Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I wish this place wasn't such a bastion of self loathing and gushing pointless praise. I wish there can actually be dialogues about actual issues and take a stab at possibly disagreeing with someone. ****'s sake, I live to have conversations with people who disagree with me.

Too smart for the moshers
Too street for the elites
Too sophisticated for the masses
Too poor for the, oh what's the politically correct term for them now, the "job creators"
Too radical for the orthodoxy
Too pragmatic for the ideologues

yep, apparently no poor self-image problems there

"actual issues?" - this is a support site for people who suffer from social anxiety - working out our difficulties by socializing with one another is THE issue

i think there are other forums out there that are centered around debating religion, politics, philosophy, economics, dirigibles, etc.

those things are "off topic" on this forum - not everyone here is comfortable sharing their viewpoints on every subject (due to that whole social anxiety thing), nor are they required to


Well-known member
I wish this place wasn't such a bastion of self loathing and gushing pointless praise. I wish there can actually be dialogues about actual issues and take a stab at possibly disagreeing with someone. ****'s sake, I live to have conversations with people who disagree with me.

Dude, relax. :D You aren't the messiah of SPW. You don't HAVE SA stop ridiculing people who DO! Because frankly that's how you come off, whether you intend to or not.

If you want to start "actual issues" (because clearly you think SA isn't one) START THEM! There have been great discussions here about issues, but this place is first and foremost a SUPPORT site. But I've seen and participated in many issues outside of support/SA/AvPD/other disorders.

So there's a stab at disagreeing with your bastion of condescending balderdash. :D LOOK - you have every right to voice your opinions and everything, I've heard you make some good points, BUT maintain respect!

There is a lot of self-loathing here YES, many here try to assist in curbing that, WORKING on that, that's why ppl are here (ergo the support) but there's no magical snap of the fingers and it's all gone. That may work for you, but not for everyone. =)


yep, apparently no poor self-image problems there

"actual issues?" - this is a support site for people who suffer from social anxiety - working out our difficulties by socializing with one another is THE issue

i think there are other forums out there that are centered around debating religion, politics, philosophy, economics, dirigibles, etc.

those things are "off topic" on this forum - not everyone here is comfortable sharing their viewpoints on every subject (due to that whole social anxiety thing), nor are they required to

I should just quote Coyote much more diplomatic :D
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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
i think there are other forums out there that are centered around debating religion, politics, philosophy, economics, dirigibles, etc.

So, about them dirigibles. Do you think it was really necessary to switch from hydrogen to helium? Studies of the Hindenburg disaster have shown that the real problem wasn't likely the gas, you know. Let's face it, hydrogen does allow for a better payload.


Well-known member
So, about them dirigibles. Do you think it was really necessary to switch from hydrogen to helium? Studies of the Hindenburg disaster have shown that the real problem wasn't likely the gas, you know. Let's face it, hydrogen does allow for a better payload.

hydrogen is totally safe and much cheaper than helium

at the time of the hindenburg crash, the US had control over almost all the helium in the world (which is why germany was using hydrogen in the first place)

raising such an alarm about the safety of hydrogen killed germany's airship service

it was all a strategic and economic move


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Hydrogen is da bomb :D


hydrogen is totally safe and much cheaper than helium

at the time of the hindenburg crash, the US had control over almost all the helium in the world (which is why germany was using hydrogen in the first place)

raising such an alarm about the safety of hydrogen killed germany's airship service

it was all a strategic and economic move
High time to go back, then! It's more environmentally sound, as well. :D

it's always disconcerting when a woman laughs at my dirigible
Does that happen a lot? ::(:
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it's always disconcerting when a woman laughs at my dirigible

usually i get something closer to the Herbert Morrison quote

You mean like "'s falling, it's crashing! Watch it! Watch it, folks! Get out of the way!" "Oh, my, get out of the way, please! It's burning and bursting into flames, and the—and it's falling on the mooring-mast and all the folks agree that this is terrible, this is the worst of the worst catastrophes in the world." "I–I'm gonna have to stop for a minute because I've lost my voice. This is the worst thing I've ever witnessed."

Your poor dirigible. ::(:;)


Well-known member
Why do I develop emotional attachments to people to easy.
Then I get paranoid and think they aren't talking to me.
Then I get more paranoid thinking I did something wrong.
Then I feel like a complete fool for thinking anything could happen.
Then I remember I'm married and I feel like a total sh*t.


Well-known member
I'm sitting next to an Englishman on the train :D

I know, I'm strange

Yes. You are. :D

No but what's funny is I kept running into Englishman or Scotsman for a while (when I was out and about =D... in my class or work or or train or at the Post-Office... two separate times during Christmas waiting in line at Post-Office I fancied a conversation with an Englishman. No Englishwomen though; or British women - which I would have fancied a lot more ::p:


Isn't it great seeing a girl you're crazy about start dating someone else? I know what thats like. Its the story of my life actually. I someone always gets picked over me and I get the lucky opportunity of sitting on the sidelines wondering why I cant ever win for once. Just once in my whole damn life. I think I'll go bury myself now. Im a waste of organic matter. A waste of organs. A waste of money. And a waste of time.


Well-known member
My cat just went in the closet. She's cool like that. Sometimes I wonder if she's going to Narnia and holding out on me. That bitch. ;)
^ She's busy meeting up with Aslan. ;)

Dang it. Now I really want to go watch The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. *sigh* I wish I had my dvd collection here...