Post your picture thread


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Re: Post your pics! :)



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Re: Post your pics! :)

Wow your hair is getting propa long Alana,really suits you.And gio can you post a pic of your tat man? :cool:


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Sweet! Now what kind of guitar do you have?

Seriously, I bought the Line 6 Pod XT a while ago. And I no longer have any use for an amp.

Pod XT + Logic = no amp...

but still, I wouldn't mind a Marshall kickin around...
Re: Post your pics! :)

lol. that was xactly the case man. Right after that, they each got a good sharing of jokes from me lol thanx


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

It is indeed Ceredigion! How on earth did you get that... looks like any other bit of countryside surely! lol


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)


here is me , on my cousins house in brazil , this house is pretty cool , i used to live here back in the days when me and my cousin were best friends.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Sweet! Now what kind of guitar do you have?

The guitar I end up playing the most is the crappy Epiphone Les Paul Jr. that was my first guitar. I scalloped the fretboard myself back in college as a way of killing time over the summer. I honestly did a pretty crappy job, but it sure was fun pretending I could be a luthier. So with a scalloped fretboard, crappy stock P-90 pickup, black dice knobs, and and American flag patterned strap it's a real tribute to self-customization. :)

Speaking of college, in my freshman year I got a B.C. Rich Beast and installed the ubiquitous EMG 81/85 combo. It's great for playing through that Marshall of mine, but when you're not in a band you don't have a valid reason to destroy your eardrums. Plus, it's a rather pointy guitar, and if I'm just sitting around at home and playing I can do without stabbing myself.

I've been thinking of getting another guitar for years now, but I just can't decide on one. Maybe I'll just save up and buy two or three at once. That probably won't happen, but one can dream. :)

And no, I don't really need that Marshall. But at least now when I get the urge to play through one I don't have to go to a music store and play in front of strange people. And since this is a picture thread, here's a pic of the glowing innards of said amp. My apologies for the size.
