Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Hmmm . . . a time and a place . . . a time and a place . . . :thinking:

I've got it! :D

Try walking around your apartment in assless chaps for several hours every day. You'll be living alone in no time! :perfect:

I don't like to brag, but if I bestow them with such privilege, they may never want to leave.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Doo wop music has a very small sweet spot.

Three songs in and I'm wondering why I don't listen to this stuff all the time. Five songs in and I'm ready to throw my computer out the window. The fifties must've SUCKED.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
"Just make people unhappy - you've been quite successful at that thus far"

Thanks mum really need tae hear that... Just tha confidence boost ah needed :sad:
Nae wonder ah keep ma feelin's tae masel' a lotta tha time. :kickingmyself:
^Good luck with seeing the doctor, Opal. :thumbup:
I finally tried making the leap to a new doctor last year, and it has been very beneficial for me so far. I hope the doctor listens to you properly, good luck. :)

I have been having a lot of random Free-floating Anxiety lately. I have not experienced that very often as I usually know exactly what is making me anxious or have an exact situation that I cannot stop worrying about. I hope it passes, the last thing I need is another form of it. :eek:h:

Thank you Blue. I didn't actually make the appointment because I was out of my mind tired, but I will on Monday.

Is your anxiety better? I have general anxiety a lot. Sometimes I literally can't physically relax and I don't know why. It's good you usually know the reason.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Why has no one ever told me how nice the wind feels on your beard?

Welcome to the fold.

Partly cloudy and chilly all spring break. FIGURES. Why couldn't I have booked a trip out West or something? Oh right, NO MONEY.



Well-known member
I really hate living with my mother. She worry too much when I go somewhere then gets pissed. She wants me to get out though. It's annoying.

I know she doesn't want me living here either. I wish I never came back. I don't even want to be here.

If I ever go out somewhere I'm not even seeing the person she thinks I'm still friends with. Not only am I ashamed I'm not friends with them anymore but I hate telling I'm seeing someone else because she gets so ****ing worried and insecure. Like WTF. i'm an adult. I can get killed at work and you don't worry then! Dammit!

Then she asked if I asked that person if they can help me get a job where they work!!! Ugh!
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Well-known member
"I found my one true love was on a blue Sunday. She looked at me and told me I was the only one in the world, now I have found my girl. My girl awaits for me in tender times, my girl is mine, she is the world, she is my girl..."

What I would give to travel back to the 60's and here my beautiful Jim Morrison sing these beautiful words. These Doors t-shirts and low-quality Youtube videos just aren't cutting it, man.


Well-known member
I find peace in knowing the New Age positive thinking movement was total BS.
It made some people awfully rich> The people writing the books and giving the seminars!

The sad part is the even though the movement fizzled, some of that bs has seeped into the culture.


Well-known member
I read somewhere that if a tailor comes up to you and asks "which way do you dress?", it's actually a subtle means of asking you which side of your trousers your dangly bits are.

Well, you learn something new everyday.