Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
She can use up all the laundry detergent and even possibly cause a toddler to get hit or lost or abducted just because she doesn't want to put on shoes and get one little particle of dirt on her...

yet she doesn't nothing about the bed bugs she caused!

Every ****ing night I have to deal with these things. I'm trying to get rid of them but it doesn't no good when she doesn't give a shit about them. I wonder if they even bother her or anyone else!!!


Well-known member
I really wish I could concentrate and wasn't so stressed out.
I need to review things on Khan Academy so I don't get put in college classes learning things I learned in high school. I can't concentrate and I really want to do great on the placement test.

Why did I ruin my life. I wish I could go back and the fact that the only way we can go back in time is thinking about it, I hate that it's impossible to actually fix things. I wish the memories weren't there either. Dammit.


Well-known member
I feel a slight burn below my Adam's apple, in that space between the collarbones, maybe the breastbone. I only feel it when I feel air coming up from my stomach but it doesn't manage to pass that area and turn into a burp. I've had this for many years but I never gave it much thought until I found out about GERD a few months ago. I've been trying to change my diet and the hours at which I eat, but there have been no significant changes. Drinking milk seems to help sometimes.

I should go to the gastroenterologist but all the tests that are usually done to check this out seem to involve putting something down your throat and I'm incredibly uncomfortable with that. I went to the allergist a few weeks ago and she couldn't put the stick on my tongue because of my gag reflex (ended up only saying "Aaaah" instead). I can't even imagine having a tube down my throat for 30 minutes.
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Damnit, I have to tell my friends to stop linking me erotic toy stores for laughs because now all my adverts on nearly every site are super racy again.

There's a time and a place for imagery of assless chaps, and it's not everywhere, all the time.
What I'd give to live in a house without couples in it. Ugh.

If it's not the lovey dovey stuff it's the little arguments, if it's not the little argument it's full on shouting matches. It's just CONSTANTLY grating in one way or another and after about six years I'm just done with it.

It's not made better by the fact that we're all living in an apartment the size of a shoe box.
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Well-known member
There's a time and a place for imagery of assless chaps, and it's not everywhere, all the time.
Hmmm . . . a time and a place . . . a time and a place . . . :thinking:

What I'd give to live in a house without couples in it. Ugh.

If it's not the lovey dovey stuff it's the little arguments, if it's not the little argument it's full on shouting matches. It's just CONSTANTLY grating in one way or another and after about six years I'm just done with it.

It's not made better by the fact that we're all living in an apartment the size of a shoe box.

I've got it! :D

Try walking around your apartment in assless chaps for several hours every day. You'll be living alone in no time! :perfect:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah dinnae ken if ah cun take much mair uh this... Ah really don't. :sad:
(I don't know if I can take much more of this... I really don't.)​


Well-known member
Ah dinnae ken if ah cun take much mair uh this... Ah really don't. :sad:
(I don't know if I can take much more of this... I really don't.)​

Seems like you've really been feeling down lately. Try and hang on in there, man. I hope things get better for you soon.


Well-known member
At work today, someone, because I am so quiet, put forth the hypothetical situation of what I would do if he were to say he was going to home and kill himself. He hypothesized I would tell no one about it, because I am so quiet. While it was good natured, it did bring up a very real fear I have, in that in an actual moment like that, one where I need to get help or something like that, my social anxiety about doing such a thing would take precedent and I would not act. Would I really let a sucidal person go and kill themselves when I could have prevented it?