Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I ate a lot of sugary things and tested my blood sugar an hour later and got 216. However I didn't eat any sugar the day before so maybe I am just sensitive to it today. Does that mean I'm diabetic or is that normal?


Well-known member
I ate a lot of sugary things and tested my blood sugar an hour later and got 216. However I didn't eat any sugar the day before so maybe I am just sensitive to it today. Does that mean I'm diabetic or is that normal?
^ Wow, that's pretty high. Doesn't sound normal to me, but maybe it doesn't necessarily jump into being diabetic either, so maybe you are sensitive since not having it the day before..? I'm not sure... I would try it again the next day, see what your results are then.

Lately with sugar, I've been getting awful headaches, like someone is squeezing my head. I think it's only after I eat refined sugars though, but still it sucks. It usually occurs 5 mins. after eating something with sugar. I've never had symptoms like this before, so I wonder if it's an intolerance? I was also thinking candida, but I really don't even know anymore. The past few days when I did cut out sugar, my head felt really clear, not fuzzy or painful at all.


Well-known member
I've been awake for... about 41 hours straight, and I'm still functional. Functional enough to chug Mountain Dew and play Minecraft.
You're an animal! 41 hours of awake time would send me into hallucinations and fuzziness. There's no way I could fully concentrate on anything, no matter how much I enjoy the activity. You're going great...but I would suggest sleeping soon. :)

I never understand how it makes someone feel better by letting others down.
Yeah, that baffles me, too. Some people get high on the fact they can belittle others. I think it's an "alpha male" thing, too. Not that I cared for that, anyway.
I forgot to post a picture of the kitten that was born Wednesday. Here he/she is:


It's very healthy and active. :3
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I ate a lot of sugary things and tested my blood sugar an hour later and got 216. However I didn't eat any sugar the day before so maybe I am just sensitive to it today. Does that mean I'm diabetic or is that normal?

That's pretty high. Have you tested that high before? I'd check with a doctor, just to be safe.


Well-known member
I found the hardest music I had to listen to and just typed up a whole page, no double spacing, for my research paper all within 20 mins.

Now that is how you channel anger. I feel better, now that my paper is halfway done.


Well-known member
I found the hardest music I had to listen to and just typed up a whole page, no double spacing, for my research paper all within 20 mins.

Now that is how you channel anger. I feel better.

WOW. I admire you.

I typed half my article too, I think (I hope!) Then my eyes glazed over an Excel sheet. Yikes.



Well-known member
and apparently invisible

yup! Pretty invisible kitten!! (to me too!! :))

Maybe it just appears in certain dimensions/galaxies? o_O

edit: Had a 'blonde moment' and thought you meant to click on link in Puma's siggy? But there's only Hello Kitty there?? /confused/
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Well-known member
weird... I can't see the image, but I can see this:

Meh, screw you all, I've seen the cute kitten and you didn't ::p: