Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Hmm. It's kinda unusual for a cat to only have one kitten, but if she seems okay I wouldn't worry too much about it. Check her as soon as you can to see if there is any unusual discharge (anything greenish or blackish would be cause for concern). Maybe feel around on her tummy to see if she is in pain. If she is very lethargic (more so than usual) after several more hours, I would suggest calling the vet.

Thank you for replying. :3

I've felt around her belly just now, and she's definitely not in pain. I also tried to feel if there were any other kittens in there, but I don't think so. There were no hard bumps like there were before. At this point she only seems to be mildly bloated.

I think she'll be okay. But I'll keep a close eye on it for the time being.

He's usually really well behaved in that way, he'd never done anything like that before... not sure what got into him, other than all that chocolate that night lol. Fortunately he was fine, was worried though because it's practically poisonous to them. The vet suggested trying to get him to be sick by giving him salt water and burnt toast... yea that didn't work too well. He did throw up a bit but he seemed none the worst from it.:rolleyes:

Haha, oh wow. Don't do chocolate, pups. ::p:;)


Well-known member
Foot specialist tomorrow. Fix me already....

Roomate has been whistling and warble-whistling for like 10 minutes straight. Kinda wanna strangle him.


*catches breath* so i was in the kitchen and i turned around and there was a big bug walking towards me with a bunch of legs and i instantly had anxiety go from like hovering at my normal nervousness to ZOMG IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!! :eek:

...then the electric signals from my eyes caught up with the part of my brain that just says PANIC!!!!! and i realized it was just a cricket...still takes me awhile to calm down from dumb crap like that though. i wish things like this didn't happen, they mess up my day for a good hour or more...::(:


Well-known member
I was supposed to continue my little task of initiating and reciprocating saying "Hi" to people and making eye contact and smiling this week, but I haven't been doing it so far. Naturally, I've been feeling like sh*t. Social phobia is like a hard drug; the more I partake in it, the more sh*tty I feel.
You can do it. I believe in you. :)

I feel like it kinda sucks I can talk online to people about meaningful things really easily but dont think ill ever have that offline. Why dont I ever meet similar people?
I find it easier to talk online than face-to-face, because I think about my replies before I type them out, and nobody here knows me personally so there's no chance of us bumping into each other. The feeling of anonymity does help a lot.

This is why I try to encourage people to PM me with serious problems if they're after somewhere to vent or someone to talk to. It can be easier in front of a computer screen with a total stranger on the other side of the planet than with immediate family members.


Well-known member
Pfff--- got all excited over nothing... -__-'
I only wanted to see it for Gōda Hozumi and he's not even in it...
lol :rolleyes:
Id like to think thats true, I mean theres enough evidence on the net that theres alot of people out there like this, they just always seem to be a million miles away ::p:

Yeah, and the funny thing is that they usually are. I met like a dozen of nice people, but for some reason that always live continents away. I swear, with these odds, one of these days I'm going to meet someone really nice that lives literally on the moon. ::p:

Nah, but seriously. The odds of finding nice people on the internet is also much higher. Literally the whole world fits within a few inches of screen.

Plus, websites and content pages usually attract a lot of people with the same interest. While that also often clashes in mass hate, it also does the exact opposite. That creates a bond, combined with a semi-privacy you get the perfect circumstances to be more open then usual.

In real life we usually don't have those perks. Making it more difficult to find similar contact.
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Well-known member
Yeah, and the funny thing is that they usually are. I met like a dozen of nice people, but for some reason that always live continents away. I swear, with these odds, one of these days I'm going to meet someone really nice that lives literally on the moon. ::p:

Nah, but seriously. The odds of finding nice people on the internet is also much higher. Literally the whole world fits within a few inches of screen.

Plus, websites and content pages usually attract a lot of people with the same interest. While that also often clashes in mass hate, it also does the exact opposite. That creates a bond, combined with a semi-privacy you get the perfect circumstances to be more open then usual.

In real life we usually don't have those perks. Making it more difficult to find similar contact.

I agree 100%. Well said!

But also - unless you go out of the way with more types of communication online, you form your own imaginative stuff to transplant over a person over the internet much more easily when you've never actually meet/interacted with someone in person. And it's also easier to mask over your own stuff too. Not to say u dont find meaningful honest open relationships friend wise or more because you do, I have here... guess what I mean is the odds are higher to find ppl, and so are the odds of finding the wrong ppl as well as the good ones :)
Re: Conspiracy

Octopi = octo pi = 8 x 3.14 = 25.12 = Christmas Day



You're my hero.

I don't think I'd want to wander into a dark alley with that octopus. He looks vicious.
I agree 100%. Well said!

But also - unless you go out of the way with more types of communication online, you form your own imaginative stuff to transplant over a person over the internet much more easily when you've never actually meet/interacted with someone in person. And it's also easier to mask over your own stuff too. Not to say u dont find meaningful honest open relationships friend wise or more because you do, I have here... guess what I mean is the odds are higher to find ppl, and so are the odds of finding the wrong ppl as well as the good ones :)

Definitely a good point also. Suggestion is often strong online that it is in person. Which is especially dangerous for people whom are rather naive.

Like... an octoposse? :)

which reminds me Octopussy! (Bond film)

Also, lmfao. x3


Well-known member
Definitely a good point also. Suggestion is often strong online that it is in person. Which is especially dangerous for people whom are rather naive.

Naive or socially impoverished and needy like many of us. Why mods here are vigilant against such things :)