Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

What happened to your arm? :confused:

I'm not quite sure yet. I've been trying to find out for quite some time now. It could be carpal tunnel, but I have to read up on the specifics.

Ugh, my mum does this. I could say, "man, it was a hard day at work today," and she'll reply with, "well, what about me? I had to work heaps hard then go to the shops then visit nanna..." and so on. It's awful and makes my issues seem so insignificant.

Can you tell this person what they said made you upset? It might make them change their attitude in the future.

Sorry to hear about your arm, though. I can't really say that I relate to the pain but I'm sure it's awful as hell. It might be best to see a doctor about it if it's getting worse or just simply not going away.

Yeah, exactly like that. Which is quite mean because just because your mother might have worked harder that day statistically, it doesn't take away that you've worked pretty darn hard too. There's really no comparison in personal experience that way. Those competitions are just unnecessarily harsh.

And yes, I actually think I will see a doctor about this if I'm not able to find a way to release the pressure myself.


Well-known member
It's so annoying yet funny how some people start disliking and treat you bad for odd reasons while you're just being nice:D

Maybe they don't trust the motives behind your actions or they're...... not very nice people. Anyway, most people, it seems, love a kind act. So, keep it up and show the world that you don't need a reason to help people:)!


Well-known member
I've been pampering myself tonight. Haven't done that in forever, it seems, and honestly, it feels nice to do it. I should do it more often.


Well-known member
Apparently, when my father told me that I had no common sense, he was insulting me. I didn't know; I thought he was telling me the truth. Has everything he's said to me been an insult to some extent? Does he hate me that much? The person who I expected and was told that they would love me the most hates me? What did I do wrong to deserve this? All I've ever wanted was someone to tell me that I'm a good person and that I do have talents, that they really do love me. If people who are heralded for doing such don't do it, how can I expect anyone else to do it?


Well-known member
Have you ever thrown a party and no one showed up? I have.

Why didn't you tell me? I would've shown up just to see your pretty face:)! The smile my presence would, no doubt, have caused would have made you even prettier! We could've gone out to eat, told scary stories, and enjoy each other's company! Next time you have a party, tell me and everyone else here, so that we can come by:D!


Well-known member
Why didn't you tell me? I would've shown up just to see your pretty face:)! The smile my presence would, no doubt, have caused would have made you even prettier! We could've gone out to eat, told scary stories, and enjoy each other's company! Next time you have a party, tell me and everyone else here, so that we can come by:D!

Hahahaha. Well, that was years ago, my friend. But, I actually posted this because we are having our housewarming party in exactly 17 days, and I'm wondering if anyone will come this time. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
But, I actually posted this because we are having our housewarming party in exactly 17 days, and I'm wondering if anyone will come this time. :rolleyes:

Good luck!
I do hope people show up~ I always wanted a place of my own so I could have a housewarming party... make all sorts of cute desserts... uhh... 'warm' my house... and such.
If you can, you should post some pictures of your interior and SPW will have a housewarming party for you! XD No cleanup necessary! (also no gifts- oh well.)

As for people not showing up to parties....
I tried to have a birthday party when I was 10, I think... 12? That seems too old...
Anyway- I invited 6 people and no one showed up although everyone said they'd come.
Happy birthday! < I haven't attempted a birthday party since. haha


Well-known member
I know a lot of people who can testify that their friends treated them better than their parents.
Well, I'm short on friends at the moment, so I'm kinda screwed right now::p:. Well, my father has been one of the people to hurt me the most. He's let my stepfamily hit me, even though it was against the law, insulted me, and threatened me with violence on more than one occasion. One of the reasons I don't show my emotions is because he threatened to hit me when I was crying about missing my mom because of the custody agreement that I was to visit him on certain weekends. Yeah, he doesn't like me, but, then again, I should be used to people hating me:rolleyes:.
Hahahaha. Well, that was years ago, my friend. But, I actually posted this because we are having our housewarming party in exactly 17 days, and I'm wondering if anyone will come this time. :rolleyes:

Aww, well that sucks! I wanted to be there, so I could see the new house and party with you! I wanted to show you my "funky-fresh mad dancing skillz"! Well, I'll send you my best regards and hope that, one day, I'll be able to show up at one of your parties:)!


Well-known member
I just sent someone a message on facebook, then realized they were online and I fled from the page as fast as I could because I was scared of having to chat with them. ::p:


Well-known member
I just sent someone a message on facebook, then realized they were online and I fled from the page as fast as I could because I was scared of having to chat with them. ::p:

Have you since gone back on? If not, then it's time to do so, so you can speak to them. If you don't, they might think that you're yanking their chain and might get angry at you. You'll be alright, I promise:)!


Well-known member
I now have the sudden urge to play a crane machine. Anyone got a few dollars to spare? I can guarantee I'll win you something. ::p: