Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I find peace in knowing the New Age positive thinking movement was total BS.
What is that?? There's many types of positive thinking .. i'm not sure if you mean ALL "positive thinking" or just a specific type of (ie "New Age positive thinking movement" is the name of a specific type or movement?)

Personally, i find that "positive thinking" really only works if OTHER important aspects of your life are sort of in order. Positive begets positive. Success breeds success.
eg If you're depressed, positives don't seem to make much difference. Or if you're overwhelmed by things.
It's only after you start go "UP" in your life, i suspect, that doing "positive thinking" can have benefits, imho.


Well-known member
What is that?? There's many types of positive thinking .. i'm not sure if you mean ALL "positive thinking" or just a specific type of (ie "New Age positive thinking movement" is the name of a specific type or movement?)

Personally, i find that "positive thinking" really only works if OTHER important aspects of your life are sort of in order. Positive begets positive. Success breeds success.
eg If you're depressed, positives don't seem to make much difference. Or if you're overwhelmed by things.
It's only after you start go "UP" in your life, i suspect, that doing "positive thinking" can have benefits, imho.
I can see this being true. The more positive people I have known have had good things happening TO them externally which bolstered their faith in life and themselves.

What a difference a few lucky breaks can have on a person's outlook!


Well-known member
I can see this being true. The more positive people I have known have had good things happening TO them externally which bolstered their faith in life and themselves.

What a difference a few lucky breaks can have on a person's outlook!

I don't know if the external has that much control over a persons outlook. I've known people who have gotten knocked down over and over and over again but still managed to stay positive, while others may have everything going ok but still can't find a way to be happy. And I think it's because there are so many ways we can look at things and take from them, and that we on some level have control whether any one thing will bring us down or not.


Well-known member
My mum talks so low on the phone, I'm on the opposite side of the apartment with noise-reducing headphones on listening to a lecture and I can still hear her clearly over the loud television in a room in between us.


Well-known member
Need to write a letter of motivation to the master's degree I'm applying to. No idea what to write though.


Well-known member
Updating facebook info. I press the find friends button and I still have no clue who any of these people are.


Well-known member
I had no idea you could renounce your citizenship. Have no state or country. That sounds too good to be true. Must look into more....I can only imagine how amazing it would feel to no longer be associated with this country or any for that matter. Just be a citizen of the world. I am so tired of feeling so oppressed by the "land of the free" which this most certainly is not. It 's fairly inexpensive and requires very little paper work. How intriguing!


Well-known member
Theslowesthand I was venting there about the idea that you cannot think anything negative- always be positive and smile no matter how you feel inside or how bad things are in the world. You cannot fight or stand up for what you believe in in any way. That kind of new age poo that tries to turn people into controlled morons.
Don't want to dwell on it but the future is terrifying and depressing sometimes. I am trying to find a way to make it better. I hope I can. I'm scared.


Well-known member
Don't want to dwell on it but the future is terrifying and depressing sometimes. I am trying to find a way to make it better. I hope I can. I'm scared.

Just think, more likely than not, your future is going to include ice cream. And I know ice cream for me tends to make everything better. It really makes the world a better place. Ice Cream,


Well-known member
Just think, more likely than not, your future is going to include ice cream. And I know ice cream for me tends to make everything better. It really makes the world a better place. Ice Cream,

And puppies =)

Thinking of the future leaves me anxious for days. I try to do the "live in the moment thing", that is what keeps me ok.


Well-known member
Thinking about running away to an asylum.
But I have a developmentally delayed 2 y.o. Dammit.
I don't know what to do. I don't want my family to have to deal with him and Imll feel bad for him even but I'm sick of it all. I need to get away.


Well-known member
Or...Puppies covered in ice cream! :numberone:

OR, cover yourself in ice cream and have puppies lick the it off :bigsmile: you know, placed strategically in completely innocent locations that will not have you arrested for bestiality. (oh...oh god, I misspelled it "beastality" and then google searched it(for the correct spelling), and it brought up porn sites :eek:)

Ice cream is good, but potatoes are what really appeal to me :p Especially fried.

Mm, potatoes are good, and there are so many different ways to prepare them! I love me some fully loaded potato skins, the level of yum is immeasurable.


You want to know how I got these scars?
OR, cover yourself in ice cream and have puppies lick the it off :bigsmile: you know, placed strategically in completely innocent locations that will not have you arrested for bestiality. (oh...oh god, I misspelled it "beastality" and then google searched it(for the correct spelling), and it brought up porn sites :eek:)QUOTE]
