Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

VPSMeteor Minecraft server hosting kinda sucks. The servers themselves are great, but they take forever to update them. The new Minecraft came out like 3 days ago (4 counting today), and they still haven't updated. Which means, I we can't enter the server.

Heck, when I send them a message asking whether they could update the servers, they simply don't respond. It's not like it's a free service. :/

I think I'm going to switch. Having to wait nearly a week longer then necessary out of negligence on their side is unacceptable.


Well-known member
...this show about newlyweds is kiiiiiinda... super boring.
I guess I was a way more exciting 'newlywed' for 5 years - without being 'wed' yet?
A good tip for Social Phobies:

Go outside for a walk. Let out your cucumber out like a dog on a leash and hold your head up high and walk like you don't care. Just look around a little how and if people look at you. Freaking scary, for most people. Still worth a try, about the people: they don't give a crap, wether you walk alone, with a friend, a real dog, with your pink wig or a silly costume, or with your cucumber on the collar, they won't give a dollar.

So who cares. We're just a passenger on the road.
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cucumber? :confused: ::p:


Yah. But the dog is the cucumber, you're letting a cucumber out, instead of a dog. A cucumber on the line, walking besides you. That's why it's such a step for us, right? Stil brave.

Even people without SA wouldn't do this. haha

Cute picture btw. haha


Well-known member
Days like these make me wish I didn't wake up. The thought of not existing is pleasant to me at times. What makes it worse, is that all of these thoughts/feelings/fears are inside my head, nowhere else. I feel like I'm driving myself mad.


Active member
I feel weird today.....maybe it's cos it's Monday!

I completely froze today at the photocopier when the Head manager came over and asked me a question......I must have looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, she ended the conversation quickly and walked off and then I felt stupid!! I hate making other people feel awkward because I'm feeling awkward!!

This was my only bad moment of the far:)


Well-known member
In your face, Nathaniel Hawthorne! I was late reading your book and didn't pay attention for the most part, but I still aced that paper:D! Who's got the scarlet A now, huh:rolleyes:?

Also Leonie, if it makes you feel any better, I look like a deer caught in headlights when people look or smile at me::eek::. I can't help it; I'm not used to it, so I don't expect it. Your day will get better, promise.


Well-known member
I've tried several things to distract myself, but nothing seems to work anymore.

I know that the past is gone but memories still hurt...


Well-known member
Days like these make me wish I didn't wake up. The thought of not existing is pleasant to me at times. What makes it worse, is that all of these thoughts/feelings/fears are inside my head, nowhere else. I feel like I'm driving myself mad.
Aw, Lady. That's no good. Feel free to vent my way if necessary.

I feel weird today.....maybe it's cos it's Monday!

I completely froze today at the photocopier when the Head manager came over and asked me a question......I must have looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, she ended the conversation quickly and walked off and then I felt stupid!! I hate making other people feel awkward because I'm feeling awkward!!

This was my only bad moment of the far:)
That's not exactly a bad moment! Hopefully your day gets better.

In your face, Nathaniel Hawthorne! I was late reading your book and didn't pay attention for the most part, but I still aced that paper:D! Who's got the scarlet A now, huh:rolleyes:?
Check out the big brain on Deadman! Smart guy right here.

I've tried several things to distract myself, but nothing seems to work anymore.

I know that the past is gone but memories still hurt...
Memories are the one thing that you can't erase (okay, you could, but that involves blows to the head, and we don't want to do that, do we?), so they'll constantly come back to haunt you when you idle your mind. The best thing to do is accept what happened and try to leave it in the past. Waaaaaay easier said than done, of course.