Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Oh, I had poison ivy earlier this summer. It was awful. I hope you get better real soon!

Thanks. :) Your wishes feel almost as good as that scalding hot shower I took earlier. ;)

It's really not bad at all; it's just all over. Right now the most annoying thing is having a shirt rub against that patch from my throat to my left shoulder.

They really should weaponize the stuff and put exploding packets of it in with the cash they give to bank robbers. They'd get the money, but boy would they be sorry....


Well-known member
OMG, had me laughing so hard. I've stepped on those things before and it hurts....I can't imagine sitting on one! Well, I hope your ass feels better! :)

Hahaha glad to hear that someone was able to get a laugh out of my little incident :D

I actually think stepping on a thumbtack hurts a hella lot more, but sitting on one hurt enough to make me skip my break at work earlier and stop by a local office supplies store to buy a massive pack of sticky notes that could last me a lifetime. Let's not forget to mention the constant reminder of my stupidity provided by this horrid stinging feeling I get whenever I do the simple everyday action of sitting down ::p:
hiccups are extremely annoying!

...I've drank heaps of water....I've held my breath as long as I could....still won't go away.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
*sigh* Yet another missed opportunity...
Today i was at the beach with my mom and we were in the water, i notice this really cute guy with deep blue eyes who keeps staring at me and I wonder damn, why do i have to be with my mother today.

Anyway, she gets out the water while i remain, and the cute guy waits a bit then comes over to me, introduces himself and we talk, flirt a bit(well I try to as much as I can, im only on vacation here and barely know much italian). Hes all shocked that im 21 and dont have a bf... whatever.

Of course there are some awkward silences and he keeps staring at me telling me im cute and asks me to give him a kiss on the cheek, im like lol yea right. Im feeling all uncomfortable because my mom is right fvcking there on the beach probably staring at me, and I cant get more playful with this guy and just let go and have a bit of fun. I get more uncomfortable so i just tell him i gotta, we say our goodbyes and i get out the water.

My mom says im dumb cause ive only spend like 5 minutes with the guy and i shouldve talked to him more. Yeah mom, as if i could do anything, with u staring at us.:mad:


Well-known member
I hate glee as much as any person who is not a 'gleek' - gahaha
But I've been beaten like that, so it's not so funny to me.

note: everyone love everyone! rainbows and ponies!

I feel a bit better now.

I apologize. I guess I should've taken that into consideration. I sometimes forget that most people don't have quite as dark and twisted sense of humour as I do. Anywho, heres a random pictures of ponies.
I feel overwhelmed, slightly confused, like I want to cry. Now I sound like I'm begging it. I think we all do sometimes, we're human beings. We all want attention, right?
I feel this increasing frustration everytime I interact with my family. I ****ing hate them. It's a struggle to stay calm, and I really want to. Doing my best.


Well-known member
Can't help to think that this girl i like is trying to avoid meeting me IRL. She always makes up some excuse as to why we can't meet up or do something together :(


Well-known member
just been for a ride. 10 miles of solitude down dirt tracks and through trees.


Now I 'm back to the same old same old.

I wish life was like a bike ride.


Well-known member
You know when you have a really comfy item of clothing thats like a best friend when you put it on. I had that, a really warm sweat top. Not any more. I have been hunting for it for past couple of hours and my stress levels have been through the roof. The Bitch threw it out. I am so freaking angry. My heads gonna explode. I have locked myself in the bathroom till I calm down. Could be here for quite some time...
You know when you have a really comfy item of clothing thats like a best friend when you put it on. I had that, a really warm sweat top. Not any more. I have been hunting for it for past couple of hours and my stress levels have been through the roof. The Bitch threw it out. I am so freaking angry. My heads gonna explode. I have locked myself in the bathroom till I calm down. Could be here for quite some time...

It sucks!Throw away her stuff see how she feels!