Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I've nursed a pigion and a crow back to health and set them free.
I saved a cat at 3:00 in the morning that somebody hung by it's neck from a tree with a shoe lace.
And I climbed onto the roof of the vacant house next to mine a couple weeks ago to help a black cat that was stuck and crying.
*Que superman theme song"
I had a pet bat for a day one time.

It's nice to see someone go out of there way to help something other then themselves. That was really awesome of you.


Well-known member
I've nursed a pigion and a crow back to health and set them free.
I saved a cat at 3:00 in the morning that somebody hung by it's neck from a tree with a shoe lace.
And I climbed onto the roof of the vacant house next to mine a couple weeks ago to help a black cat that was stuck and crying.
*Que superman theme song"
I had a pet bat for a day one time.

I can't share much as It's my baby.:D
But i'll say that it's got to do with horror quite a bit.
And my SA and depression have creeped their way into the

You should definitely volunteer at the animal shelter if you are not already;)


Well-known member
I love second hand books and second hand clothes(gross,I know)
I just think they have a history and there's a story behind them.
and I love how you you find books that are out of print and you can't find anywhere else.
so I spend a lot of time in second hand stores, I sometimes force friends to come with me and they're like wtf is your problem :D


Well-known member
I love second hand books and second hand clothes(gross,I know)
I just think they have a history and there's a story behind them.
and I love how you you find books that are out of print and you can't find anywhere else.
so I spend a lot of time in second hand stores, I sometimes force friends to come with me and they're like wtf is your problem :D

I think me and you have alot in common:)

I buy all my clothes at thrift stores, for no real reason. You can get so much great unique stuff for so much cheaper! I don't know why everyone doesn't do it. My mom and my sisters and I go out every few weeks to thrift stores. I have a closet over flowing with clothes shoes and you name it because of those stores.:D


Well-known member
No matter how early I get up to be somewhere, I'm 99.9999% of the time late! ::eek:: I've actually had friends tell me to be somewhere earlier than the time I need to be there because they know I'll be late otherwise!


Well-known member
I think me and you have alot in common:)

I buy all my clothes at thrift stores, for no real reason. You can get so much great unique stuff for so much cheaper! I don't know why everyone doesn't do it. My mom and my sisters and I go out every few weeks to thrift stores. I have a closet over flowing with clothes shoes and you name it because of those stores.:D

I know,if feels great to find stuff that are both unique and cheap!:rolleyes:
actually yesterday I went and bought a long weird dress with blue flowers on it that I'm sure I wouldn't wear anywhere in a thousand years but still...
can't resist the temptation ::p:


Well-known member
No matter how early I get up to be somewhere, I'm 99.9999% of the time late! ::eek:: I've actually had friends tell me to be somewhere earlier than the time I need to be there because they know I'll be late otherwise!
exactly the same here,I have to pick up someone in couple of hours today ,and I have nothing to do right now so I'm not busy but still i'm SURE I won't make it on time.:D
dunno why that happens??never figured out why :confused:


Well-known member
You girls at those thrift stores sound like me in a heavy metal store. Always wanting lots of stuff there. Trying to resist temptation. :)


Well-known member
exactly the same here,I have to pick up someone in couple of hours today ,and I have nothing to do right now so I'm not busy but still i'm SURE I won't make it on time.:D
dunno why that happens??never figured out why :confused:
Yes, it's one of life's unsolved mysteries!!! :D
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Well-known member
I know,if feels great to find stuff that are both unique and cheap!:rolleyes:
actually yesterday I went and bought a long weird dress with blue flowers on it that I'm sure I wouldn't wear anywhere in a thousand years but still...
can't resist the temptation ::p:

Nothing like locating and spending money on something you know you will never use! It's the best sensation.::p:

Nothing like the smell of used clothes once you get'em home, put'em away, and never see then again! But, hey, you will always have those few minutes where you love it.::p:


Well-known member
You should definitely volunteer at the animal shelter if you are not already;)
ha! Alot of people tell me that.
I probably should.

I hate todays terrible music and the way it's evolving. Yes dubstep and autotune, I'm talking to you.

Im listening to dubstep at theis very moment.::p:
It's not my favorite genre...But there's some that I like.
Alot of what's out there under that title IS garbage though I agree.


Well-known member
ha! Alot of people tell me that.
I probably should.

Im listening to dubstep at theis very moment.::p:
It's not my favorite genre...But there's some that I like.
Alot of what's out there under that title IS garbage though I agree.

Dubstep is Genre? I've never heard of it. I enjoy a good electric trance song sometimes, I'm not sure if it's related to that.


Well-known member
Im listening to dubstep at theis very moment.::p:
It's not my favorite genre...But there's some that I like.
Alot of what's out there under that title IS garbage though I agree.
^ I like some dubstep too. I agree, there is some that's just awful to listen to, but for some reason I really like some of the dubstep remixes of hardcore and hard rock songs.


Well-known member
I'm get stupidly excited at the idea of going to an amusement park.
I run from ride to ride like I was set on fire. Keep moving! It will put the fire out!
Breaking news, your not on fire and you look like an idiot.:D