Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
When I was a kid I would get scared that my toes would get turned into spaghetti at the end of the escalator.
Someone's watched too many cartoons. ;) But that's a rational fear and I had to check twice.

pet peeve about escalators - people who think they are on a carnival ride and stand there blocking the traffic, either walk or stand to the side, ftsoj!!
Yes, I hate this, too! Escalators are not a ride.

I remember one day I was at a really crowded Sydney train station and everyone was filing up an escalator. For some reason it broke down, and everyone walked up the stairs manually. Oh, wait, no they didn't, everyone stopped dead in their tracks and they waited for it to start up again, which took over 2 whole minutes. I was in the middle of the crowd and couldn't move until others moved, and nobody did. Unbelievable how lazy they were.


Well-known member
AH! Well, I have this mild phobia of going up the escalators and being pushed off by some invisible force... like falling backwards and getting injured... no maybe worse. Probably getting a serious injury and winding up dead before someone could call an ambulance. :eek: I dunno.. somehow I have to hold on to the railing just to prevent myself from getting into a freak escalator accident... which pretty much never happens but you never know!

does anyone else have this similar ridiculous issue? I wonder if there's such a thing as "escalatorphobia". I don't mind going down the escalators but for some reason, going up gets me really nervous! ::(:
^ I get really nervous going on escalators too. I can't go up without someone ahead of me and someone behind me. Same thing with going down too. I need to be between people on escalators for some reason. I think it's in connection with my fear of heights. I'm so terrified of heights, it doesn't take much elevation for me to automatically feel dizzy and start to shake. At least when there's people between me, I don't completely feel like I'm going to fall and die or something. :rolleyes:::p:

Edit - Oh, I forgot to mention, at the very end when you get off, I always take a huge step over the stair when it goes in. I don't really know why. I think I feel like my foot is going to get swallowed up in that thing.
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Well-known member
Speaking of phobias, I'm awfully scared of trees, specially tall ones. Maybe its called Dendrophobia.. as wierd as I am!


Well-known member
Speaking of phobias, I'm awfully scared of trees, specially tall ones. Maybe its called Dendrophobia.. as wierd as I am!

Oh no, that's horrible! I absolutely love trees, I climb in them all the time and hug them, they're amazing! I hope you can someday defeat this so you can see for yourself how sweet they really are


Well-known member
I would like to climb a tree again, but there's no real good ones to do it that I'm aware of. If I went to the nearby forest maybe I could but I'd look weird to passers-by. :)


Well-known member
I would like to climb a tree again, but there's no real good ones to do it that I'm aware of. If I went to the nearby forest maybe I could but I'd look weird to passers-by. :)

thats why you hide in the the tree and drop leaves and bark when people walk by. Ohhh another great thing me and my friend used to always do. We'd had this one tree we climbed like every day, and i brought my acoustic guitar, he brought his acoustic bass and we jammed in a tree!! It was funny because some people would walk by and hear the music but couldn't see us, it was hilarious watching them looking around. But the best one was this really old couple, like in their 80s, walking super slow, linking arms and right when they walked under our tree, we were playing this really nice, slow, romantic song, they kept walking for a while and then looked back and saw us in the tree and they just couldn't stop laughing, it was priceless, lol. trees are awesome


Well-known member
thats why you hide in the the tree and drop leaves and bark when people walk by. Ohhh another great thing me and my friend used to always do. We'd had this one tree we climbed like every day, and i brought my acoustic guitar, he brought his acoustic bass and we jammed in a tree!! It was funny because some people would walk by and hear the music but couldn't see us, it was hilarious watching them looking around. But the best one was this really old couple, like in their 80s, walking super slow, linking arms and right when they walked under our tree, we were playing this really nice, slow, romantic song, they kept walking for a while and then looked back and saw us in the tree and they just couldn't stop laughing, it was priceless, lol. trees are awesome
Excellent stories! I definitely want to climb a tree again but I have no tree-climbing friends. I'd have to hunt for a good tree, too, and that could be difficult.

I would never drop bark on people!


Well-known member
Excellent stories! I definitely want to climb a tree again but I have no tree-climbing friends. I'd have to hunt for a good tree, too, and that could be difficult.

I would never drop bark on people!

lol, you haven't lived until you've dropped bark on random people! haha, but it is all about the tree. Its hard finding the right one but sometimes you just find it


Well-known member
Oh no, that's horrible! I absolutely love trees, I climb in them all the time and hug them, they're amazing! I hope you can someday defeat this so you can see for yourself how sweet they really are

Yeah, they are really wonderful. I do love them, of course from a distance though. If I ever get near one I feel like running as fast as I can lol. Its great that you can climb in them :)


not actually Fiona Apple
No matter how many times I try to remind myself, I always always forget to watch the Australian open. Today, like clockwork, I see the final results and realize once again I missed the entire tournament. It's okay though, at least I wasn't extremely bored yesterday that could have been filled with a 5 HOUR tennis final. Oh wait, I was that bored :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Because of my braces and later retainer, I had a lisp from around 12 to 16 years of age. I don't have one anymore though.