Pirate from the North Pole
Hrm. When's the last time you changed your bedsheets? :thinking:
Awwwww I got one of your smart-a$$ comments
Hrm. When's the last time you changed your bedsheets? :thinking:
Thank you for some reason it puts me in a good mood. Like nothing matters enough to worry.
This is precisely why I like to lie outside on my back on warm nights and watch the milky way, thinking of my position in the universe.
This is precisely why I like to lie outside on my back on warm nights and watch the milky way, thinking of my position in the universe.
Hmmm . . . a time and a place . . . a time and a place . . . :thinking:There's a time and a place for imagery of assless chaps, and it's not everywhere, all the time.
What I'd give to live in a house without couples in it. Ugh.
If it's not the lovey dovey stuff it's the little arguments, if it's not the little argument it's full on shouting matches. It's just CONSTANTLY grating in one way or another and after about six years I'm just done with it.
It's not made better by the fact that we're all living in an apartment the size of a shoe box.
Try walking around your apartment in assless chaps for several hours every day. You'll be living alone in no time!erfect:
Ah dinnae ken if ah cun take much mair uh this... Ah really don't. :sad:
(I don't know if I can take much more of this... I really don't.)