Post what you hate


Well-known member
Money money money money money. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate,hate hatehatehatehatehate all that money symbolizes, the very existence of it, the greed and messed up values that money introduces. That "what's in it for ME?" style of thinking. The importance it puts on material values and external and unnatural joys. Creation of jealousy and self hatred... Standards, and "success"..,. Money is responsible for a lot..


Well-known member
Money money money money money. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate,hate hatehatehatehatehate all that money symbolizes, the very existence of it, the greed and messed up values that money introduces. That "what's in it for ME?" style of thinking. The importance it puts on material values and external and unnatural joys. Creation of jealousy and self hatred... Standards, and "success"..,. Money is responsible for a lot..

Couldn't agree more.


Auto tune voices in music. Are you kidding me? One day this era of music, well at least popular music, will be looked back upon as worse than disco.


Well-known member
Hangnails, canker sores, my neighbors and their gross slobbery dog, Oprah Winfrey, feminine hygiene commercials, Coldplay, not getting enough sleep, small talk, Perez Hilton, awkward social interactions, being guilted into visiting family members, news reports on terrorists and/or the world's economy, pretending to give a sh!t about other people's problems, iphones and anything else made by Apple, being lectured on my drinking and smoking, blogs, facebook, Lindsay Lohan and her ilk, U2, people thinking they're deep and wise on youtube, obnoxious cyclists, celebrities asking us to donate money to charities when they're a million times richer than us, pointless hurricane alerts in obscure parts of the world, controversial topics like religion, politics, abortion and the death penalty (I just don't care).

I think that about covers it for tonight.
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Well-known member
My list of hate is neverending, so I'll just simply post the thing that peeves me the most:

Texting while driving, and texting in general.


A good friend of mine was recently killed by an idiot who thought it was okay to drive while mindlessly texting whoever.

I really pisses me off how people are so consumed by technology to even pay any mind to the real world before them...


I hate being so lonely and too panicked to just go out and make friends.

I hate all of the ignorance and arrogance in the world and how the two seem to match up with each other so frequently, spreading hate and fear where they go.

And I hate cats--just do not like them...



Well-known member
I hate when love falls to the ground...
I hate when people take someone for granted
I hate the fact, that my country (Denmark) spend too much money on stupid things like war, so now we're so poor, that all good people lose their jobs!
I hate war!
I hate guns!


Well-known member
I hate dumb arrogant people.
Because no matter what , your wrong and they are right.
Arrogant people who are intelligent are still annoying but when there dumb it ascends to a whole' nother level of annoying.
They are the reason i dont like people, there are far too many of them in the world.
Arrogance , in most cases is the product of either ignorance or pride.
I almost wanna say that arrogance is almost similar to being narcissistic
for some, i am afraid that might be true.
These qualitys almost bring on an unempathetic nature in people as well , which absolutely drives me crazy. In real life this is intolerable for me , although i have recently found out that i find it hilarious when it is not in real life.


Well-known member
waste of time
waste of intelligence
waste of materials and world resources
waiting for people to confirm something or RSVP
sucky weather
people who hurt other people on purpose
lack of information and education and inspiration to know better


Well-known member
Having to dumb myself down for a modicum of acceptance and then not being taken seriously or scaring people off when I make an attempt to live up to my potential.

petrified eyes

Well-known member
I hate when I type "Somebody to love" into youtube Justine Bieber is first! I want Queen or Jefferson Airplane first dammit!

Same thing with "What do you want from me?" Pink Floyd needs to be first not Adam Lambert!


Kids these days wouldn't know good music even if it blew their eardrums out! :cool: