me once why I'm in a band that doesn't appear to go anywhere financially, and I told him it's because I just like playing the drums in that and it gets me to be creative. He understood but he did find it strange.

Thanks again for letting me rant. I don't usually enjoy talking so much about myself but this is something I've been thinking about and your mention of money and the corruption it breeds bought it out of me.


not actually Fiona Apple
Commenting on how much butter your sister puts on her rolls is not a good idea.

And I can't believe Verlander won MVP! He did have an amazing season, but he already won Cy Young, AKA Most Valuable Pitcher essentially. What does Ellsbury get for being the best Position player? 2nd place in the MVP voting And a silver slugger and a golden glove and the comeback player of the year award.


Well-known member
^ xD

I just fell big time going up the stairs. Yeah you read that correctly: UP the stairs.
Lost my footing and fell face first and my nose collided with the step upon impact. I look like Cyrano de Bergerac now -__-


Well-known member
Today on my way out the door at work one of my coworkers said goodbye to me. I said goodbye and wished him a happy thanksgiving. Then I basically just stopped in my tracks and smacked myself in the head---there's still TWO DAYS til Thanksgiving. Now I'm going to have to avoid crossing paths with him at work til then....
I really miss the darkroom. ::(: Good luck with your prints!

I loved being in the darkroom! We had one in high school. It was awesome. It was actually in a separate room from the art room, so you'd have to walk in on some shop or mechanics class and get in the little swively door that groaned like an old man. We had a radio in there to entertain us and I remember having several dance parties, both by myself and with friends. The annoying part was that the kids in the mechanics class would start spinning the door like mad to annoy us or stick a pencil in the jam so we'd get stuck. Good times.


Well-known member
So your major has something to do with the medical field, huh? Sounds nice:). What's your dream career?

Yepyep, I'm going into medical assistance. I'd love to be a nurse though, but the nursing program is intense. I figure if I start off small and work my way up I'll eventually make it into nursing :)

Are you taking anything school wise??


not actually Fiona Apple
Why is it when we want to forget we cannot?
Why is it when we forget we can't remember why?

Trying to forget something is a very unfulfilling endeavor, because if you are truly successful you will not know it. If you are able to unsee what was seen, it is as if it was never seen at all.


Well-known member
Yepyep, I'm going into medical assistance. I'd love to be a nurse though, but the nursing program is intense. I figure if I start off small and work my way up I'll eventually make it into nursing :)

Are you taking anything school wise??

You'll make it. Just do your best, keep up with your work and plan well and you'll make it to your dream:D!

I'm working towards a Psychology major with a minor in Social Works. However, I'm thinking about getting a double major with Creative Writing. Right now, I'm signed up for Intro to Creative Writing, while finishing up my general requirements, working towards my major, and starting on my minor. I'm trying to become a divorce mediator and/or an author.


Well-known member
You'll make it. Just do your best, keep up with your work and plan well and you'll make it to your dream:D!

I'm working towards a Psychology major with a minor in Social Works. However, I'm thinking about getting a double major with Creative Writing. Right now, I'm signed up for Intro to Creative Writing, while finishing up my general requirements, working towards my major, and starting on my minor. I'm trying to become a divorce mediator and/or an author.

That awesome! You're a really good writer and you've always made me feel better about myself. I think you picked the perfect major/minor. ::p: