Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
vegetable juices is the best thing I did lately,I can really feel the benefits,its like day and night.


Well-known member
So apparently I had my first lucid dream last night...... very cool. And it involved someone here..... hehehe

Lucid dreams can be cool, but having them too frequently can be draining. I know from experience... and that reminds me that i should probably go to bed:mad:


Well-known member
I cut my hair today. Well when I say "cut" I mean I shaved it off! just got a very very short stubble. It wont need doing again for a few months.


Well-known member
I really need to start writing down my last few remaining memories in a journal or something. Before they start to go just like most of my memories over the past 30years of my life have. Most of what I've done in my life I can't remember it's one big blur.

My family thinks it's one big joke that I have a **** memory.

Out of all the memories I can't remember I wish I could get just one of them back. I would sell my soul to get it back. ::(:::(:::(:
I really need to start writing down my last few remaining memories in a journal or something. Before they start to go just like most of my memories over the past 30years of my life have. Most of what I've done in my life I can't remember it's one big blur.

My family thinks it's one big joke that I have a **** memory.

Out of all the memories I can't remember I wish I could get just one of them back. I would sell my soul to get it back. ::(:::(:::(:

Depression does that too, so your memories might not be gone forever. They could be temporarilly unavailable. But writing down your memories, thoughts and perspectives in a secure journal might be a good thing either way. Writing things down or saying them out loud that would otherwise staying within the walls of the mind puts things into perspective quite efficiently.

Can't hurt to give it a try, right? ;3


Well-known member
Depression does that too, so your memories might not be gone forever. They could be temporarilly unavailable. But writing down your memories, thoughts and perspectives in a secure journal might be a good thing either way. Writing things down or saying them out loud that would otherwise staying within the walls of the mind puts things into perspective quite efficiently.

Can't hurt to give it a try, right? ;3

I'm not sure if I'll be able to say them out loud I can't stad hearing my own voice. lol.

I've always had bad memory even before I had depression and the years of drinking hasn't helped. So unfortunately I do think most of them are gone for good. I really should of started writing them down years ago when I first noticed I was forgetting.


Well-known member
One of my favorite Facebook games will be gone by next month. :( I'm sad. I loved that game.

I stopped playing it for a while, and then I came back and was enjoying it again. And then they do this to me. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
the years of drinking hasn't helped. So unfortunately I do think most of them are gone for good.

I know this is gonna sound wierd but I wish I drank so much the memories went away. In some ways I envy you but in others I know how you feel. Why can't memories be selective to filter out the bad and hold onto the good.