Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I heard someone say "It doesn't look like anxiety to me."

Then I ask myself what does anxiety look like, I've only ever seen it looking out at the world while inside I'm paralysed with fear.
Daylight slavings is out of sync with my body clock, so I should be getting up but I can nay be bothered

Have you started Daylight savings down there? That time of year already!
The stupid Government won't let us have it up here in Queensland, so we are out of wack with the other states:rolleyes:


What kind of society is it when people are rushed out of the hospital before they've fully recovered, and where you're expected to tough it out at work when you "only" have a cold?

Not saying that like, oh poor me I'm sick, but I was just thinking about that..... People have to rush to get back to work, so they stress about missing days due to illness. That's not right. Denying your body what it needs to recover - REST - so that you won't disrupt your flow of income.

Makes me sick. (oh looky me, I made a pun :p )
What kind of society is it when people are rushed out of the hospital before they've fully recovered, and where you're expected to tough it out at work when you "only" have a cold?

Not saying that like, oh poor me I'm sick, but I was just thinking about that..... People have to rush to get back to work, so they stress about missing days due to illness. That's not right. Denying your body what it needs to recover - REST - so that you won't disrupt your flow of income.

Makes me sick. (oh looky me, I made a pun :p )

I know what you mean Beatrice.
My boss at my last job got angry at me for taking a day off when I had a tummy bug.::(:
Did he really want me throwing up all over the customers!?:confused:
Many bosses only care about your ability to make them more money, not your health :s
Have you started Daylight savings down there? That time of year already!
The stupid Government won't let us have it up here in Queensland, so we are out of wack with the other states:rolleyes:

Ah, Daylight Savings Time. How I hate you in the spring, but love you in the fall.


Blue - uses DST
Orange - no longer uses DST
Red - never used DST
It's kind of interesting that the map is all over the place. Even some countries are divided. I want to living in that tiny little dot in Ontario that no longer follows DST.


Well-known member
What kind of society is it when people are rushed out of the hospital before they've fully recovered, and where you're expected to tough it out at work when you "only" have a cold?

hehe~ the last job I had before confining myself to my room, I was sick and still coming in to work.
I was having heart palpitations, dizzy spells and was vomiting; called my mom and we went to the hospital-- I didn't have anyone else to call to keep the shop open, so I closed up for the night.
Boss found out and called my house at 11pm, before I'd even come home from the hospital- to leave a nasty message.
He'd told me before to come in even when I was sick because I was the only person manning the store.

I was working there for another week before I was fired for 'making the customers depressed'.
I was depressed- my body was failing on me and somehow, I was still expected to act chipper while I rented out movies to people half in the bag.
I doubt anyone cared... think he just wanted to get rid of me. ::eek::

Some bosses are just terrible.


Well-known member
Our local MP is bringing up a motion in the house of commons to try and get our DST changed to 2 hours instead of 1 hour so daylight lasts longer into the winter.

Thats gonna be fun then.


Well-known member

Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man who's not a creep,
One who's handsome, smart and strong.
One who loves to listen long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I pray he's rich and self-employed,
And when I spend, won't be annoyed.
Pull out my chair and hold my hand..
Massage my feet and help me stand.
Oh send a king to make me queen.
A man who loves to cook and clean.
I pray this man will love no other.
And relish visits with my mother.


I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with
big tits who owns a bar on a golf course,
and loves to send me fishing and drinking.. This
doesn't rhyme and I don't give a ****.
Our local MP is bringing up a motion in the house of commons to try and get our DST changed to 2 hours instead of 1 hour so daylight lasts longer into the winter.

Thats gonna be fun then.

That sounds awful. Because of the crappy drought we had this summer, almost all the farmers have already harvested their corn and soybeans. So we really don't need to wait another month to change the clocks.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Stepped in dog **** again today. If dog owners can't live alongside clean human beings in peace then perhaps their animals should be confiscated by the state and put down? It's not acceptable for people to leave trails of faeces behind them on paths.
The dogs really aren't to blame for this--they poop where they're trained to, or wherever they are if they're not trained. It's the owners that need to be confiscated and put down.


not actually Fiona Apple
*Note to self* You have an online class starting in two and a half hours, don't get distracted and forget.