Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
So this really,really beautiful girl sends me a message on a dating site,she is a paid member,She asks my e-mail right away, to tell the truth I was surprised someone like her would be Interested in me,smells like a scam,I didn't give her my e-mail,but I gave her my messenger id,could I get in trouble if I gave her my e-mail if she was indeed a scammer?

I'm not sure about your question, but from personal experience there are a LOT of scammers out there. Be very careful. Ask pertinent questions. If your gut tells you, run!


Well-known member
Gardening Can Help Beat Depression
I also find taking walks in nature to be very effective.
I would imagine a lot of people are this way. The smell, feel, and natural aura of flora are amazing for you. :thumbup:

So this really,really beautiful girl sends me a message on a dating site,she is a paid member,She asks my e-mail right away, to tell the truth I was surprised someone like her would be Interested in me,smells like a scam,I didn't give her my e-mail,but I gave her my messenger id,could I get in trouble if I gave her my e-mail if she was indeed a scammer?
Hmmm, I would be careful, but you never know because she could be the real deal. Tread carefully, but I hope she's someone who's actually interested!

I hate the fact that I'm so sensitive. Even the slightest things get to me. Ugh!
It's crap, right? You will get there, and perhaps you can remind yourself that what was said was not malicious, but your thoughts misconstrue them that way; it could help force you to think rationally. :)


New member
Super excited to move out of my dad's house again. My anxiety got steadily worse over the last year because of a series of bad situations. I realize everything isn't going to magically get better overnight, but once I'm on my own again I'll finally have room to breathe and, slowly, heal. Feeling optimistic. :)


Well-known member
Aye, it's no great, is it? Ach! Anyway, ah can relate, Srijita, darlin'. So yer not alone with the slightest thing get tae ya!

Eh, right, random... Ah got sunburned on the back o' ma neck quite badly when ah was out for a wee stroll on Saturday, but me being me... ah didnae notice it until 2 days ago. :eek: :eek:h: Either that or ah've got a high threshold of pain. :sarcastic:

It's crap, right? You will get there, and perhaps you can remind yourself that what was said was not malicious, but your thoughts misconstrue them that way; it could help force you to think rationally.
Oh yeah, its as bad as it can be. In fact right now I'm trying to remind myself that just because someone ignorant about me said something criticising does not automatically make it true. Because I know better that its not, but its not working so far.


Well-known member
Super excited to move out of my dad's house again. My anxiety got steadily worse over the last year because of a series of bad situations. I realize everything isn't going to magically get better overnight, but once I'm on my own again I'll finally have room to breathe and, slowly, heal. Feeling optimistic. :)
I'm hoping the same for me. Good luck. :)


not actually Fiona Apple
I feel like I need to go back on anti-depressants. When I took them last I made a point to remember they were not a magic pill that made everything better, and they are not as I was doing a lot in my life to feel better as well as taking them. But, I feel I undervalued the effect they had in doing this. I would have to get myself to ask my doctor at my next doctors appointment, and then probably be referred to a psychiatrist which probably will not happen, but who's to blame there. (me, I am to blame there. )


Well-known member
Hmmm, I would be careful, but you never know because she could be the real deal. Tread carefully, but I hope she's someone who's actually interested!

I'm not sure about your question, but from personal experience there are a LOT of scammers out there. Be very careful. Ask pertinent questions. If your gut tells you, run!

And I am blocked :-/
But it's all good,she blocking me makes me think she was a real person,but her message was kind of strange,which could be because of english not being her first language,if she was real she was probably one of those people who gets all the guys doing something for her,doing everything she wants,that one who doesn't she just moves on,after all,all I asked was to talk on a messenger before,she didn't even answer that she didn't want,she just blocked me.
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Well-known member
And I am blocked :-/
But it's all good,she blocking me makes me think she was a real person,but her message was kind of strange,which could be because of english not being her first language,if she was real she was probably one of those people who gets all the guys doing something for her,doing everything she wants,that one who doesn't she just moves on,after all,all I asked was talking on messenger before,she didn't even answered that she didn't want,she just blocked me.

I really don't understand women like that. There was this girl working at my gym that started talking to me (apparently she was a friend of a friend of mine) and one day she wanted us to do a workout together or something (she was going to stop working there, so she wanted to do the workout after that). She told me to look her up on facebook and add her. I did it, we exchanged a couple of messages and then she didn't go to the arranged workout, claiming she was sick. Then she stopped answering messages and I think she blocked me. I didn't really understand why she did any of that but I unfriended her anyway.


Well-known member
Meh..whenever I hang out with people I feel like I hate using the word, a loser. I'm not confident, I never know what to say. It doesn't help that the people I usually hang out with are a bunch of social butterflies. With them I feel like just someone in the background, you know like someone who tags along with the rest of the doesn't matter to anyone if they're there or not. I wish I could just disappear, what's the point of such existence? I really need a friend.
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I feel like I need to go back on anti-depressants. When I took them last I made a point to remember they were not a magic pill that made everything better, and they are not as I was doing a lot in my life to feel better as well as taking them. But, I feel I undervalued the effect they had in doing this. I would have to get myself to ask my doctor at my next doctors appointment, and then probably be referred to a psychiatrist which probably will not happen, but who's to blame there. (me, I am to blame there. )

There's no blame in this situation. We all make miscalculations. I do it all the time and you'd think I'd learn, but noooooo. I'm too stubborn. ;) If you think getting back on your meds will help, go for it. There is no shame in trying and if it will benefit you, then I think you owe it to yourself.

Gardening Can Help Beat Depression
I also find taking walks in nature to be very effective.

My mother has always been big on gardening and I never understood it until about 5 years ago. I just decided to plant some flowers on a whim. I ended up with some pretty plants and I took a bit of pride in it. I've gotten into gardening more over the years and it does help calm me down and give me something to do. It does stress me out sometimes, though. The more difficult and demanding the plants you keep, the harder it gets to fight the urge to take an ax to them. Or maybe that's just me... :)
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Well-known member
my girlfriend texted me to say that she would be working late due to to a bat emergency

cool! apparently, I'm dating Batgirl
Is it bad that when I first read this my automatic thought was that it meant something dirty? Where "Bat Cave" stands for... something, and gadgets stand for... anyway >.>

Context is everything, l.m.a.o. Don't forget to bring a towel..

..for the Bat pool.

I'm sorry. :B


Well-known member
Find the Bat Cave, and play with the gadgets!

Is it bad that when I first read this my automatic thought was that it meant something dirty? Where "Bat Cave" stands for... something, and gadgets stand for... anyway >.>

What kind of emergency and with who?

she works for the Health Department

evidently, someone got bit by a bat

imagine my disappointment :sad:

although i did get to play in the 'bat cave' when she got home :)
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