Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

That, the Patriot Act, the Endangered Species Act, and any number of other laws bother me.

It's not enough to be worried. What would you propose we do about it?

I don't know. I just don't want to lose my Interwebs. We're best friends.

(Do you know how hard it is to get a GIF under 19.5kb?? Insanely hard, that's how hard.)


Well-known member
Every night before I goto sleep I ask the lord to take me while I sleep - yet I still seem to wake up.

you are still here because this is not the time for you to go

life is hard sometime , even all the time for some , but hidden somewhere is also peace and well being , we all have to figure it out , this pain is just an obstacle , don't let it stop you


Active member
you are still here because this is not the time for you to go

life is hard sometime , even all the time for some , but hidden somewhere is also peace and well being , we all have to figure it out , this pain is just an obstacle , don't let it stop you

Thanks for the kind words.
I don't have the proper equipment to do all that fancy stuff. That's why I really want Photoshop CS5 for Christmas.

Are you there, Santa? It's me, superfluous. I know you heard me, old man. Deliver or there will be hell to pay.

GIMP is free, and it should be able to do that. I think. I don't know, because I've never done it.
I'll check that out.



Well-known member
I feel horrible and lonely. I don't have anyone to talk to anymore. I want to give up on school. It's too close to the end (of the semester) and yet not close enough. I've checked out.

I am very disappointed in myself. I have been working out and trying to eat right. I have been counting calories through a fitness website and staying under my goal. I have been riding my bike and walking a lot- nothing too strenuous but I've been getting active. I have also been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred. Lots and lots of people have lost quite a few inches and pounds using this dvd. So I was like, Yeah! I'll do it! 30 days later and I only lost one inch in my hips and no where else. I think I only lost about 2 pounds in the last month too. I am so disappointed. So I pretty much just stuffed my face all day long. I couldn't stop myself.

I want to go back to eating the way I used to. I was chubby, but I was happier in a way. Things weren't so stressful. I am alone now and no one care about me. It doesn't matter if I am fat or skinny, I am still going to be alone. So why can't I just eat cake and watch tv?


Well-known member
Sometimes I wonder about the physical toll all this constant anxiety and stress will take when I get older. Reduced lifespan? Greater heart attack risk? Premature aging? I guess worrying about it will only make it worse though.