Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I started to keep a list of things people have shouted out at me while running. The most violent and threatening of these was the guy who got out of this van to chase after me, screaming abuse, and when he couldn't catch up, he got back in the van and proceeded to follow me.

Then there was the group of hoons driving a car and they swerved to hit me as I ran in the gutter.

"I'll call the Police," I said.

"They won't do anything," was the reply.

Four dogs off the leash that have tried to bite me, the owners say he won't bite you.

Other things said:

Only elephants can push trees over.

Love you're work

* Imitations of my running style.*

Can I have legs like yours?

Go on tackle him

Come on run faster

Speed kills you know

Do you want a lift?


He'd be really good if shuffling was an Olympic sport

Why don't you go and catch something?

Run Forrest Run X dozens

Who are you chasing?

Do you call that running? That's not running




You'd be great if shuffling was an Olympic sport

I can't believe I'm slower than that.

Boo, shouted a close distance in my ear

You should invest in a horse

"Do you want a lift?"

Is a Kangaroo a herbivore or a carnivore?

Some of this is quite amusing, but generally I am tired of people and their ignorance. I am a big guy and I can handle myself, I guess it must be worse and more frightening for women.

It seems harassment is par for the course for those making an effort to get out there and keep fit. I get tired of it, and with my anxiety I really want to give up and not face it anymore. People shit me, I've had more than enough of them.
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I started to keep a list of things people have shouted out at me while running. The most violent and threatening of these was the guy who got out of this van to chase after me, screaming abuse, and when he couldn't catch up, he got back in the van and proceeded to follow me.

Then there was the group of hoons they swerved to hit me as I ran in the gutter.

"I'll call the Police," I said.

"They won't do anything," was the reply.

Four off the leash that have tried to bite me.

Other things said:

Only elephants can push trees over.

Love you're work

* Imitations of my running style.*

Can I have legs like yours?

Go on tackle him

Come on run faster

Speed kills you know

Do you want a lift?


He'd be really good if shuffling was an Olympic sport

Why don't you go and catch something?

Run Forrest Run X dozens

Who are you chasing?

Do you call that running? That's not running




You'd be great if shuffling was an Olympic sport

I can't believe I'm slower than that.

Boo, shouted a close distance in my ear

You should invest in a horse

"Do you want a lift?"

Is a Kangaroo a herbivore or a carnivore?

Some of this is quite amusing, but generally I am tired of people and their ignorance. I am a big guy and I can handle myself, I guess it must be worse and more frightening for women.

It seems harassment is par for the course for those making an effort to get out there and keep fit. I get tired of it, and with my anxiety I really want to give up and not face it anymore. People shit me, I've had more than enough of them.

Ugh, that is so obnoxious. I do tend to think of it as mostly a thing women have to endure for sexual or power reasons, and to be honest I rarely hear about men getting harassed by other men this way. It's that frequent, then? I'd be tempted to say, "Hey, what have YOU done lately to improve your fitness?"

Part of the reason I started to dread running was because of people's dogs, too. I hate hate HATE strange dogs, only because they make me so nervous. They strike me as unpredictable. I hate even more when they're out running around freely and come up to me, what am I supposed to do, I have to stand there helpless until the owner gets the hyperactive thing away from me.


Well-known member
Ugh, that is so obnoxious. I do tend to think of it as mostly a thing women have to endure for sexual or power reasons, and to be honest I rarely hear about men getting harassed by other men this way. It's that frequent, then? I'd be tempted to say, "Hey, what have YOU done lately to improve your fitness?"

Part of the reason I started to dread running was because of people's dogs, too. I hate hate HATE strange dogs, only because they make me so nervous. They strike me as unpredictable. I hate even more when they're out running around freely and come up to me, what am I supposed to do, I have to stand there helpless until the owner gets the hyperactive thing away from me.

I'd imagine this sort of harassment might be more sexual directed at females, more frequent being directed at an easier target, and more frightening and threatening. I've heard female runners speak of being followed and stalked by men in cars while running, and the fear and concern this causes them.

When someone says "Run Forest run", I just say. Wow that's original, it's only the 10th time I've heard that this week."

I have had dogs chase me after as I've run by, and I've had to stop and scream at owner "You need to put your dog on a leash." Four of them have tried to take a bite. I blame the owners who have their dogs off the leash in a public area.
I have had dogs chase me after as I've run by, and I've had to stop and scream at owner "You need to put your dog on a leash." Four of them have tried to take a bite. I blame the owners who have their dogs off the leash in a public area.

I take back what I said. I don't hate dogs. I tend to dislike them because they do make me nervous, but that's not their fault. I like dogs when we warm up to each other and I know the dog is friendly. It's the owners that let their dogs run loose, or let their dogs harass you even while on a leash (that's happened to me before, owners gave the leash slack so the dog could come over and bother me and they just laughed at me when I looked uncomfortable).

It's not the dogs' fault they have the instinct to chase a running person, but the owner should keep them at least behind a fence if they want them to be able to run around the yard :/


Well-known member
I have had dogs chase me after as I've run by, and I've had to stop and scream at owner "You need to put your dog on a leash." Four of them have tried to take a bite. I blame the owners who have their dogs off the leash in a public area.

Luckily, I've never experienced that. I almost have a phobia of large dogs. Btw, in Denmark, dogs are required to be on a leash.


Well-known member
Some of this is quite amusing, but generally I am tired of people and their ignorance. I am a big guy and I can handle myself, I guess it must be worse and more frightening for women.

It seems harassment is par for the course for those making an effort to get out there and keep fit. I get tired of it, and with my anxiety I really want to give up and not face it anymore. People shit me, I've had more than enough of them.

Yeah, my bf has to put up with harassment while he is out running or biking. It's usually something we can laugh about, like when people yell, "Hey, Frodo!" or call him a "Land's End mother-f***er." But it still bothers him, and it's still harassment. It makes the recipient of the cat-call feel powerless, because what can you really do in a situation like that?
Some really great alternative (wait, I guess we're calling it "indie rock" - I like "alternative" better ;) ) music to be found on Pandora. Some of it's mainstream but a lot of it isn't, which I like. Good stuff. Sick of the popular stuff, I love discovering great music that's not super well-known.


Well-known member
I have the most hideous looking smile on the planet. I tried practicing to smile but I can't seem to straighten out the look on my face. No wonder people quickly walk away when I try to force one out. I look like a maniac.


Well-known member
There's a number of bushfires burning out of control in my state, with one on the mountains to the west of my location. The fire is nowhere near me, but the smoke has drifted over this way. As soon as I step out of the house, I can see the smoke and smell it. My car is dusted with ash. It's like a volcano has erupted, minus the lava. Hopefully the firefighters and home owners in the bushfire area are all safe.
What the truck!? Ever found a check you never cashed... from SIX YEARS AGO!? Jeez. It was almost $400 too. From a summer internship I did in high school. How could I have missed it? :/


Well-known member
Just got "Japanese the Manga Way: an illustrated guide to grammar and structure". I can finally start learning the grammar and sentence structure now. I'm going to start learning the kanji as well but I have to avoid thinking about how many kanji there are or I'll get demotivated.
I am sure that you will learn fast as you seem like an smart guy,but if you have any trouble or want to talk about,pm me,anyone learning can pm me too,I dont know much,but I will be glad to help with what I know,besides if I dont know,I will ask my teacher or other people around me.
I started to keep a list of things people have shouted out at me while running. The most violent and threatening of these was the guy who got out of this van to chase after me, screaming abuse, and when he couldn't catch up, he got back in the van and proceeded to follow me.

Then there was the group of hoons driving a car and they swerved to hit me as I ran in the gutter.

"I'll call the Police," I said.

"They won't do anything," was the reply.

Four dogs off the leash that have tried to bite me, the owners say he won't bite you.

Other things said:

Only elephants can push trees over.

Love you're work

* Imitations of my running style.*

Can I have legs like yours?

Go on tackle him

Come on run faster

Speed kills you know

Do you want a lift?


He'd be really good if shuffling was an Olympic sport

Why don't you go and catch something?

Run Forrest Run X dozens

Who are you chasing?

Do you call that running? That's not running




You'd be great if shuffling was an Olympic sport

I can't believe I'm slower than that.

Boo, shouted a close distance in my ear

You should invest in a horse

"Do you want a lift?"

Is a Kangaroo a herbivore or a carnivore?

Some of this is quite amusing, but generally I am tired of people and their ignorance. I am a big guy and I can handle myself, I guess it must be worse and more frightening for women.

It seems harassment is par for the course for those making an effort to get out there and keep fit. I get tired of it, and with my anxiety I really want to give up and not face it anymore. People shit me, I've had more than enough of them.

People really say that stuff to you? What, exactly, is their point behind it? I wonder if acting like idiots makes them feel powerful? I couldn't handle it as nicely as you, which is admirable. I'd go running with a handful of roofing nails or screws in my hand and when somebody said something like you wrote, I'd drop the nails in front of their driveway, assuming they holler at you from their homes, that is. I'd not even acknowledge them as I let the tire killers go :)


There's a number of bushfires burning out of control in my state, with one on the mountains to the west of my location. The fire is nowhere near me, but the smoke has drifted over this way. As soon as I step out of the house, I can see the smoke and smell it. My car is dusted with ash. It's like a volcano has erupted, minus the lava. Hopefully the firefighters and home owners in the bushfire area are all safe.

Yes I have seen this on the news. Stay safe.
I have had dogs chase me after as I've run by, and I've had to stop and scream at owner "You need to put your dog on a leash." Four of them have tried to take a bite. I blame the owners who have their dogs off the leash in a public area.

Tried to bite you? Wonder how the dog would like being kicked in the guts?


Well-known member
Last week it was my birthday. Now, apart from when I was a child and young teenager, I never had a party on my birthday. I hated the attention and didn't have the friends I'd like around me.

Last year though, I spontaneously told some friends about it, and we met at another friend and just played some board games, and it was fun. So I decided to repeat that. And this time I told friends earlier about it, and today I'll meet for that at a friends place. We'll play board games, have cake and stuff, and about 10 people I guess will show up.

On the one hand, I'm very much looking forward to that, because I only invited really nice people that I definately want around me. I did stress several times that it's not a birthday party, but I know there will be some presents and stuff, and I'm a bit worried about the attention. But some friends of mine kept repeating "don't worry about it!".

So I try not to. It'll be fun.


Well-known member
I'm feeling kinda depressed right now. I even had suicidal thoughts for a second, although I know that I would never do it, and that life is worth something, etc. The situation is too complicated to explain, but let's just say that I have a physical disability, which I sometimes just get enough of.

EDIT: I don't know why, but my depressed feelings almost always go away within an hour. Do I have mood swings?
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Well-known member
I cannot, for the life of me, stop thinking about every bad thing that happened this week. I'm trying to cheer myself up but it's not working very well, and it's depressing the living crap out of me. So I think I'll stick to listening to music that makes me cry and try to get over it. Crying is the best thing for getting every bad emotion out for me.

Also. It's a gorgeous rainy day, very fall-like. At least I'm enjoying that,and the nice smell of rain. If only I weren't too lazy to get up and get a blanket haha.