Post your picture thread


Well-known member

professional pic my friend took of me

you look great!

do you play guitar?

or was that just something you found laying in the woods?


Well-known member
I don't understand why you think you don't look good. It seriously perplexes me. (I read some other posts bad self esteem).
You are absolutely attractive.

I get called ugly etc.

By women and guys so :/

I'v never gave them a reason to insult me ethier.

Just G

Well-known member
Liam: Don’t make me kick you in ass to get you to believe me when I say that YOU ARE A GOOD LOOKING GUY. You’ve got those serene, calming blue eyes and that sweet, boyish charm to your face –all of which would make any woman melt. You’ve got the flowy hair that they love to run their fingers against.

You’ve got the look man; you just don’t have the confidence. To the people that are calling you ugly, it’s more of a reflection on them than it is you. In other words, they’re insecure, so they’re latching onto what they perceive is weak. It’s like when a slug attaches itself to an animal for its blood, it’s a parasitic relationship, where one is benefitted from the harm of another. You want to mutually associate with people and stay away from the parasitic relationships with the “slugs.”

R3X: Just like Liam, damn it, lol. You have a great, exotic look to you man. In the states, women go crazy over guys like you.

Hoddeson: That’s some older gentleman charm, right there. I think it’s the eyes. :)

Punklove: Much love for my girl, punklove, haha. She appreciates me, lol. Nah, I really feel the same about you. Though, you’re really, super-duper cute. The fiery strawberry hair, the smoky eyes – I dig it, man. Even without the makeup and when you’re dressed down, you still maintain that beautiful essence. You’ve got a great style, look, and I know I use this word a lot, vibe, about you too.

And you’ve got brains to top it all of it too, with the poetry and all that. That’s a winning combination.

Black-wings: A handsome man, AGAIN. Much love to you brother. And, that is a really nice photo with the lighting and such.

Sinar: Even though I can’t see your photo, I thought I would go ahead and say that I enjoy what you post. It’s always insightful, intelligent, and full of reason. You're an asset to the forums.


Well-known member
I get called ugly etc.

By women and guys so :/

I'v never gave them a reason to insult me ethier.

Plenty of girls like boyish looks. Leonardo DiCaprio has probably slept with more celebrities in his age group than anyone else.