your not alone in this XDwhen i find something new i like i become obsessed with it
-First time I heard a piano i was determined to play it until I knew every song.
-When I first saw what parkour/freerunning was I immediately spent hours outside trying to do tricks (lol I remeber I got bruises all over the first time I started wanted to quit, but something inside my head told me to stick with it). Now i can do wall spins, rail flips, front flips, etc.....except back flips :C
-When I saw the movie "The Road," and saw a book about it I started reading it all day until I finished it XD
-oh and a random fact about me: I often try to encourage other people even though I can't seem to encourage myself at times. I believe that animals can talk just when humans arent around them ಠ_ಠ