Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Sat here looking at my computer not actualy doing anything. Feeling limp, lifeless. Want to talk but can't muster thet energy. Even my fingers feel as heavy as lead weights.


Well-known member
I think I can relate.
I have no idea who I am and most of the time I just cry over the fact that I've got no idea where my first step should be- or if I'm even able to take one.

I do hope you can think of a first step. That's the hardest part, I think.

Yeah the first step is the hardest. I just feel like my legs are shackled and I just can't move forward. There are just so many thing that need "fixing" - I guess it's not easy to know where to begin.


Well-known member
got a new car....


(or at least a phone-camera picture of one)
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Bored, and still fairly anxious. I'm back at school on Friday,eughh. Some of the girls at my school are such....asdfghjkl. Such ****ing begs. They just beg it off everyone all the time.

Yeah, I'm kind of weird when I feel anxious, I write endless lists and reminders. I guess it helps me stay in control. So I've got about ten word documents of things I need to do before Friday (haha), in case I forget everything, and it makes me more stressed...

Rant over.


I downloaded a Human Physiology app to my phone. Really fascinating. I'm currently taking a quiz on Cell Physiology. Ahhhh, brings back memories of college bio....

I love biology. That was my intended major. I really should try it again if that's what I love...... stupid math and organic chem ::(:


Well-known member
DS Personal Trainer; Cooking~ you make me giggle with your silly vague instructions!
What would I do if I were a beginner, eh?!
You'd have ruined me!!
Curse you, Nintendo!