Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah feel aboot as dire as Danny Dyer's actin' career. :bigsmile:
Ah f**kin' hate huvin' the flu. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
UPDATE!!! i just got invited to christmas!! i get to see my nephew!



Well-known member
There's nothing like waiting in a doctor's surgery to realise the physical health and freedom I have is a good thing, and how much worse off I would be without it, and how much a better place I am in now than 5-10 years ago. I spent a lot of time in those places in my forties, and I don't want to go back to being unwell again.

I had a sunspot removed from my face. All that running in the sun is a risk for skin damage. I was relieved it wasn't cancer.
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Well-known member
In my first dream this last night I was so anxious that I started bleeding (it was just a drop of blood on my nose actually) blue blood. Then the people around me started talking about phobias and if they were curable (because of what had happened to me), I don't remember much more than that.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Thinkin' about writin' a poem about ma cousin - who passed away, recently... Don't know if ah should, though. :thinking:


Well-known member
It's Friday the 13th! And 12 days before Christmas.

I've been hearing this song "12 days of Christmas" since childhood, but it's only today that I've started wondering, are there 12 days of Christmas? I thought there's only 1. If we actually count the 12 days of Christmas, beginning on 12/25, the 12th day would end up in January of next year, past New Year's!