Post a random fact about yourself...


I think most people do.

I think that's because animals are innocent and have no voice. They need to be protected...they are also cute a lot of the the time which invokes that warm fuzziness toward them and makes people go 'awwww'
People often dont behave all that great toward one another - which is why I think most of us are unsympathetic towards others and have little tolerance for others short commings. People are dangerous, confusing and sometimes voliltile.

I am about on even par with my sympathy of people vs animals.
I feel sorry for certain kinds of people - particularly those who are misunderstood or forgotten about, or who feel like they dont have a friend in the world. I also sympathize with animals - mostly because I know that they can be mistreated and that people will take advantage of them - their beauty and splendour should be cherished. It's very sad when entire species are wiped out.


i have more sympathy for animals than people.

I think I have it the same way, I feel more sorry for animals when they´re suffering than I do for people. With some exceptions, especially when the people look really helpless and miserable.. I don´t know why this is, maybe because I am a human myself and I don´t feel sorry for myself when I have pain, even a lot of pain. I can suffer like hell but don´t feel sorry for myself the way I do for animals. I was once thinking about this in hospital when I was lying there in unbearable pain (the nurses didn´t want to give me pain pills). I thought what was the difference between a sheep´s pain for example and mine. I guess pain is pain, regardless who feels it, isn´t it. So I know it´s maybe irational, but still it didn´t change much on my being sorry for animals more.


Well-known member
I once heard a women saying: "Animals are people!"

I believe she's got it wrong: People are animals.


Well-known member
I like it when people prove me wrong, at least I've gained knowledge...
I have titanium wires in my nutts yea that's right there suspended haha its crazy...
I have soley been raised by my mum so I ****** hate most men, but I'm a man so I know how we think at times, some are right bast.ards...
I have 3 dogs all very well trained by me, to attack or be cuddle. Try and piss me off tempted?? WOOF!!..
I'm cobsiderd to be the most placid person in my family Arr love you mum xxx.

And that's me lol
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Little Miss Muffet

Well-known member
I have breast implants :)

Not Jordan style, ones that look natural for my figure. When I first had them done they really swelled up; I was crossing the road and some lads in a car were driving up and they shouted: " get out the road big tits" lol I thought i was funny :)


Well-known member
Same here.

Love you.

me too!oh wait,i'm a girl,so i'm supposed to hate it::p:

Love you.

American "football, " "soccer" football, or both?



Love you.

I hate football. It's so BORING. Just watching men run around and trying to kick a ball into a net. I mean these people are getting paid MILLIONS to kick a ball into a net? WHAT THE **** is wrong with this world? People's priorities are so ****ed up. It is absolute bollocks!

I don't mind people playing sports of any kind for fun. However, I think it is so ****in stupid for these people to get paid millions for doing something so useless.

Another fact, I hate this world.


Well-known member
I hate football. It's so BORING. Just watching men run around and trying to kick a ball into a net. I mean these people are getting paid MILLIONS to kick a ball into a net? WHAT THE **** is wrong with this world? People's priorities are so ****ed up. It is absolute bollocks!

I don't mind people playing sports of any kind for fun. However, I think it is so ****in stupid for these people to get paid millions for doing something so useless.

Another fact, I hate this world.

I think 95% sports are boring to watch unless I'm playing them.
There are a few that will catch my eye like in the Olympic's, but I can live life without them and I'm not obsessed.

I don't want to watch people do something repetitive for hours just to bet on them.
I HATE fan/girlboyism. It has happened so often that a movie or game was completely ruined by some over excited d*** that left a bad taste- or too high a expectation about something.

Hate. It.
Love you.

Love you.


Love you.

I hate football. It's so BORING. Just watching men run around and trying to kick a ball into a net. I mean these people are getting paid MILLIONS to kick a ball into a net? WHAT THE **** is wrong with this world? People's priorities are so ****ed up. It is absolute bollocks!

I don't mind people playing sports of any kind for fun. However, I think it is so ****in stupid for these people to get paid millions for doing something so useless.

Another fact, I hate this world.

You don't love me!?!?!? ;)

I intentionally pretend that I don't hear what people say sometimes so that they have to repeat themselves and I'll make a joke about what I thought I heard. For example, earlier today my sister said, "Ugh, I need a pill for my cramps." I asked her to repeat herself, then told her I thought she had said, "Ugh, I need a penis for my cramps." I find it is one of the simplest ways to get a laugh out of someone, which is something I always try to do. But I often wonder if people think I'm deaf or stupid.


Well-known member
I'm often called a lesbian, which is not the case, because i'm a conservative tomboy.

I bite my lower lip when i get nervous.

Up until recently, i haven't been allowing myself to feel much emotion.

Edit: I don't like being the first post on a page because my words are more out in the open.

I don't like it when it says i edited a post. I think that is like broadcasting that i messed up the first time around.
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I HATE fan/girlboyism. It has happened so often that a movie or game was completely ruined by some over excited d*** that left a bad taste- or too high a expectation about something.

Hate. It.

I'm kind of the same way. I freely admit to being a nerd about a lot of things, but there are some people out there whose fangirl/boying is just so obnoxious that it turns me off. I haven't seen The Avengers yet because all the people on Tumblr have been and still are freaking the **** out over it. I think there is a somewhat fuzzy line between being a fan and being a freaky fan.


Well-known member
I'm kind of the same way. I freely admit to being a nerd about a lot of things, but there are some people out there whose fangirl/boying is just so obnoxious that it turns me off. I haven't seen The Avengers yet because all the people on Tumblr have been and still are freaking the **** out over it. I think there is a somewhat fuzzy line between being a fan and being a freaky fan.

^I agree 100%.
I went to see The Avengers with a couple friends at the theater shortly after it came out. It was a good movie, but i'm surely not going to fangirl over it. I recommend it if you like Marvel.
I'm kind of the same way. I freely admit to being a nerd about a lot of things, but there are some people out there whose fangirl/boying is just so obnoxious that it turns me off. I haven't seen The Avengers yet because all the people on Tumblr have been and still are freaking the **** out over it. I think there is a somewhat fuzzy line between being a fan and being a freaky fan.

I did exactly that with Lord of the Rings. I've only just recently watched them because I felt they were too popular to truly get any personal joy out of it. Ironically, doing so ruined the first movie because of various references and short clips in other TV shows/internet videos.