Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Meh, screw you all, I've seen the cute kitten and you didn't ::p:

um,... i saw the kitten, and my life is all the better for it

i cheated and opened up 'puma's post with the moderator post edit function and was able to cut and paste the url into another tab


Well-known member
um,... i saw the kitten, and my life is all the better for it

i cheated and opened up 'puma's post with the moderator post edit function and was able to cut and paste the url into another tab
hahaha you could have edited it by fixing the problem XD


Well-known member
WOW. I admire you.

I typed half my article too, I think (I hope!) Then my eyes glazed over an Excel sheet. Yikes.

^ Ohh, Excel sheets. I never did care for those. Yuck! But glad half your article is done too! :) It always feels better to just get right to work and get it done rather than keep putting it off.

Such a cute kitten, Puma. :) Is that all she had, was just one?


Well-known member
^ Now go play the lottery.

I don't feel that lucky; instead, maybe I'll just go put some money in the bank and let interest turn my investment into a fortune:cool:.

But, anyway.....
Hey, you guys! You wanna know what's even more awkward than being a witness to PDA? Being a witness to PDA up close and personal! I had the awkward pleasure of being witness to a couple kissing each other within arm's reach of me. Boy, that felt really off! Am I really that ignorable or worthless that people don't consider me a human that might feel a little awkward watching two people kiss? Also, make sure that you tell your personal business in a personal place! Because, you know, people can hear what you say! For example, I now know that there's a girl on campus who's been seen in her t-shirt and panties about four times by a guy::eek::! Why she was talking about that in public, I don't know, but, now, I'm going to do all that I can to remove those incidents from my mind!


Well-known member
Why don't these trains ever go when they're supposed to, instead of letting these pinheads who are running late on past the time the train is supposed to leave?
I forgot to post a picture of the kitten that was born Wednesday. Here he/she is:


It's very healthy and active. :3

Okay, it should work now. Or at least the link should.


Well-known member
I don't feel that lucky; instead, maybe I'll just go put some money in the bank and let interest turn my investment into a fortune:cool:.

But, anyway.....
Hey, you guys! You wanna know what's even more awkward than being a witness to PDA? Being a witness to PDA up close and personal! I had the awkward pleasure of being witness to a couple kissing each other within arm's reach of me. Boy, that felt really off! Am I really that ignorable or worthless that people don't consider me a human that might feel a little awkward watching two people kiss? Also, make sure that you tell your personal business in a personal place! Because, you know, people can hear what you say! For example, I now know that there's a girl on campus who's been seen in her t-shirt and panties about four times by a guy::eek::! Why she was talking about that in public, I don't know, but, now, I'm going to do all that I can to remove those incidents from my mind!
^ Well, good luck. ::p:

I know what you mean about PDA. It makes me feel incredibly awkward too. Even if I was in a relationship I would not be able to do anything like that in public, no way.

The girls here love to let people know of their personal business too. Today in Accounting, I learned that one girl has the biggest boobs in her family and she has no idea why because apparently all the women in her family are all flat-chested. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Today in Accounting, I learned that one girl has the biggest boobs in her family and she has no idea why because apparently all the women in her family are all flat-chested. :rolleyes:

did you ask her if the women in the mailman's family had big boobs?


Well-known member
I've observed over the years that many young couples like to make out while waiting in line at the bank.
A good way to pass the time, I suppose... and while they're busy, I sneak past and take their place in the line.
Suckers! (literally... with the... face sucking. get it? yeah? I'll shut up now.)
I asked the magic mirror if I will find a job soon. It told me that work is overrated. :/ Bad magic mirror!

After a series of stupid questions, I asked if it was drunk. It laughed maniacally and said, "Seriously?......No." :)

Then "You are full of ****. Bye!" He said, "Vulgarity is a sign of a limited vocabulary."
Last edited:


Well-known member
So for some reason my paperwork did not go through properly and i have yet to get paid. I have an empty food cabinet and no food at all in the fridge (literally) three dollars to spend....what can i buy with this amount?


not actually Fiona Apple
I asked the magic mirror if I will find a job soon. It told me that work is overrated. :/ Bad magic mirror!

After a series of stupid questions, I asked if it was drunk. It laughed maniacally and said, "Seriously?......No." :)

Then "You are full of ****. Bye!" He said, "Vulgarity is a sign of a limited vocabulary."

I asked when Fiona Apple's new album will come out. He told me Soon! :D He also said I'll look back on this day and wish she had been more specific, well yeah :p


Staff member
So for some reason my paperwork did not go through properly and i have yet to get paid. I have an empty food cabinet and no food at all in the fridge (literally) three dollars to spend....what can i buy with this amount?

Rice and cheap veg (the out of date stuff)