Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Active member
You don't necessarily love this someone. You miss the feelings.
In time that feeling will pass.
But I've gotten back in touch with them recently and the feelings I thought were buried deep have come out again. I guess I do miss the feelings, but I feel like I wouldn't want to have them for anyone else.

I'm wondering when I'm gonna be able to wake up without feeling lonely and knowing I'll feel the same way the rest of the day. Lol. There's my random thought for today.


Well-known member

So the author is basically saying that offline education teaches middle class social skills that are essential for the workplace. Not sure what to think. The first 4 years in college didn't teach me much, in terms of critical thinking and social skills. I took a Philosophy course online and it actually helped me more than the Honors Cultural Anthropology course i took offline. I remember taking a Women's Studies Communication course in which active participation was required. In other words, we had to speak up in class or get no points. I did speak up, a lot, in class, but I feel more driven by fear and necessity than by the will to learn. Most importantly, I discovered my people-pleasing tendencies. I was speaking up to please the teacher, as long as the teacher liked what I said and gave me a decent grade, I'll do it. Even if it means sacrificing my own opinions for those of others, especially my teachers'. Speaking up in class because of mandatory participation made me realize how much of a people pleaser I was.


Well-known member
^And, what exactly are "middle class" social skills? The definition of "middle class" is already vague to begin with. When I attended college on campus, I met many diverse types of people from different walks of life. Some people like making prolonged eye contact while others don't. Same with touching, body language, etc. So, what exactly is "middle class social skills?" How much eye contact does it involve? I'm not sure. Going to college makes me even more confused.

Taking online classes, I avoid this problem altogether. I don't need to worry about eye contact and body language issues. At least I don't freak people out anymore.
BioShock Inifinite's DLC is going to go down in Rapture, before it went to hell.

Excuse me while I torture dogs with my insanely high pitched fan squeals.
Sometimes life just seems soooo pointless...

Feelin' blue.

Man, I feel like death today. I'm just going to crawl back to bed and deal with the consequences later.. if I'm still alive at that point, of course.

^Hope you both start to feel better soon.

Sometimes I get a fleeting glimpse of what I could have been if not disabled by my anxiety and depression. It surprises and scars me at the same time.


not actually Fiona Apple
So, I watched the first Lord of the Rings movie finally. It was...completely and totally awesome. Whatever reason I previously had for thinking it was not my type of movie, clearly was wrong.

Also, Fiona Apple is finally touring again and I may get to see her before I die, if all goes well :praying:


Well-known member
A friend of mine was talking about how some dude had a crush on an old classmate of ours because of some anime they both watched. When she started talking about it, it looked like there wasn't any problem related to watching anime. But someone asked her to repeat what she was saying and she said that they both watched 'those stupid japanese animes'.

I guess it just confirms what I suspected: anime doesn't have a good image in my country. This is also why I haven't told anyone that I actually like anime. Maybe I'm overreacting but I just don't think it's something I should reveal.


Well-known member
So, I watched the first Lord of the Rings movie finally. It was...completely and totally awesome. Whatever reason I previously had for thinking it was not my type of movie, clearly was wrong.

And there's about six more hours where that came from. :applause:

The books still might not be your thing, though... they're pretty wordy and meandering. Even I only read them once, and I adore fantasy literature.


Well-known member
Can i receive email from my own email address?
worried! I saw email in spam that has come from my own email address!! strange how can this happen?


Well-known member
Can i receive email from my own email address?
worried! I saw email in spam that has come from my own email address!! strange how can this happen?

You have given your email address to a website and someone connected with it has corruptly sold it. It is possible to create an email using someone else's email address. Is the "From" field the same as the email address instead of what you use? If so, that is one way of showing that you did not send it. The spammers do not know what it is since you only registered the email address with the website. I have received spam emails supposedly from myself.


Well-known member
I was writing this email to somebody I met:

Doesn't matter where you live or where you are in life, nobody became successful overnight unless they were lucky enough or born to a wealthy family or win the lottery, which is unlikely for most people.

Nobody became successful from a business man to a professional fighter without having to spend 'years' of training, failing, f***ing up and experiencing things. Never be upset about failing or losing in life as such experiences offer very valuable lessons in life. Failing does hurt at times but that's how you learn a lesson. Not trying and sitting there while time passes also hurts. Trying and failing is better than sitting there wondering why I didnt talk to this girl or I didnt take the right choice. How successful you are, how much money you have or how many women want you, is no measurement to what kind of person you are of want to be.

Many people out there, especially in middle eastern and central asian societies, are insecure and actually chose to live life that way becoming nothing more but a bunch of judgmental morons who get jealous if somebody is better than them.. Even some of them go to the extent of harming or crushing somebody that might seem to be smarter or better or different from the rest of the cattle. They also do the usual: "buying stuff they dont need, to impress people they dont like, by using money they dont have".

Plus bullies target insecure people because they seriously got issues themselves. No person is a sane person if he wants to hurt somebody because they get an enjoyment out of it, this person got issues and look for vulnerable targets to pick on and vent their frustration on. They deserve a f*** in th*** a** but one must be the better person to learn that these people, their opinions and attitudes should not affect your decisions in life.

A secure and mature person doesn't give a crap about those morons and will chose to assertively deal with them without caring about what anybody would think of his actions or decisions. Rather you should be the better person that positively influences people.. Plus if somebody doesn't like you, then most you shouldn't give a shit about their opinions or thoughts.. Having little to no friends is better than hanging out with a bunch of people that put you down or to run behind people & seek their approval for the sake of getting more friends. Never do things because others do so or tell you to do so, rather do what you find is right for you and only for you.

You just need to take care of yourself and make sure you build yourself to the person you wish to be.. You need to learn that you went through a bad experience that might have mentally scarred you and is not easy to get over with yet one should work to slowly heal themselves.. 'Love yourself more than anybody else but also love your loved ones whether they are your family or wife or close friends as much as you love yourself..

Do stuff that is emotionally compelling to you, surround yourself by people who encourage you to become better and influence you to do good things, get a job in something you like, take care of your physical and mental health by exercising and 'eating healthy'. Study and learn ways to overcome an understand your fear.

The key is to do things that improve your life and slowly allow you to get over your fears and anxiety.. Nobody lives without fear or anxiety but some people have a higher level due to past experiences or are are brought up that way.
Successful people are not the ones with money and fame as most idiots think, rather the ones that endure the crazy things life throws at them and walk out of it with their heads held up high. Some people lost their families to war or disease, lost entire careers or wealth and chose to keep fighting as they know that giving up never gets us anywhere.

Example: Steve Jobs lost his business and got bankrupt in the 90s, can you imagine how it felt for him? He didnt give up rather he started his own computer company, called Next along with Pixar and a few other companies.. Until Apple begged him to come back.

We live in a very random and crazy world that we cannot change or control, the only way to shape it is by working on building ourselves, learning and experiencing new things that add to our understanding and knowledge about ourselves, others and the world.


Well-known member
You have given your email address to a website and someone connected with it has corruptly sold it. It is possible to create an email using someone else's email address. Is the "From" field the same as the email address instead of what you use? If so, that is one way of showing that you did not send it. The spammers do not know what it is since you only registered the email address with the website. I have received spam emails supposedly from myself.

Thanks . I am afraid i don't understand everything you said.
I checked.'' From" shows my email address and "To" shows "friend".
And it is some kind of internet money making business mail.

Is it a problem? I mean what should i do?


Well-known member
Thanks. I can't find block option but i can delete it. Where is the block option..i cant be so clueless!

Not too sure, it depends on who your email is through, if its outlook there is a sweep option and you block it through there, if you use another type im not too sure sorry