Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Check out what my friend did to herself by trying to move a 250 lb piece of furniture without any assistance and failing miserably to do so by accidentally knocking it right onto her toe. Isn't it beautiful? ::p:

Ouch like everyone else has said.
I wouldn't have the guts to take a picture, I'd be passed out somewhere.


Well-known member
Check out what my friend did to herself by trying to move a 250 lb piece of furniture without any assistance and failing miserably to do so by accidentally knocking it right onto her toe. Isn't it beautiful? ::p:


:eek: Oh my god, is your friend all right?! That is sickening (no offense)! Why didn't she wait for help? Hopefully it gets better soon!


Well-known member
I decided to stay home from my nightschool online class (it's online, i can do it from home when I don't have a test to take ) and my mom is throwing a fit.
Pulling me, threatening to call the police, screaming for half an hour straight and saying she's going to kick me out and I can't live here. It's crazy. It's ONE DAY and i'm feeling really unusually anxious today, not to mention i can't concentrate there around other people so i get nothing done. Feeling like I don't have a mom, and I dont want my mind to repeat all the insults she's throwing at me right now.
So nobody answered the thread I made today after 39 views, I guess that means that there is no answer to the question I made so I'm screwed for the next two years. :(


Well-known member
I just want a beta key to the online game path of exile on a random internet contest. I'm very happy right now :D


Well-known member
so this thing about me being awkward isn't just in my head. This random old dude who crashes in my apartment every once in a while(only paying 50 dollars a month mind you)came in to the kitchen and said hello, after i said hello back he turned back to his friend and said "aaaaaawkward" what the hell did i do wrong and how is one even supposed to respond to that. he obviously want for me to hear as i was like two inches away. and my roommate made a comment when i saturated playing cannibal corpse to destress from what happened"it wasn't even that loud" UGHHHHH I'm so mad right now. I hate ppl today.:mad:


Well-known member
Parents want me to come along on a 3 day/2 night camping trip starting tomorrow. So I'll be gone until Thursday.

Again I'm anxious as hell, but after letting the anxiety win last time I'm determined to go.

I might have missed Hawk Mountain, but I won't miss the Cape May Bird Observatory.

If I don't come back you'll know I accidentally migrated.


Well-known member
Just a random observation... Bluenotes online is now using more models with regular proportions -than stick skinny models with 'lil thighs.
I'm in shock!


not actually Fiona Apple
I just got back from a 4 am walk, it was better than I expected. I didn't see anyone else which was the goal, and walked around my ghost town of a campus. Along the way I saw four bunnies and a fox at the end (fox was so cool looking). I actually like to think I saw the same bunny 4 times, and that he was my guide of sorts. I think I may do this again sometime.
I just got back from a 4 am walk, it was better than I expected. I didn't see anyone else which was the goal, and walked around my ghost town of a campus. Along the way I saw four bunnies and a fox at the end (fox was so cool looking). I actually like to think I saw the same bunny 4 times, and that he was my guide of sorts. I think I may do this again sometime.

LOL! That bunny gets around. He must have a jet pack or something. :)


My sociology professor really is an ass.

However.... some quotes from him today that I liked:

"It's pretty common for people to live their lives divorced from reality. I see it all the time."

"Be careful with self-flattery. It's usually baseless."

I like the last one. Not that it's special, I just like that he said it. Few things irritate me more than arrogance and pretentiousness. Overly proud people usually get what they deserve, I've found.
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My sociology professor really is an ass.

On a separate but related note, some quotes from him today (which may or may not demonstrate his assery):

"It's pretty common for people to live their lives divorced from reality. I see it all the time."

"Be careful with self-flattery. It's usually baseless."

Those actually seem like pretty truthful statements. Not ass-like at all, if you ask me (and you didn't, so I'll shut up).