Post a random fact about yourself...


I don't like it when it says i edited a post. I think that is like broadcasting that i messed up the first time around.

Yes. I don't like this either. It's a bit embarrasing having it plastered all over the board that you had to go back to make an edit. Are you that stupid you couldnt get it right the first time?

I have never been mistaken for a lesbian though.

I would make a great politician. We would all be like... you know...totally chilled and stuff...
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Well-known member
I'm kind of the same way. I freely admit to being a nerd about a lot of things, but there are some people out there whose fangirl/boying is just so obnoxious that it turns me off. I haven't seen The Avengers yet because all the people on Tumblr have been and still are freaking the **** out over it. I think there is a somewhat fuzzy line between being a fan and being a freaky fan.
^ Exactly. I'm also that way. Tumblr is great to see all wonderful nerdy things, and I do love seeing it all, but sometimes it's just WAY too much. I've actually stopped following a few blogs just because their fangirl/boying annoyed the crap out of me. Hey, I love things too, but when I go to log in, I really don't need to see the same couple fandoms plastered all over my dash for the next 5 pages or so by one or two users. Oh, and then refreshing the page to get another 10 posts of the same thing. Eesh. :rolleyes:


Active member
I'm a bookworm, video gaming, music loving and anime & manga obsessing gal. I'm a nerd or geek, which ever.

My all time favourite author is Kelley Armstrong - I love her books!
I can't leave my house without my iPod or I'll be lost.

Favourite games - Final Fantasy I, IV, VII (plus Digre of Cerberus), VIII, FF: Dissidia, Kingdom Hearts Series, Dragon Warrior VII, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask, Legend of Dragoon and Harvest Moon games.

And I love cats


Well-known member
I intentionally pretend that I don't hear what people say sometimes so that they have to repeat themselves and I'll make a joke about what I thought I heard. For example, earlier today my sister said, "Ugh, I need a pill for my cramps." I asked her to repeat herself, then told her I thought she had said, "Ugh, I need a penis for my cramps." I find it is one of the simplest ways to get a laugh out of someone, which is something I always try to do. But I often wonder if people think I'm deaf or stupid.

So smart. I should try doing this.
I'll make love with you instead.





I knew waiting these 25 years would pay off!!!!!


Well-known member
I've always spelled it "theatre," not "theater" like the typical American. I don't know why and I never noticed I did it until my 4th grade teacher caught it on a spelling test. Maybe I'm more British than I thought. ::p:
So where the heck is my accent??


A random fact, eh? I... am new here! Newish anyway. I set up an account a few years ago and completely forgot. ::eek::

I have red hair.

Side note: Why are girls with red hair deemed attractive (not that I disagree!) but guys are targets of derision? :confused:


Well-known member
I have red hair.

Side note: Why are girls with red hair deemed attractive (not that I disagree!) but guys are targets of derision? :confused:

Being a female with red hair (auburn, anyway), I have no idea! I know that isn't helpful.. sorry... :D

Welcome to the forum! I'm new here too
I've always spelled it "theatre," not "theater" like the typical American. I don't know why and I never noticed I did it until my 4th grade teacher caught it on a spelling test. Maybe I'm more British than I thought. ::p:
So where the heck is my accent??

I'm always tempted to spell it "theatre," but Firefox tells me it's wrong and I do everything Firefox tells me. :)

I'm coming up on my golden birthday! After this, none of my birthdays will matter anymore. I couldn't have asked for a better present.


I wish I knew how to focus more on the positive. 99 things go right and 1 thing goes wrong and that is all I can think about. Over and over and over again.


Well-known member
I wish I knew how to focus more on the positive. 99 things go right and 1 thing goes wrong and that is all I can think about. Over and over and over again.

I now exactly how you feel... What I do is play some favourite music and try to forget about everything... That or just continue to dwell on the negative until my thinking feels "complete", but that can take weeks... So it's really not worth it. I hope you feel better soon, Kia. :)