Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
i sometimes lie to family members or people i know to justify myself and to not stand there as even a more miserable human being as i already am.


Well-known member
When I was in primary school, I would suffer from cold sores. I would usually get them on my chin/lips. I never, ever figured out why. I wasn't very sexually active at the age of 7!
^ My mom gets these a lot. She's dealt with them her whole life, ever since she was a child. I think it's common, just that some people are just more prone to others.

I very rarely get cold sores, but I've noticed the skin on my face is scarring easier than it used to. Yay, acne scars.
Ugh, why? :/


Well-known member
From the ages of about 12 - 25 I listened to nothing but punk rock music. Greenday in particular (before they started to suck) were a huge influence on who I became as a person. I identified with their lyrics and felt that they heard my despondency and I related to them. Similar vein with nirvana. In my youth I was a wannabe punk - I had the mohawk, the jacket the boots - I came home with my hair dyed blue once and my parents when crazy - true anarchy right there.

Punk rock - the hair cuts, the clothing, the style, the attitude, the message - it all spoke to me. It still does - but I like other stuff too now...!

"I'm a waste like you, with nothing else to do - can I waste your time to?" - highly influential to a 14 year old.

I was exactly the same but just from ages 12-20. If it wasn't punk, it wasn't worth my time lol. I loved green day too, until the started to suck but I was mainly into the old school punk scene. I didnt quite dress like a punk, more or so skater type but I don't skateboard anymore since I busted my elbow skating into a fire hydrant when I was 15 and drunk lol. Still got the scars from the pins and my arm bends further than it should lol.


Well-known member
I pace. A lot.

I used to pace alot! but thats when we had more space also. pacing is healthy i think coz walking is healthy. it gets your circulation and mind going.


Dookie was a favorite album of mine though i didn't listen to much punk.
Having a blast is my fave song from that album


Well-known member
I fall in limerence with men on a regular basis....primarily with co-workers these days....
Limerence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aw, that doesn't sound good. ::(:

^ My mom gets these a lot. She's dealt with them her whole life, ever since she was a child. I think it's common, just that some people are just more prone to others.

I very rarely get cold sores, but I've noticed the skin on my face is scarring easier than it used to. Yay, acne scars.
Ugh, why? :/
Yeah, I suppose some people get them worse than others. Some of my primary school photos are ruined because of them.

Acne scars are not good, either. Acne is not good. That was something I suffered with, too. I'm sorry.

i'm very ticklish
Good to know for absolutely no reason. ;)