Post a random fact about yourself...


when i find something new i like i become obsessed with it
your not alone in this XD
-First time I heard a piano i was determined to play it until I knew every song.

-When I first saw what parkour/freerunning was I immediately spent hours outside trying to do tricks (lol I remeber I got bruises all over the first time I started wanted to quit, but something inside my head told me to stick with it). Now i can do wall spins, rail flips, front flips, etc.....except back flips :C

-When I saw the movie "The Road," and saw a book about it I started reading it all day until I finished it XD

-oh and a random fact about me: I often try to encourage other people even though I can't seem to encourage myself at times. I believe that animals can talk just when humans arent around them ಠ_ಠ


Well-known member
^ Touchpad haters. ;) I actually use both quite often. Only because when I'm not sitting at my desk with my laptop, I use the touchpad since I hate carrying a separate mouse with me everywhere.
Yeah, if you're moving around with it, it's a lot easier to use the touchpad. I just always prefer the mouse, especially since my laptop never moves (and I think the battery in it is no good anymore).

Everything included, I've spend over €2600,- ($3400) on my current PC/entertainment system and I regret nothing.
You must have an insane PC!


Well-known member
i once had a large monitor lizard

tasted like chicken
Well on that note, I once ate some of my uncle's BBQ and thought it tasted pretty good. Then he told me it was squirrel. I looked it over twice and realized it was even shaped like a squirrel's body mashed.


Well-known member
I never have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I go in the morning, every morning, like clockwork. At 7am I pee. Unfortunately I don't wake up until 8.
I use my glasses as a super power. I'm supposed to wear them all the time, but only do have to read or head out. Kinda like X-ray vision, only completely different. With great eye sight, comes great responsibility.

Clear vision, aaaawaaaaaaaaay~


Well-known member

My hip measurement is 2x my waist, -5
Waist is 10 less than chest.
Circumference of my head is 22.

Now, go buy me some clothes! chop chop!


Well-known member
When I was in primary school, I would suffer from cold sores. I would usually get them on my chin/lips. I never, ever figured out why. I wasn't very sexually active at the age of 7!


From the ages of about 12 - 25 I listened to nothing but punk rock music. Greenday in particular (before they started to suck) were a huge influence on who I became as a person. I identified with their lyrics and felt that they heard my despondency and I related to them. Similar vein with nirvana. In my youth I was a wannabe punk - I had the mohawk, the jacket the boots - I came home with my hair dyed blue once and my parents when crazy - true anarchy right there.

Punk rock - the hair cuts, the clothing, the style, the attitude, the message - it all spoke to me. It still does - but I like other stuff too now...!

"I'm a waste like you, with nothing else to do - can I waste your time to?" - highly influential to a 14 year old.
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