Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
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Richard P. Feynman said:
“You see, one thing is, I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.

I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything and there are many things I don't know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask why we're here, and what the question might mean.

I might think about it a little bit and if I can't figure it out, then I go on to something else, but I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without having any purpose, which is the way it really is so far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me.”

Richard P. Feynman



Well-known member
My approach to deal with paruresis has passed its first test. I thought I needed to have lots of noise in the background and stalls that didn't weren't open at the bottom and at the top, but recently I have been thinking that my problem is simply the noise I make. The obvious workaround is putting paper above the water so that even if I hit that spot it won't make any significant noise, but I haven't had the chance to test it until today.
I was in one of these stalls that are open at the bottom and top and suddenly a guy comes in the bathroom and enters the stall right next to mine. In a situation like this wouldn't be able to pee, so I got some toilet paper and put it over the water. Even though there was no background noise and the stall was the kind that I didn't like, I was able to start peeing right away.

This could be a major thing for me since I'm going back to university this year. I attended this university for 3 years until a couple of years ago, and I took this break to deal with this issue and a few others that made every day there seem like a torture. Having this fixed can greatly reduce my anxiety and increase my already good academic performance since I would no longer have to be stressed out about it during most of the classes.
Keep oscillating between feeling okay/good/hopeful to depressed and despairing.

To make a really long story short, I'm planning on taking the (second) first step tomorrow toward making my anxiety and depression better. I'm going to the doctor. I can't remember the last time I had a physical examination but it has been well over a year. I don't know why I put it off for so long. Part of it was money/insurance, but once I had insurance I still didn't go. Part of it was fear, of what exactly I'm not sure. I'm reluctant to have to hunt down my former medical records or if I can't find them, to have to recall my history myself, but that shouldn't be too hard anyway.

I have quite a few health issues I'm concerned about, so I'm reluctant to run down the entire list for fear of overwhelming the doctor or looking foolish, as if I'm a hypochondriac. I'm reluctant to have to go through the long process of screening things - taking blood, discussing symptoms, trial and error with meds, etc. Copays. Follow-ups. Fear of being misunderstood or misdiagnosed or anything like that. I don't know... seems I just avoid any "adult" responsibility these days because I lack confidence and motivation. I have to explain to the doctor about my anxiety and depression and that I want to not only treat my physical health problems but find out if anything physical is causing my mental issues. It just all seems overwhelming and so I've put it off for a long time.

Wish me luck...


Well-known member
Asked my dad to write a list of all the medical issues he has had since his 20s. Every time I complain about a problem I have, he says he had it when he was around my age. I already know I'll have an appendicitis in my 50s.
I have a question.

There is a guy in my class who tries to engage me in conversation a lot. I'm not attracted to him in that way, but he seems friendly enough that I might be comfortable talking to him anyway. Is this a bad idea - would that be leading him on? I'm thinking it's most likely that once he realizes I'm not interested in dating him he will disappear, which would make sense if that's all he is after. So... I guess my question is... is it a bad idea to be friendly toward him without hinting at anything else other than friendship? Or should I just forget it? Because I suppose I'm thinking it's possible he might just be looking for a friend or would be fine with that, BUT... that's probably not the case, right?

I wish I could just meet a friendly and down-to-earth female. It's the drama and cattiness that scares me away from them.


Well-known member
I have a question.

There is a guy in my class who tries to engage me in conversation a lot. I'm not attracted to him in that way, but he seems friendly enough that I might be comfortable talking to him anyway. Is this a bad idea - would that be leading him on? I'm thinking it's most likely that once he realizes I'm not interested in dating him he will disappear, which would make sense if that's all he is after. So... I guess my question is... is it a bad idea to be friendly toward him without hinting at anything else other than friendship? Or should I just forget it? Because I suppose I'm thinking it's possible he might just be looking for a friend or would be fine with that, BUT... that's probably not the case, right?

I wish I could just meet a friendly and down-to-earth female. It's the drama and cattiness that scares me away from them.

I say, if you want to talk to him, talk to him. Conversation alone is hardly a lead on. Unless he's a type who doesn't think guys and girls can be friends, he'd probably be happy with that once he gets the not-interested vibe. Just of course if he tries asking you out make sure he knows you just want to be friends.
This essay is only 3 pages long but it's taking me a lot longer than I thought because I have to type out Middle English and and flip back and forth between a modern translation and the original text. And Word keeps correcting the Middle English words as misspellings so I have to keep fixing them. I just want to go to bed :crying:

I'm starting to hate my major. I think that happens to nearly everyone though.


You want to know how I got these scars?
I have a question.

There is a guy in my class who tries to engage me in conversation a lot. I'm not attracted to him in that way, but he seems friendly enough that I might be comfortable talking to him anyway. Is this a bad idea - would that be leading him on? I'm thinking it's most likely that once he realizes I'm not interested in dating him he will disappear, which would make sense if that's all he is after. So... I guess my question is... is it a bad idea to be friendly toward him without hinting at anything else other than friendship? Or should I just forget it? Because I suppose I'm thinking it's possible he might just be looking for a friend or would be fine with that, BUT... that's probably not the case, right?

I wish I could just meet a friendly and down-to-earth female. It's the drama and cattiness that scares me away from them.

There are guys who enjoy the company/friendship of females without any thought of forming any more than a friendship.
I say talk to the guy, you never two may just become great friends.

If he does end up wanting anything more you just have to say you're not interested in a relationship, but thanks anyway.
Keep oscillating between feeling okay/good/hopeful to depressed and despairing.

To make a really long story short, I'm planning on taking the (second) first step tomorrow toward making my anxiety and depression better. I'm going to the doctor. I can't remember the last time I had a physical examination but it has been well over a year. I don't know why I put it off for so long. Part of it was money/insurance, but once I had insurance I still didn't go. Part of it was fear, of what exactly I'm not sure. I'm reluctant to have to hunt down my former medical records or if I can't find them, to have to recall my history myself, but that shouldn't be too hard anyway.

I have quite a few health issues I'm concerned about, so I'm reluctant to run down the entire list for fear of overwhelming the doctor or looking foolish, as if I'm a hypochondriac. I'm reluctant to have to go through the long process of screening things - taking blood, discussing symptoms, trial and error with meds, etc. Copays. Follow-ups. Fear of being misunderstood or misdiagnosed or anything like that. I don't know... seems I just avoid any "adult" responsibility these days because I lack confidence and motivation. I have to explain to the doctor about my anxiety and depression and that I want to not only treat my physical health problems but find out if anything physical is causing my mental issues. It just all seems overwhelming and so I've put it off for a long time.

Wish me luck...
^Good luck with seeing the doctor, Opal. :thumbup:
I finally tried making the leap to a new doctor last year, and it has been very beneficial for me so far. I hope the doctor listens to you properly, good luck. :)

I have been having a lot of random Free-floating Anxiety lately. I have not experienced that very often as I usually know exactly what is making me anxious or have an exact situation that I cannot stop worrying about. I hope it passes, the last thing I need is another form of it. :eek:h:


Me three. I just come here to post things I can't post anywhere else, but I don't expect people to read them anyway. Can't really say I'm friends with anyone here.

Well I would like to be but I can't find anyone to talk to in here. Sure I take it personal but it's the internet and I know that means no one gives a damn about you so I keep that in mind.

S_Spartan said:
I just come here to talk to myself publically.

I can do that without logging on here.