Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

me with and without hair. i almost miss not having any hair.

Your hair's really cool, I love wild hair! :) I'm trying to grow mine back after cutting about 12 inches off a few months ago :eek: You've got lovely lips too, mine disappoint me every time I go to put on lipstick, lol! (I'm not getting nasty lip filler injections though, ick!)

I don't see any anxiety here.

You can't tell from a photo whether someone has anxiety. There are a couple of pics of me looking relaxed around people that'd probably fool people who don't know me into thinking I don't have SA. They'd see one single moment in time where I was relaxed (or putting up a good facade of it anyway), captured on film and judge me on that, but they wouldn't see the days I've spent hiding indoors terrified of seeing other people, or the missed calls on my mobile that I've been too scared to answer, or the moment I decided to drop out of college and mess up my education because I couldn't cope with speaking in front of a group... I could go on but I won't! ;)

There are so many different levels of social anxiety, and some people vary in them from day to day or month to month. I've had times in my life when I was able to spend time with friends and have fun, and I've had times when I've felt sick with fear at the thought of seeing another human being.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

I find it fascinating that there are so many good looking people who have SA. :) Given that many people with that condition had very unpleasant experiences while, say, being in school, and that those experiences continued into their adulthood, eventually forming their today's character, it's hard to imagine what might have caused it initially.

I mean, there are many people with below average looks, most of them don't have SA. So, their looks didn't cause them to be, for instance, bullied until their minds got all messed up. People with decent looks, however, what apparently most users on this forum have, do have SA, ofttimes due to having been bullied in school / college. Meh.
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Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

I find it fascinating that there are so many good looking people who have SA. :) Given that many people with that condition had very unpleasant experiences while, say, being in school, and that those experiences continued into their adulthood, eventually forming their today's character, it's hard to imagine what might have caused it initially.

I mean, there are many people with below average looks, most of them don't have SA. So, their looks didn't cause them to be, for instance, bullied until their minds got all messed up. People with decent looks, however, what apparently most users on this forum have, do have SA, ofttimes due to having been bullied in school / college. Meh.

This is me:
I got bullied at school for being awkward, quiet and shy. The only time it was focused on my looks was when I got teased for not wearing the brand name clothes the other kids wore, or for being too pale.

Nice pic, by the way :)


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Klytus, it is interesting. It's neat to see how many different paths people can take, but still end up at the same end point.

anyway, I like your goatee a lot. You look like a comely and impressive individual :D


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

The only time it was focused on my looks was when I got teased for not wearing the brand name clothes the other kids wore, or for being too pale.
Indeed. That sounds familiar. -- I usually got bullied for not laughing enough, for in their eyes knowing too much, and/or because they misinterpreted my being very quiet, withdrawn and always alone, as arrogance and aloofness. It's cool how they always found a reason.

anyway, I like your goatee a lot. You look like a comely and impressive individual
Hah. Thanks. :)


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

My mum's cat died of kidney failure a few days ago, and she doesn't have many pictures of her. I'm thinking about doing a drawing for her if I can find a pic to work from. It was a shock because she was only about 10 years old, which is very young for a cat to die! ::(:

Ours was about 14 i think.
Re: Post your pics! :)


the cult of the John Lennon sunglasses! (I'm on the top right)


me and my cousins being idiots (left)


me and my friend at a playground (right)


me being the crazy womanizing party animal I am (not really I was just really drunk lol)


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Okay, I guess I'll put up a more recent pic. It's over 2 years old and I'm not the main focus of it. Still....
