Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


So I was walking along, doing some shopping...minding my own business. I cross the road at the designated zebra crossing when some ******* beeps his horn at me telling me to hurry up. So I looked at him and gave him a look that told him to **** off... so he takes off and low and behold he parks next to my car taking up two parks. Two guys get out and look at me and shoulder me as they walk past me...attempting to intimidate me.

Couple of dip****s.


Well-known member
zebra crossing?


And with that, I'll finally head up to bed. And probably have rather unpleasant dreams tonight, too.


Well-known member
I wish this place wasn't such a bastion of self loathing and gushing pointless praise. I wish there can actually be dialogues about actual issues and take a stab at possibly disagreeing with someone. ****'s sake, I live to have conversations with people who disagree with me.


Well-known member
I wish this place wasn't such a bastion of self loathing and gushing pointless praise. I wish there can actually be dialogues about actual issues and take a stab at possibly disagreeing with someone. ****'s sake, I live to have conversations with people who disagree with me.

I disagree with you. Right now. I think "gushing pointless praise" is a ridiculous thing for you to say about this place.

It isn't pointless. Praising someone is NEVER pointless unless they don't deserve it.

And, as far as I know, if you feel the need to talk about actual can feel free to post a thread about the actual issue you'd like to address. just like I did with my 9/11 rant. actual issue=thread to discuss it.

try it sometime instead of blasting everyone here for not arguing with you enough.


I really screwed the pooch this week. I need to get my head back in the game


Well-known member
the more negativity we release here...the less negativity we have at our disposal for our real lives. the hope is...drop it all here to create more room in your heart and mind for the positive things.


I have never heard this expression ever, so I'm not quite sure what you mean, but is everything okay Pips?

Really? We use it here all the time. It means you made a big mistake. Im not doing so well in school right now, and the screwed my chem exam. This semester is a lot harder than the last one. I need to get my priorities in check and stop worrying about making friends.


Sorry to hear that Pips, how significant was that particular exam? I'm sure you'll be able to turn it around. I think sometimes with studies we need the occasional kick up the rear to get ourselves fully focused and working hard. You can do it Pipsy :)

Probably not that much. It hurts my ego more than anything because I haven't gotten anything near a D since 7th grade. But I've been weighed down by depression lately so I have a hard time focusing. I find myself daydreaming a lot now in class and I spend all my free time sobbing and listening to sad music instead of studying. Im obviously losing it.


This is the first D you've received since 7th grade? You're obviously very smart and possess an intelligence that has just become a little lost lately, that's all. You just need to re-find it, and you will do! Perhaps you could speak to the professor who's teaching you that particular module and ask if he has any tips on how you can catch up?

We never want to do anything when we feel depressed but if you could just make that step and sit with the books and go over everything then that'll be a great way to take your mind off the depression for a while. Plus you'll feel happier about the situation as a whole, because you'll know that you're doing something about it :)

Yeah you're right, in fact thats exactly what Im gonna do. At least doing good academically will give me one less thing to be depressed about. :)
I wish this place wasn't such a bastion of self loathing and gushing pointless praise. I wish there can actually be dialogues about actual issues and take a stab at possibly disagreeing with someone. ****'s sake, I live to have conversations with people who disagree with me.

I like to have discussions, too, and I'm not afraid to disagree with someone. Like right now. I suppose riling us up was your intention with that post, because otherwise you just come off as kind of selfish and self important. If you want to have intelligent discussions, try starting some. Some (I'd venture to say most, but you can disagree with me on this point) people on here aren't really looking for intellectual debate as much as they are looking for comfort, understanding, and camaraderie.

I really screwed the pooch this week. I need to get my head back in the game

You can do it, Pips! I believe in ya!

I have never heard this expression ever, so I'm not quite sure what you mean, but is everything okay Pips?

I can only imagine your face, twiggle, trying to understand what that phrase meant. It's one of my favorites, but doesn't really make any sense. :)

My cat just went in the closet. She's cool like that. Sometimes I wonder if she's going to Narnia and holding out on me. That bitch. ;)