Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
General statement:
You like videogames --> I like you

Of course, there are exceptions, but I like nerds ::p:


Well-known member
No matter how many times I try to remind myself, I always always forget to watch the Australian open. Today, like clockwork, I see the final results and realize once again I missed the entire tournament. It's okay though, at least I wasn't extremely bored yesterday that could have been filled with a 5 HOUR tennis final. Oh wait, I was that bored :rolleyes:

GAH! tell me about it. Every year its the same thing,being on the east coast of Canada with melbourne 18 hours ahead of me is a f**kin nightmare. I try to record but the matches but they roll in faster than I can possibly watch them,im always on the day 2 recordings when its like day 7 of the tournament:mad:.


Well-known member
I can get car sick easily when driving on the highway for a while, why? Because whenever Im a passenger in a car and we're on the highway, I always subconsciously count the dotted lines on the road. I can't help it, I always seem to find myself doing it and after a while it gets me really sick lol


Well-known member
I'm... left handed? lol

GAH! tell me about it. Every year its the same thing,being on the east coast of Canada with melbourne 18 hours ahead of me is a f**kin nightmare. I try to record but the matches but they roll in faster than I can possibly watch them,im always on the day 2 recordings when its like day 7 of the tournament:mad:.
Hey, don't worry. I live in the same country and same timezone as Melbourne and I missed all of the Australian Open.


Well-known member
If I don't keep busy I get bored easily and begin to obsess about people I know...Like what they are doing and such. Then I just end up depressing and irritating myself.

and one boob is bigger than the other which makes finding a bra to fit right quite annoying ::p:


Well-known member
I can get car sick easily when driving on the highway for a while, why? Because whenever Im a passenger in a car and we're on the highway, I always subconsciously count the dotted lines on the road. I can't help it, I always seem to find myself doing it and after a while it gets me really sick lol

Oh my god, someone else does that?! Sometimes I even have to drum on something every time a line passes under the car!...It really gets on peoples nerves when your on a road trip. lol


Well-known member
Oh my god, someone else does that?! Sometimes I even have to drum on something every time a line passes under the car!...It really gets on peoples nerves when your on a road trip. lol

Hahaha. I tend to drum on the dash and flick and flip the air vents around in the car, that really annoys everyone. Also another thing I do while counting the dotted lines is chatter my teeth to the rhythm of them passing? Wow! The interesting things people do!