Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
My roommate was supposed to be gone by now for break, but instead she's leaving tomorrow.

I was looking forward to having two nights all to myself. :/
Oh well. At least I get tomorrow night to myself, and then I have a kind of half-day on Wednesday. Only going to two classes, but have to go have a little chat with dining services. >.> Should be fun.


Well-known member
Today on my way out the door at work one of my coworkers said goodbye to me. I said goodbye and wished him a happy thanksgiving. Then I basically just stopped in my tracks and smacked myself in the head---there's still TWO DAYS til Thanksgiving. Now I'm going to have to avoid crossing paths with him at work til then....
Oh, yeah. Everyone does this.

Someone else: "Hi, Michael."
Me: "Good, thanks."



Well-known member
That awesome! You're a really good writer and you've always made me feel better about myself. I think you picked the perfect major/minor. ::p:

Thank you! I try my best to make everyone on here happy when they're feeling down! But, I usually think that I'm not helping anyone or that I'm being a nuisance::eek::.

The reason I'm trying for a Creative Writing major because my English teacher told me that my writing is pretty good and I have an overactive imagination::p:. But, the thing is, with my stories, is that I can't extend them as far as I want to. I could write a whole story arc in 3 pages, but I want to extend it to like 400-600 pages. Well, that's why I'm going to a Creative Writing class: to sharpen up my writing skills!


Well-known member
The reason I'm trying for a Creative Writing major because my English teacher told me that my writing is pretty good and I have an overactive imagination::p:. But, the thing is, with my stories, is that I can't extend them as far as I want to. I could write a whole story arc in 3 pages, but I want to extend it to like 400-600 pages. Well, that's why I'm going to a Creative Writing class: to sharpen up my writing skills!
I know this was not directed at me but this is damn cool. I want to read one of your stories one day!


Well-known member
Thank you! I try my best to make everyone on here happy when they're feeling down! But, I usually think that I'm not helping anyone or that I'm being a nuisance::eek::.

The reason I'm trying for a Creative Writing major because my English teacher told me that my writing is pretty good and I have an overactive imagination::p:. But, the thing is, with my stories, is that I can't extend them as far as I want to. I could write a whole story arc in 3 pages, but I want to extend it to like 400-600 pages. Well, that's why I'm going to a Creative Writing class: to sharpen up my writing skills!

Good luck with you classes. I'd love to read your stories too :)
Stupid electricity company shutting off the electricity for 5 and 1/2 hours for maintenance today!:eek: Don't they know there are people who can't survive and go nuts without being able to use their computer for 5 and 1/2 hours. geez!:rolleyes:


not actually Fiona Apple
I getting real sick of people deleting me from facebook for no particular reason. Especially when its people from socialphobiaworld.

There probably are particular reasons, but probably have nothing to do with you. Especially those people from SPW, who are known for being irrational thinkers.


Well-known member
It depends how big the charity is I guess. I work for a very small one, I don't get paid and the director only gets paid for 40% of his labour. Most money goes straight towards projects. I'm not sure about bigger charities, but I share your scepticism. Isn't it sad that we can't even donate to charity without worrying about corruption. All good charities should implement a clear set of terms and conditions on their payment pages though, which act as a doctrine over where the money goes exactly. I know this because I've just set one up ;)
I agree. Working for a smaller charity is better as there's far less overheads and more chance of your money going to something worthwhile. A clear set of terms and conditions is a fantastic idea, but one no-one would be willing to implement.

It's important to rant whenever you need to. I rant all the time here. But it's surely better to let off steam here, than in real life. And letting off steam in here, is better than keeping it all within.
Again I think the best artists are the ones who don't start out searching for money. Your band is probably better than your friend's because you're doing it through a love of music. Batch-produced music all sounds the same because the artists write what they think people want to hear, but in my experience the most passionate of music fans prefer the stuff that is a little more understated - simply because there's more passion in it, and people can relate to it more. Whenever I hear chart music I almost have to shut my ears because to me it's not really music, it's marketing.
Yeah, I'll remember to rant a little more. :) And I absolutely agree about marketed music. I have agreed with it for years now. It's practically unlistenable.


Well-known member
Feels like my first class (which mostly involved me taking an exam) went by fast. I hope to God that this and the next class both go by just as fast, too. I just want to be done for the day. Man, I hate Tuesdays and Thursdays... Then again, I hate every day lately. Life sucks.


Well-known member
Stupid electricity company shutting off the electricity for 5 and 1/2 hours for maintenance today!:eek: Don't they know there are people who can't survive and go nuts without being able to use their computer for 5 and 1/2 hours. geez!:rolleyes:

i thought that only happens in my country. man the problems we've had with electricity in this place. a few days ago most of our appliances stopped working, because of cable theft.


Well-known member
Great. A tornado watch is in effect; how lucky am I:mad:! And just when I decided to go get something to eat before it broke out is when it decided to break out! Now I've got to wait until 5:00 until it's finished (hopefully)!
Not motivated to do crap this week.

I don't think anyone wants to do anything but eat this week.

Great. A tornado watch is in effect; how lucky am I:mad:! And just when I decided to go get something to eat before it broke out is when it decided to break out! Now I've got to wait until 5:00 until it's finished (hopefully)!

Stay safe!

It's been raining a bit the past couple of days. I want it to turn to snow.
I feel like the more time I spend on this forum, I become less sweet and more argumentative. It's becoming tiresome.

When I first got on here, I was all sweet and agreed with everyone. Now that I've found my voice and I'm not afraid to use it, I have gotten into a couple arguments with people. I think it's just the natural progression of going from newbie to seasoned user. When I start to get irritated, I take a break for a day or two. It seems to help me.