Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I hate drunk people.

Well, drunks can be all sorts of people. Happy, angry, confused and even philosophical. I was a philosophical drunk at time very much in past.

Have you thought deeply about this hate toward drunk people? Is it a certain type of drunk people you detest? Have you been drunk? If not I do not suggest you should become.

I often find I hate because I cannot do, perform, act or be in similar state like another or others are able. Or I want to experience something that I feel I cannot or am willing not to experience.

Turn the putrid feeling, toxic feeling of hatred inward first. See what's really going on then make a determination.

Hate is a strong word.


Well, drunks can be all sorts of people. Happy, angry, confused and even philosophical. I was a philosophical drunk at time very much in past.

I'm actually more friendly and outgoing when drinking, which is why it boggles my mind when people automatically equate alcohol to douchebaggery.


Speaking of facebook, people are back to the usual of posting picks from their college parties and escapades. I swear Im the only one that goes to school to actually do work. I need to stay away from that site for a while before I get depressed again like last year...


Well-known member
The worst social experience of my life. I am never going to another wedding for as long as I live. Couldn't sit with my family in church, had to sit with strange people. The sit down meal was a disaster. My son has CF and the function was BBQ. The smoke made his breathing hard so me and my wife swapped seats with him and his fiance to get him away from the window. More people we didn't know to sit with.

We left early


Well-known member
Thought I'd share this with you guys in case anyone wants a laugh out of my carelessness (or is bored enough to actually read my nonsense ::p:).

So I was putting up some notecards with reminders for this week on the headboard of my desk using thumbtacks and genius me left one on the desk when I got up to go get some water from the kitchen. I forgot (or more like lazily set aside the fact) that these little b******* have a tendency to roll on flat surfaces due to their round head so inevitably it rolled off my desk, landed right on my chair, and when I sat down it went straight up my... GUUUH.

I think I just woke up the whole neighborhood considering how loudly I screamed. To put the icing on the cake, my mom's standing there in the doorway laughing up a storm at me. Well heck, I'd be laughing my *** off too right now if it didn't hurt so friggin much. FARK.

Moral of the story: buy sticky notes, no matter how much you hate that icky residue they leave behind. Faaaaar less painful than thumb-tacking notecards on your desk (and incidentally getting one up your ***)... oh and don't be lazy and leave hazardous things lying around even if you'll be gone for a few seconds.

Guess you gotta learn the hard way sometimes. I know I sure did :rolleyes: ::p:


Well-known member
Need 3 musical solos/showtunes, one opera aria and 3 multilingual Disney or pop songs (in French, Japanese and Korean)
Okay... go!


...this is hard. -__-


Well-known member
Thought:- Isn't it amazing how we all give the best advise to each other and how we support each other with the compassionate things we say but can't take our own advise or be compassionate to ourselves.

I am going to try and use my own advise because I feel like a hypocrit


Well-known member
I would like to show my appreciation of SPW and everyone here. Since I have found this refuge I have had somewhere to go and speak to like minded people which is a first for me. My life up to press has been difficult, with many trials and tribulations.

I can not really express in my own words how much you all mean to me so I hope this conveys it for me.

Avril Lavigne - Naked - YouTube


Well-known member
I was at the beach and i went over to this guy who does gymnastics with older people and dancing, and i asked him to take a photo with me cause i thought he was cute:Dand well, i want to have some nice memories from my holiday. Wish i could be brave like this all the time.


Well-known member
I was at the beach and i went over to this guy who does gymnastics with older people and dancing, and i asked him to take a photo with me cause i thought he was cute:Dand well, i want to have some nice memories from my holiday. Wish i could be brave like this all the time.

ohh~ good job!


I wish I had somebody. I mean, single life is still good, but I do get tired of doing things like seeing movies and eating at restaurants alone. And then theres that love thing. Social anxiety has killed any chance of my having that in this life ::(:


Well-known member
ohh~ good job!

Thanks!:Dmy next goal would be to also take a photo with the swoon worthy italian bus driver who takes me to the beach almost every day. He smiles all brightly every time he sees me:) he strikes me like the kind of person who puts everyone in a good mood just by being around them. The kind of person id want to be. sigh
Thanks!:Dmy next goal would be to also take a photo with the swoon worthy italian bus driver who takes me to the beach almost every day. He smiles all brightly every time he sees me:) he strikes me like the kind of person who puts everyone in a good mood just by being around them. The kind of person id want to be. sigh

You're already that person :) I always get in a good mood when i see you here;D