Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

My father did it too and though in only 4 or so years he had to start wearing glasses again due to age, he says it was one of the best decisions he has ever made. So I want to do it too :D

My dad also did this surgery 5 years ago and his eyes are pretty good now. He says it was really helpful to him. Go for it Jones.


Well-known member
My father did it too and though in only 4 or so years he had to start wearing glasses again due to age, he says it was one of the best decisions he has ever made. So I want to do it too :D

Now I can start building on my mental-image of what you really look like...

1) You wear glasses

I'm getting there!



Well-known member

have you sliced your conch today?


Well-known member
My dad also did this surgery 5 years ago and his eyes are pretty good now. He says it was really helpful to him. Go for it Jones.
Thanks! I have the same diopters since 17, but they can increase for different reasons usually until 22-23, so I'll wait a little more ::p:
Now I can start building on my mental-image of what you really look like...

1) You wear glasses

I'm getting there!

Only when I'm home alone, if I go out...
^Or contacts........
Yep :D


Well-known member
I thought i'd have to take my phone to the service tomorrow,but I didn't give up and i managed to repair it all on my own. Im proud! :)


Well-known member
Had to do a lecture to a group of about 40 teenage girls today. Also got about 8-10 more to do this week and early next week.

Today's was a bit more difficult, as some of the boys in the group kept talking and were talking back when I asked them to be quiet. Bastards -.-


Well-known member
This accounting homework is so irritating. >.< It was going so smoothly, and then I get to the last trial balance and nothing adds up right. I still can't figure out what I did wrong.


Well-known member
At work today, my team leader sits down and starts working on something at the empty desk beside me. After a while she turns to me and asks "Are you always this quiet Jason?" Now I have my chance to explain that I'm a normal guy with a disorder holding me back instead of just some antisocial weirdo. All I manage to say is "mostly". Fail. I was trying today too. There's a big audit going on and I had managed to ask her a question about when the auditor would be there in hopes of stirring up a conversation and breaking the silence.


Just can't believe.... all the girls I went to school with. So many pregnant and married....... among other things. Wow.


Well-known member
You ******* ****ing *******.. ::(: You standing at there in that parking thats how you've made me feel this whole time. I AM STANDING RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!! You ****ing *******! I'M RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I know quite a few ladies that have impure thoughts about Jesus Christ.

Why not? He's kind, passionate, selfless, and can physically look however the woman wants him to look. Aryan Jesus? Yes! Levantine Jesus? Yes! Black Jesus? Yes! Masculine or effeminate, and with your choice of eye color.

I hear he has good genes, too.
