Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

My computer requires maintenance, and has required maintenance for a few weeks now. I'll get around to it eventually. Maybe tomorrow? (I said that yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, etc.)


Well-known member
Just came back from the optician. Turns out I really do need glasses.

It's gonna be so weird seeing things sharp again. :3
If you want to see all blurry again you can use contacts and glasses at the same time. It's quite funny.... but believe me, don't try it while driving :rolleyes:
If you want to see all blurry again you can use contacts and glasses at the same time. It's quite funny.... but believe me, don't try it while driving :rolleyes:

Oh man, contacts scare m. I have as a general rule that hardware that can momentarily disappear into your body is best to be averted if you have other choices. Unless it's Friday night and you're in a particular party mood, of course.


Well-known member
Oh man, contacts scare m. I have as a general rule that hardware that can momentarily disappear into your body is best to be averted if you have other choices. Unless it's Friday night and you're in a particular party mood, of course.
I've been using them for many years now, it was quite scary at the beginning. It was like "I'm putting my finger into my eye to introduce a weird plastic thing into it!!!!" XD
Now it's just another routine, it's not that bad.

What is scary is having laser surgery, which I want to make as soon as it's absolutely safe (including that my deficiency won't increase anymore). I'm tired of both contacts and glasses, I want to have panoramic vision again without weird stuff in my eyes XD


Well-known member
No, I'm pretty sure the other man I fell in love with is not dead. I trust he is doing just fine.

Did I really make you feel like you had purpose?...good every human being should feel as though they do..

****ery very easy to survive very disheartening when trying to find the spirit in others when you look back on it.

almost glad I have a social issue and like to stay at home more.

Ugh! Love is RIGHT HERE darn it!
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I've been using them for many years now, it was quite scary at the beginning. It was like "I'm putting my finger into my eye to introduce a weird plastic thing into it!!!!" XD
Now it's just another routine, it's not that bad.

What is scary is having laser surgery, which I want to make as soon as it's absolutely safe (including that my deficiency won't increase anymore). I'm tired of both contacts and glasses, I want to have panoramic vision again without weird stuff in my eyes XD

Who came up with ''Oh, I know, Imma just FIRIN' MAH LASOR at this dude's eye, and he'll be good to go'', anyway? x3. Gotta love science, right? ;D


Well-known member
nearly lost my patience this morning listening to a teenaged girl complaining about how tough her life is at this moment. i wanted to tell her to enjoy it bc toughness is relative and she'll be looking back when she's in her twenties when she's living in a ****ty apartment,working an entry level job position and eating ramen noodles bc that's all she can afford right now...she'll long for the teenaged years and wish she could go back and do it all over..

but,she's a patient so i have to keep it to myself:)


nearly lost my patience this morning listening to a teenaged girl complaining about how tough her life is at this moment. i wanted to tell her to enjoy it bc toughness is relative and she'll be looking back when she's in her twenties when she's living in a ****ty apartment,working an entry level job position and eating ramen noodles bc that's all she can afford right now...she'll long for the teenaged years and wish she could go back and do it all over..

but,she's a patient so i have to keep it to myself:)

You'll eventually work your way up and make more money right? Im not sure what you do :S


Well-known member
You'll eventually work your way up and make more money right? Im not sure what you do :S

i'm already at the top...but I started as the miserable girl in an icky apartment at entry level eating ramen to survive...just like all the rest of the career girls and guys in their twenties;)


i'm already at the top...but I started as the miserable girl in an icky apartment at entry level eating ramen to survive...just like all the rest of the career girls and guys in their twenties;)

Oh haha, well thats good then :) I was about to say yvan eht nioj.


Well-known member
nearly lost my patience this morning listening to a teenaged girl complaining about how tough her life is at this moment. i wanted to tell her to enjoy it bc toughness is relative and she'll be looking back when she's in her twenties when she's living in a ****ty apartment,working an entry level job position and eating ramen noodles bc that's all she can afford right now...she'll long for the teenaged years and wish she could go back and do it all over..

but,she's a patient so i have to keep it to myself:)

I would take that anyday, rather than going through my teens again...


Speaking of hot men..... the pharmacist at CVS is..... WHOA. I'd never seen him until last night when I had to go get a prescription for a course of antibiotics, and I was told he works 80-90 hours one week, and has the following week off. So, probably why I've never seen him.

But yeah, he looked to be in his late 20's (MAYBE early 30's) and had longer hair than I go for, but you know, it looked good on him. And the most amazing blue eyes. He looked almost like the classic Aryan portayal of Jesus. But shorter hair and way hotter. Hahaha.


Haha, sorry, I know I'm making some of you ill :D

I know quite a few ladies that have impure thoughts about Jesus Christ.
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Well-known member
I was of course kiding. ;) My boyfriend actually had laser eye surgery. He describes it as being odd mostly, not painful or scary.
My father did it too and though in only 4 or so years he had to start wearing glasses again due to age, he says it was one of the best decisions he has ever made. So I want to do it too :D