Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
This forum was really helpful when I first visited 3 years ago. Even though it's quieter, it is still a good place to visit compared to many places on the internet. I left for a while, but that was partly because of dramas that I made a contribution to. I overact, I get angry, it helps no one. I've found that people do reach out, people are kind, more than I have a right to expect, but I don't often know how to respond.
^ I'm glad you came back. :) Have to agree this is one of the much nicer corners of the internet. I have never found a community on the internet as good as this one is, even if it is getting quieter. Tumblr is close, I have made a couple friends there too, but the vastness of the site, with its mix of trolls, makes it a bit difficult to form friendships with other people.

That's good to hear, Phoenixx. I always enjoy reading your posts.
^ Ah, really? That's good to know someone likes my rambling. :giggle:


Well-known member
This forum was really helpful when I first visited 3 years ago. Even though it's quieter, it is still a good place to visit compared to many places on the internet. I left for a while, but that was partly because of dramas that I made a contribution to. I overact, I get angry, it helps no one. I've found that people do reach out, people are kind, more than I have a right to expect, but I don't often know how to respond.

My life is also all over the place, heaven one day, a nightmare the next. Maybe that's what I have to endure to try to live? On Thursday all I feel is hopelessness and a emotional pain, today I feel hopeful and lucky and wanting to focus on possibilities.
I would love to hope that one day you can have more positive days than negative ones. Rocking back and forth between those emotions can't really be good for you.


Well-known member
I would love to hope that one day you can have more positive days than negative ones. Rocking back and forth between those emotions can't really be good for you.

Thanks mate. At least I have some positive days now. A few years back every day was a nightmare.


Well-known member
Thanks Phoenix, you've been around nearly as long as me. Your 3 year anniversary on this site is not far away.


^I wonder Puma, and it is this way for me anyways, I feel like a damn broken record about my "issues" so I just prefer not to even try to talk about them anymore or pollute the world with my negativity...after awhile I have gotten so sick of myself I just choose not to say anything anymore. I still read posts but I just feel like I have nothing new to add. Or I see this annoying pattern with myself when I post here, like sometimes I am so up and positive and a few weeks later, for whatever reason I am in the dumps, so I just cringe at my lack of consistency.

That´s why I don´t post that much either.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
^ hey, that's what these threads are for! fair dumping grounds!



F**k! Piss! Wank! Shite! B**tard! Eejit! Bellend! Fanny! C**t! F**kin'... Bawbag!

^ There. Eh, just gettin' aw ma swearin' oot o' ma system.

Ah'll insert these words intae coherent sentence at some point. Mibbe the 'morra! :idontknow:


Well-known member
My friend invited me to come with him to a lock-in/hangout tonight at our old high school. Not sure if I want to go or not. There's a couple people I'd like to see, and I do like that I'm pushing myself more to go do things and to get out of the house, but just the thought of being in the midst of a whole bunch of other people I don't know is making me uncomfortable.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
who are you kidding? you'll never fully get that out of your system haha

Ah know, ah know... ah meant ma daily usage. Which is every-f**kin'-day. :ironicsmile: F**kin' awful, innit? Just f**kin' atrocious*, eh? *That words got too many f**kin' syllables tae say in ma accent, properly. Aw this gratuitous f**kin' swearin'... there's nae need fur it, is there? When the last ye were so annoyed to the point o' rage wi' somebuddy that ye yelled at them tae "Go away!" Tell somebuddy tae f**k off, on the other hand, and off they will f**k!

Basically swearin' in Scots is bit like tourette syndrome, withoot the additional random noises. And all that swearin' is justified because it fits rhymically with ma speech pattern. Also comes in handy if ye want to get to the end of a sentence without havin' to f**kin' pause.

Also, ah talk very quickly, not that you'll huv noticed that. Technically there shouldnae even be space in between the words, ah've just typed.


Well-known member
F**k! Piss! Wank! Shite! B**tard! Eejit! Bellend! Fanny! C**t! F**kin'... Bawbag!
Imagining this in a Scottish accent is absolutely hilarious. :bigsmile:

My friend invited me to come with him to a lock-in/hangout tonight at our old high school. Not sure if I want to go or not. There's a couple people I'd like to see, and I do like that I'm pushing myself more to go do things and to get out of the house, but just the thought of being in the midst of a whole bunch of other people I don't know is making me uncomfortable.
What's a "lock-in"? Up to you if you want to go, but it sounds like a nice opportunity to meet a few new people. :)


Well-known member
My friend invited me to come with him to a lock-in/hangout tonight at our old high school. Not sure if I want to go or not. There's a couple people I'd like to see, and I do like that I'm pushing myself more to go do things and to get out of the house, but just the thought of being in the midst of a whole bunch of other people I don't know is making me uncomfortable.

This sounds like my idea of a perfect nightmare. "Here we're going to stick you in an awkward social situation for an entire night and you can't get out of it without looking like a complete idiot!" Noooo, thank you. :)
(I'm assuming this is an overnight thing?)


Well-known member
What's a "lock-in"? Up to you if you want to go, but it sounds like a nice opportunity to meet a few new people. :)
^ Basically a group of people is held hostage for one whole night and forced to interact with one another. Heh, not totally, but it's really just a get-together with a bunch of people where you play games, watch a movie or two, talk with your friends, eat, etc. (Doors are closed and locked at a certain time -- from the outside, you can still get out, just can't come back in.) My school had one every year, and every year I'd go just because I was on Yearbook club. We sponsored it and did the concessions and everything, so it was a huge money maker for us, and you'd be surprised how many people hate working. I always picked up the slack. I didn't always mind it so much, because then I wasn't wandering around bored. (I hated the overnight thing though, I was exhausted by morning and the next day I'd do nothing but sleep.) When I was hanging out with friends it wasn't too bad, but I hated being around huge groups of people, so I normally just hung out in the hallways where it was quieter, and if my brother was around we would kill some time playing air hockey.

This sounds like my idea of a perfect nightmare. "Here we're going to stick you in an awkward social situation for an entire night and you can't get out of it without looking like a complete idiot!" Noooo, thank you. :)
(I'm assuming this is an overnight thing?)
^ Yeah I've endured them before, they can be agonizing after a while, which is why I would not stay all night at all. Just a few hours. I still haven't made up my mind whether or not I want to go.


Well-known member
^ Basically a group of people is held hostage for one whole night and forced to interact with one another. Heh, not totally, but it's really just a get-together with a bunch of people where you play games, watch a movie or two, talk with your friends, eat, etc. (Doors are closed and locked at a certain time -- from the outside, you can still get out, just can't come back in.) My school had one every year, and every year I'd go just because I was on Yearbook club. We sponsored it and did the concessions and everything, so it was a huge money maker for us, and you'd be surprised how many people hate working. I always picked up the slack. I didn't always mind it so much, because then I wasn't wandering around bored. (I hated the overnight thing though, I was exhausted by morning and the next day I'd do nothing but sleep.) When I was hanging out with friends it wasn't too bad, but I hated being around huge groups of people, so I normally just hung out in the hallways where it was quieter, and if my brother was around we would kill some time playing air hockey.
Watch movies? Play air hockey? Play games? This actually sounds like a lot of fun, especially when held at a school. It would still be unnerving, but if you had the right group of people with you, I think it'd be fun. :)


Well-known member
Watch movies? Play air hockey? Play games? This actually sounds like a lot of fun, especially when held at a school. It would still be unnerving, but if you had the right group of people with you, I think it'd be fun. :)
^ Yeah it can be fun, but like you said with the right people. I'll have my guy friend, and probably his cousin, with me but they're both pretty social people so guaranteed they'll be off talking and hanging out with others while I just follow like a puppy not saying a word.


Well-known member
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