Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
What's the animation about? And, yes, I know the feeling you have about papers; I understand it too well. Now, enjoy the rest of your day after you're done with work! Hopefully, your R&R will turn out to be a good one:D!

We basically have to create a logotype and animate it. I'm finally done with it, but damn, did it take forever to be finished.

I'm actually done with everything for the night. In about 30 minutes to an hour, I'm going to shower and just relax.


Well-known member
We basically have to create a logotype and animate it. I'm finally done with it, but damn, did it take forever to be finished.

I'm actually done with everything for the night. In about 30 minutes to an hour, I'm going to shower and just relax.

Congrats to ya:D! I've never animated anything, so I can't imagine how tired you must be.

You go take a shower, you've earned it. Once you get out, plop yourself on the bed, play some relaxing music or get a playlist of your favorite movie(clips), and chill~:cool:.


not actually Fiona Apple
But I tried this strategy today and it just made things a whole lot worse. When I ignore people they get angry and say some hurtful things, and i'm scared they might even attack me. Usually the popular kids are doing the bullying and the rest are just laughing in the background. I think avoiding situations is the best and easiest way to deal with it.

I agree with you, if you are able to avoid the situation that should be your first resort. If it's becoming a problem though, and you're afraid they may attack you should tell someone about it. You should not have to worry about being injured.
I learned something interesting today. Last week, one of my bettas died. I took the filter out and stuck everything but the filter cartridge in bleach water. I forgot about it when I left for my mom's house. I just remembered it tonight. I went to drain the water and get the parts out and it seems that the foam filter part disintegrated over the week. I could've guessed that would happen, but it didn't cross my mind at the time. Little bits were stuck on the actual filter, so I went to clean them off. And they stuck to my hand. So now I have black smudges on my hands. I'm having a hard time getting them to come off.


Well-known member
I'm feeling amorous and have developed a cough. I think the illness is just using me to pass it on? :p


not actually Fiona Apple
Yesterday I spent all day in the library to avoid my new roommate while he moved in. I get back (after the fun 12 hour session) to find he didn't move in yet, Here's the kicker though, my old roommate was at the library. Clearly it was not in the stars for me to avoid anything yesterday, except any sort of fun (The library is really boring!)
Does anyone here know just how long it's supposed to take for a cat to deliver an entire litter?

So far there's only one (which came out about 5 hours ago), and there's still no sign of others. Now I don't know if it's taking unnaturally long, or whether there was only one in there.

Because I've read that undelivered kittens can be fatal to the mother, I'd rather be safe then sorry. She doesn't seem to be in any discomfort though.


Well-known member
Oh wow blackpuma, hope everything goes OK. That must be quite an experience to go through.
If it stays the way it is, is there not a vet that can be phoned for some quick on hand advice? Did this once when my dog decided he had the munchies for a lot of chocolate... the little scamp.
Oh wow blackpuma, hope everything goes OK. That must be quite an experience to go through.
If it stays the way it is, is there not a vet that can be phoned for some quick on hand advice? Did this once when my dog decided he had the munchies for a lot of chocolate... the little scamp.

She does seem to be fine. She's not trying to escape from the one kitten or anything, she's actually rather calm ever since it came out. She's also purring a lot.

We do have a number on hand of a nearby vet. I'm just waiting for her to come out of the high box she's in and eat something so I can take a good look at both before I make the call.

Oh wow, your dog must've been having a real sweet tooth. ::p: Did he come out okay, though? :c


Well-known member
I was supposed to continue my little task of initiating and reciprocating saying "Hi" to people and making eye contact and smiling this week, but I haven't been doing it so far. Naturally, I've been feeling like sh*t. Social phobia is like a hard drug; the more I partake in it, the more sh*tty I feel.


Well-known member
Does anyone here know just how long it's supposed to take for a cat to deliver an entire litter?

So far there's only one (which came out about 5 hours ago), and there's still no sign of others. Now I don't know if it's taking unnaturally long, or whether there was only one in there.

Because I've read that undelivered kittens can be fatal to the mother, I'd rather be safe then sorry. She doesn't seem to be in any discomfort though.

Hmm. It's kinda unusual for a cat to only have one kitten, but if she seems okay I wouldn't worry too much about it. Check her as soon as you can to see if there is any unusual discharge (anything greenish or blackish would be cause for concern). Maybe feel around on her tummy to see if she is in pain. If she is very lethargic (more so than usual) after several more hours, I would suggest calling the vet.


Well-known member
Oh wow, your dog must've been having a real sweet tooth. ::p: Did he come out okay, though? :c

He's usually really well behaved in that way, he'd never done anything like that before... not sure what got into him, other than all that chocolate that night lol. Fortunately he was fine, was worried though because it's practically poisonous to them. The vet suggested trying to get him to be sick by giving him salt water and burnt toast... yea that didn't work too well. He did throw up a bit but he seemed none the worst from it.:rolleyes: