I get the feeling sometimes support sites are not actually that helpful for dealing with the real world... its a bit like a protective bubble, if you don't like something you can ask for it to be deleted or closed. real life is not like that, if you don't like another person's opinion you can't just delete it or lock it down to silence them.
That was one thing that was so great about un-moderated Usenet back in the day. You could write anything. ANYTHING! And there was nothing that anyone could do about it. No political correctness and fights were allowed to play themselves out. You could use any word you wanted.
You did have to have a thick skin but it was pretty great while it lasted.
Sure there were a-holes but I found that the format actually brought out more intelligent conversations. People would write big, long posts.
Of course that was all phased out as the internet became more corporate. We all know that corporations don't want to be attached to anything controversial because it might alienate some of their customer base.
If you ever want to see what people a corporation wants to avoid offending just look at who mostly shops for their goods and services.
So the internet just becomes more and more "Disney-fied" as we just saw Youtube's move last week to push people away from controversial subjects.
Wow, that turned into a rant...:blushing: