In biology class we are currently making videos in groups of 3-5 people, and I was, until today, in group with two girls, but now I'm in a group with some guys instead. There are a few reasons to this. First off, the two girls often don't show up for class and/or are late, and they are very bad at getting things done, whereas I'm the opposite. My teacher knows I'm good at biology and that I've been by myself in that group, so today she suggested that I move to another group, which I did. I had actually stopped caring about the video because it would turn out to be very poor, but in my new group, we got things done and the video is finished.
My group didn't know this because they had music while I had biology. Then, in the afternoon, I received a Facebook message saying "WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT THE VIDEO!!!???" I answered that I'd changed group, and when asked why, I said that we hadn't really done much and it was impractical that they had music while I had biology. Then she wrote back "Okay, thanks for shit". She's always overreacting, so now I'm a little nervous about how she will act around me tomorrow and such. I've always hated conflicts and tried to avoid them, but if I get angry, my shyness often goes away temporarily and I will say my opinion. Let's just say that I'm nervous, but prepared, although I'm probably making it a greater issue than it is...