Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Is the best revenge really 'living well'?
I'd have thought that it was lighting the person's house on fire and dancing on the ashes... but that's just me.


Well-known member
Aww, Beatrice, you didn't come across as any of that, we know you care...
And sometimes people just need to vent...

Even if it's routine for you and others, some people can still freak out.. Older men can be... set in their ways, and expect different kind of routine... Older people often start breakfast or lunch with 'who died' and their friends/acquiantances going slowly... and it can be different when you're young etc.

I think may parents (and me) slightly freak out whenever someone dies or gets ill, I didn't use to be like that when I was younger... (And I think what you wrote helped me figure out what happened with my dad too... we all kinda became snappy, so I was talking from my experience... I probably came across as rude and insensitive in some other threads too, yikes... Sorry if I offended anyone..)

Hope things go well...


Found out a few days ago that my great great grandma's grandma, was Jewish. I assume her daughter married a protestant man though because everyone after her was protestant. I consider myself an atheist but it's still interesting to me. I jokingly called my mom and told her I was packing up my **** and moving to Israel next week, she has HORRIBLE sarcasm detection skills and freaked out, lulz for me. I also started answering all her phone calls by saying shalom instead of hello. ::p:


Your poor mother ::p: you should grow a beard and wear a yarmulke next time you go visit her. Just make sure it's not on a Saturday, or your cover will be blown. ::p:

LOL, when I grow a beard I get people telling me I look like Jesus. Also I don't have one of those things nor know where to get one...

Anyway it's not the Jewish part that bothers my mom, she'd probably be thrilled if I got any religion even if it wasn't hers, it's the moving to Israel part that freaked her out.
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Well-known member
Found out a few days ago that my great great grandma's grandma, was Jewish. I assume her daughter married a protestant man though because everyone after her was protestant. I consider myself an atheist but it's still interesting to me. I jokingly called my mom and told her I was packing up my **** and moving to Israel next week, she has HORRIBLE sarcasm detection skills and freaked out, lulz for me. I also started answering all her phone calls by saying shalom instead of hello. ::p:
^ That's hilarious! Maybe not for your mother, but I thought it was funny. ::p: Try not to give her a heart attack though. ;)
I've really been getting into simulators lately. I love how they give you a little more insight into things that otherwise seem so common and boring.

Oh! They should make an Iron Man suit simulator, that'd be awesome. :3 <3
I've really been getting into simulators lately. I love how they give you a little more insight into things that otherwise seem so common and boring.

Oh! They should make an Iron Man suit simulator, that'd be awesome. :3 <3

I've made a prototype of the Iron Man suit, if you're interested :cool:
I hate how everybody in this house uses every excuse to complain on and on about trivial things. Show some damn restraint once in a while, geez.