Post what you hate


Well-known member
I hate all sexes and all races equally.

I have to take that back. The thought crossed my mind that a gay person has never offended me once. Perhaps I am just lucky to have never met a mean one.


Well-known member
I hate Braggers, Pretentious wankers, loud mouths, aggressive homosexuals (like in marty Gras), Dictators, Communists, Abortionists, and I'll think of some more... I am probably one of the few that feels that the USA was justified in most of the wars that they were involved in....They (the USA) in my opinion entered those wars with just cause...................


Well-known member
I hate humans who take themselves way too seriously.



Well-known member
I hate in university/college when you have labs that have periods of 1 hour where you don't do anything because you have to wait for a reaction to occur!!! Lab coordinators, what do you expect me to do during that time? Have a conversation? Yeah, right! ::(:


Well-known member
YouTube comments. Or at least the vast majority of them. It doesn't matter how beautiful, uplifting or life-affirming the video might be – it never takes more than a quick glance at some of the comments to bring your views on humanity straight back down to the gutter.
YouTube comments. Or at least the vast majority of them. It doesn't matter how beautiful, uplifting or life-affirming the video might be – it never takes more than a quick glance at some of the comments to bring your views on humanity straight back down to the gutter.

A hundreds thumbs up on this one.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
YouTube comments. Or at least the vast majority of them. It doesn't matter how beautiful, uplifting or life-affirming the video might be – it never takes more than a quick glance at some of the comments to bring your views on humanity straight back down to the gutter.

I used to watch the videos of a YouTube blogger. She was very funny. She was also very pretty. You never had to read far down the comments on her videos to find some variation of "Would definitely hit that!". :rolleyes:

I never understood the point of such comments. Every heterosexual male with eyes watching the videos will have noticed that she was attractive, so why did some people feel the need to announce to the world that they would absolutely have sexual intercourse with this attractive woman, should the opportunity present itself. Couldn't we all have just taken that as read?


Well-known member
Have I mentioned how much I hate douche bags who stand outside the ladies room waiting to hit on women coming out of the bathroom? I actually heard two guys encouraging their friend to walk in and talk to a woman. They made a vulgar comment as I walked passed them so I flicked them off. Now we can add public restrooms as unsafe for women. Forget elevators and empty parking lots/garages at night.


Well-known member
i hate how uncertain I am of myself. I hate being labeled as something someone else is. i hate labels in general. why do we need so many categories for things that are one of a kind? i feel the same when it comes to music too. people are always asking me what kind of music do you play, I simply say that I dont know, I cant categorize it. Labels are just something we use to make first impression judgments "easier" so we can know at first sight if this is for me or not but then that defeats the purpose of discovering something on your own. For example I remember before i got into metal, I always had the impression that metal was for angry, stupid drunks who had to dress in black to make a statement, however when I decided to look past the label and dive into an adventure of discovering what metal really is, I was shocked, finding out that its more than just a label or a look, that it was a way of empowering yourself to look past labels and just look for things the way they are, no strings attached. The simplicity of seeing things the way they really are is a beautiful thing. Same goes for SA. Ive been labeled with this term, people assuming that i am weak and can't find myself in life. What people don't know is that we are probably some of the strongest people in the world. I know for myself I can look past all the bull **** labels in life


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I hate waking up. It’s this big drawn-out process with me, it takes at least an hour and even then I LOOK like I’ve just woken up for about 2 or 3 more hours. I don’t know what happens when I sleep, but it aint good. It’s like my face freezes and then has to thaw-out.