Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
MikeyC, An angry response to someone at work that escalated with me now feeling angry, sad, hopeless and unwell. Feeling really isolated and that everyone is angry with me. Anger always ends that way. I never learn, I say next time I will think before I react, but next time I do the same thing.
Sorry to hear, man. Hopefully it all works out at work.

Beyoncé, lives for Hamburgers! Late Night Burgers!
Apparently! :giggle:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
What d'ye get if ye cross the word "(c)unt" with the word "(b)astard...? Custard. (Ah know, funny. But it's a shite swear word)

What d'ye call a Scotsman wanderin' home at 1 o'clock in the morning...? Drunk.

What d'ye call a Scotsman in London...? Lost.

What the difference between a tampoon & a person from Edinburgh, Scotland...? Nothin', they're both stuck up (c)unts!

"It's freezin' oot here. Are ye no' cold wearin' that kilt, pal...?"
"How, no'?"
"Am wearin' 3 socks!"


Well-known member
Going to try sleeping with the window shutter slightly open to wake up with the morning light. I'm also going to try to keep the lights off after dinner.
Maybe this will help me change my sleep schedule.


Well-known member
A friend of mine is starting a business called Late Night Burgers, where you have burgers delivered to your door. He ended up making a mock video of an interview with Beyonce talking about Late Night Burgers. He's pretty much one of my best friends, and hopefully he'll share any profits he makes, haha.

sounds like a great idea - hope it works out for him

you think he would deliver to Northeast Wisconsin?


Well-known member
A friend of mine is starting a business called Late Night Burgers, where you have burgers delivered to your door. He ended up making a mock video of an interview with Beyonce talking about Late Night Burgers. He's pretty much one of my best friends, and hopefully he'll share any profits he makes, haha.

Late Night Burgers Interviews Beyoncé - YouTube
^ So I had the volume turned up because I couldn't hear, and then towards the end I tried hearing what Beyonce had to say and then the logo fired in my face with that gunshot(?), it was so loud, I jumped so much and now I cannot stop laughing. :lol: My parents just went to bed, I was afraid I woke them, but I'm pretty sure they didn't hear anything since no one's freaking out.

Your friend made a nice video, btw. I'm sure he'll have a successful business. It sounds like a pretty good idea!

I really should be going to bed, since I have to leave early for an appointment tomorrow. I'm in the middle of streaming the Catching Fire soundtrack though. It's so good.


Well-known member
LOL, your friend is very funny.:giggle:
Yeah, he likes to be stupid sometimes. :) This is the best video he's ever made, in my opinion, and if it gets customers (and no lawsuits from Beyonce!), then all the more better.

sounds like a great idea - hope it works out for him

you think he would deliver to Northeast Wisconsin?
Maybe. Minimum order of $2,000, though. ::p:

^ So I had the volume turned up because I couldn't hear, and then towards the end I tried hearing what Beyonce had to say and then the logo fired in my face with that gunshot(?), it was so loud, I jumped so much and now I cannot stop laughing. :lol: My parents just went to bed, I was afraid I woke them, but I'm pretty sure they didn't hear anything since no one's freaking out.

Your friend made a nice video, btw. I'm sure he'll have a successful business. It sounds like a pretty good idea!
Haha, sorry, but yeah, that gunshot is loud at the end. He thinks it's a good idea and he's gotten hundreds of likes on Facebook in just a couple of days so it's got potential!
It makes me kinda sad that over this and last year it's been getting progressively quieter here. I still remember coming here for the first time; there were so many regulars that had friendly dynamics with one another. It had this tight community type atmosphere.

But then everyone just stopped coming. The dynamics changed. fun treads died with it and posts are now literally hours in between.

Well, at least there are new kind people - and a few familiar faces left. When change it imminent, that's all you can ask for I suppose. And there's a nice comfort in thinking the people that left got better. I sometimes can't help but wonder how they're doing..


Well-known member
^I wonder Puma, and it is this way for me anyways, I feel like a damn broken record about my "issues" so I just prefer not to even try to talk about them anymore or pollute the world with my negativity...after awhile I have gotten so sick of myself I just choose not to say anything anymore. I still read posts but I just feel like I have nothing new to add. Or I see this annoying pattern with myself when I post here, like sometimes I am so up and positive and a few weeks later, for whatever reason I am in the dumps, so I just cringe at my lack of consistency.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I feel like a damn broken record about my "issues" so I just prefer not to even try to talk about them anymore or pollute the world with my negativity...after awhile I have gotten so sick of myself I just choose not to say anything anymore. I still read posts but I just feel like I have nothing new to add. Or I see this annoying pattern with myself when I post here, like sometimes I am so up and positive and a few weeks later, for whatever reason I am in the dumps, so I just cringe at my lack of consistency.

Aye, that how ah've been feelin' lately.


Well-known member
Aye, that how ah've been feelin' lately.

Ya you too? I am sorry ya feel that way also. It's no fun not being able to feel like you can even talk about stuff anymore. I have definitely gotten to that point and I don't blame anyone for not wanting to listen to me anymore since I really have nothing positive to say, well rarely anyways. I have just gotten sick of never having anything positive happen for me. I am sick of getting my hopes up just be be let down.


Well-known member
I saw a former guy friend at Walmart tonight. I hadn't seen him or talked to him since my junior year of high school so it was a really weird surprise. We took the time to catch up a bit as we shopped. He asked me for my number, I gave it to him. I still don't know how to feel. I'm happy, but at the same time I feel weird about everything. I liked him forever in high school, was pretty sure I moved on from that by now, but now seeing him again I don't know. He's cute, always has been to be honest, but I don't know whether or not I'm truly attracted to him. (Sidenote: It's also the week or so before my period and I get very needy and lonely during then, so I don't know whether these are true feelings or aunt flo feelings.)

I do want to talk to him again, I want us to be friends again because I really liked our friendship we had. I don't know if I want to pursue anything more though. (I already let him down once back in high school out of fear, and that was painful, I don't want to do it again.) I've changed a lot since then (that kind of just dawned on me tonight too as I was talking to him), have been through a lot in the past couple years. Even overall I've been through a lot during my teenage years that he had no idea about (no one really knew, I hid it from pretty much everyone). Basically I'm afraid of getting closer because I don't know how he'd react.


Well-known member
It makes me kinda sad that over this and last year it's been getting progressively quieter here. I still remember coming here for the first time; there were so many regulars that had friendly dynamics with one another. It had this tight community type atmosphere.

But then everyone just stopped coming. The dynamics changed. fun treads died with it and posts are now literally hours in between.

Well, at least there are new kind people - and a few familiar faces left. When change it imminent, that's all you can ask for I suppose. And there's a nice comfort in thinking the people that left got better. I sometimes can't help but wonder how they're doing..
Don't worry, because I'm here, and since I'm just the greatest forum user of all time, the dynamic is still there. :giggle:
^I wonder Puma, and it is this way for me anyways, I feel like a damn broken record about my "issues" so I just prefer not to even try to talk about them anymore or pollute the world with my negativity...after awhile I have gotten so sick of myself I just choose not to say anything anymore. I still read posts but I just feel like I have nothing new to add. Or I see this annoying pattern with myself when I post here, like sometimes I am so up and positive and a few weeks later, for whatever reason I am in the dumps, so I just cringe at my lack of consistency.

Same. Among other things. But yeah, definitely that.


I wish that someone would really do something about global warming denialism. Free speech is nice and all, but it's not worth it if we have to hear that bullshit.


Well-known member
It makes me kinda sad that over this and last year it's been getting progressively quieter here. I still remember coming here for the first time; there were so many regulars that had friendly dynamics with one another. It had this tight community type atmosphere.

But then everyone just stopped coming. The dynamics changed. fun treads died with it and posts are now literally hours in between.

Well, at least there are new kind people - and a few familiar faces left. When change it imminent, that's all you can ask for I suppose. And there's a nice comfort in thinking the people that left got better. I sometimes can't help but wonder how they're doing..
^ I noticed that too, and it does make me sad. There were a lot of old members I talked to pretty frequently when I joined, and then they just sorta left. I miss the tightness of the community, but nothing good lasts forever. I'm just happy I've made the friends I have from here and how long I've participated (almost 3 years now!). I know I will leave eventually too, but not any time soon.


Well-known member
This forum was really helpful when I first visited 3 years ago. Even though it's quieter, it is still a good place to visit compared to many places on the internet. I left for a while, but that was partly because of dramas that I made a contribution to. I overact, I get angry, it helps no one. I've found that people do reach out, people are kind, more than I have a right to expect, but I don't often know how to respond.

My life is also all over the place, heaven one day, a nightmare the next. Maybe that's what I have to endure to try to live? On Thursday all I feel is hopelessness and a emotional pain, today I feel hopeful and lucky and wanting to focus on possibilities.


Well-known member
I wish that someone would really do something about global warming denialism. Free speech is nice and all, but it's not worth it if we have to hear that bullshit.

I suppose all you can is contribute to helping the environment, and let your opinion been known by voting in elections. And then if we do manage to avoid the worst of climate change, then the denialists can say I told you all they like.